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아름다운 마음

위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.

아름다운 마음(팔리어: sobhanacittāni 소-바나 찟따-니, sobhaṇa citta 소-바나 찟따, 영어: beautiful consciousness)은 특히 상좌부의 교학과 아비담마에서 사용하는 용어로, 욕계 · 색계 · 무색계 · 출세간에 속한 총 89가지 마음 또는 121가지 마음 가운데 무탐 · 무진 · 무치3선근의 전부 또는 일부가 함께하는 다음의 4종류의 총 59가지 또는 91가지의 마음을 말한다.[1][2][3]

아름다운 마음은 다음의 분류 또는 체계에 속한다.

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  1. Bhikkhu Bodhi & Allan R. Bomhard (2007). 《A Comprehensive Manual of Abhidhamma》. Charleston Buddhist Fellowship. p.39.
    Beautiful consciousness (sobhanacittāni): Beautiful consciousness includes all cittas “excluding those that are evil,” that is, the twelve types of unwholesome consciousness, and “the rootless,” the eighteen types that are utterly devoid of roots. This type of consciousness is called “beautiful” because it is accompanied by beautiful mental factors (cetasikas — see Chapter 2, §§5—8).
    It should be understood that the beautiful (sobhana) has a wider range than the wholesome (kusala). The beautiful includes all wholesome cittas, but it also includes resultant and functional cittas that possess beautiful mental factors. These latter cittas are not wholesome but karmically indeterminate (abyākata). The beautiful comprises the twenty-four sense-sphere cittas (to be defined just below) as well as all fine-materialsphere cittas, immaterial-sphere cittas, and supramundane cittas. Those cittas other than the beautiful are called asobhana, “non-beautiful.”
    Either fifty-nine or ninety-one: The fifty-nine beautiful cittas are obtained thus: twenty-four sense-sphere cittas plus fifteen fine-material-sphere cittas plus twelve immaterial-sphere cittas plus eight supramundane cittas. A total of ninety-one cittas is obtained by dividing the supramundane cittas into forty types rather than eight, as will be explained below (§§30—31).
  2. Mehm Tin Mon (2015). 《The Essence of Buddha Abhidhamma》. Third edition. Mehm Tay Zar Mon, Mya Mon Yadanar Literature. p.41.
    Sobhaṇa — beautiful’ implies that sobhaṇa cittas yield good qualities and they associate with beautiful roots such as alobha (generosity), adosa (goodwill) and amoha (wisdom).
  3. Mehm Tin Mon (2015). 《The Essence of Buddha Abhidhamma》. Third edition. Mehm Tay Zar Mon, Mya Mon Yadanar Literature. p.58.
    10 Sobhana cittas (beautiful consciousnesses) — 59 or 91
    If we subtract 30 asobhaṇa cittas from 89 cittas, we obtain 59 sobhana cittas. Or, if we subtract 30 asobhana cittas from 121 cittas, we get 91 sobhana cittas. Sobhana cittas are associated with beautiful roots.