벳푸-시마바라 지구대: 두 판 사이의 차이

위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.
내용 삭제됨 내용 추가됨
편집 요약 없음
편집 요약 없음
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[[파일:OkinawaPlate.png|200px|섬네일|오키나와 해곡의 위치]]
[[파일:OkinawaPlate.png|200px|섬네일|오키나와 해곡의 위치]]
'''벳푸-시마바라 지구대'''({{Llang|ja|別府‐島原地溝帯|べっぷ-しまばらちこうたい}}<ref>{{웹 인용|url=https://www.tohoku.ac.jp/japanese/2018/10/press-20181023-rift.html|제목=九州を南北に分裂させる地溝帯の構造を解明-2016年熊本地震の発生とも関連-|언어=ja|확인날짜=2021-07-31}}</ref>) 은 [[일본]] [[규슈]]의 [[벳푸만]]과 [[시마바라반도]]를 북동-남서 주향으로 잇는 [[지구대]]이다.<ref>{{웹 인용|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20160917015038/http://www.vgs.kyoto-u.ac.jp/japanese/j-location.html|제목=立地 - 京都大学 地球熱学研究施設|날짜=2016-09-17|확인날짜=2021-07-31}}</ref><ref>市原実 「{{PDFlink|[https://www.kubota.co.jp/siryou/pr/urban/pdf/39/pdf/39_03.pdf 別府-島原地溝]}}」</ref><ref>松本征夫 「{{PDFlink|[http://www.kubota.co.jp/siryou/pr/urban/pdf/22/pdf/22_1_3.pdf 別府-島原地溝]}}」</ref><ref>{{웹 인용|url=https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jgg1949/44/7/44_7_505/_article/-char/en|제목=The Electrical High Conductivity Layer beneath the Northern Okinawa Trough, Inferred from Geomagnetic Depth Sounding in Northern and Central Kyushu, Japan|출판사=Journal of geomagnetism and geoelectricity|날짜=1992년|인용문=TADA (1984) pointed out that the center of the extensional field is located along the '''Beppu-Shimabara graben which runs across central Kyushu roughly from NE to SW''' as shown in Fig. 2 (MATSUMOTO, 1979)}}</ref> 지구대가 지나는 규슈 중부에는 [[아소산]], [[운젠산]]등 많은 [[활화산]]과 [[단층|정단층]]성 [[활성단층]]이 존재하며 천발 지진이 활발하다.<ref>{{웹 인용|url=https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jgg1949/44/7/44_7_505/_article/-char/en|제목=The Electrical High Conductivity Layer beneath the Northern Okinawa Trough, Inferred from Geomagnetic Depth Sounding in Northern and Central Kyushu, Japan|출판사=Journal of geomagnetism and geoelectricity|날짜=1992년|인용문=In this graben, active fault systems of a normal fault type with a nearly EW trend are well developed and shallow seismicity is high.}}</ref><ref>{{Kotobank|別府島原地溝帯}}</ref><ref>{{웹 인용|url=http://www.mext.go.jp/component/b_menu/shingi/toushin/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2012/07/12/1322653_01.pdf|title=別府‐島原地溝帯における地震活動と火山活動の相互作用の研究 (平成23年度年次報告)|work=九州大学大学院理学研究院附属地震火山観測研究センター|publisher=文部科学省 「地震及び火山噴火予知のための観測研究計画」 実施計画 (平成23年度修正版)|format=PDF|accessdate=2016-04-16}}</ref> 지구대의 남쪽은 [[주오 구조선]]의 서부 연장이며<ref>{{웹 인용|url=https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/geosocabst/2018/0/2018_257/_article/-char/en|제목=Quaternary stress history of the Beppu-Shimabara graben revealed by meso-scale fault analysis (JP)|출판사= The Geological Society of Japan|날짜=2018년}}</ref> 이 지구대에 의해 [[규슈]]는 남-북으로 확장되고 있으며, [[오키나와 해곡]]의 복동쪽 연장인 것으로 생각된다.<ref>{{웹 인용|url=https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/geosocabst/1992/0/1992_53/_article/-char/en|제목=I-2 Crustal deformations in central Kyushu and its tectonic interpretation|출판사= The Geological Society of Japan|인용문=Repeated triangulation and trilateration surveys have revealed the conspicuous horizontal crustal deformation such that the crust of Central '''Kyusyu, Japan, is spreading gradually in the N-S direction as if the Beppu-Shimabara Graben is a spreading axis'''...the distribution of rift zones suggests a possibility that the Kyusyu Rift Valley is the northeastern extension of the [[오키나와 해곡|Okinawa Trough]] which is an active baek-arc basin.
'''벳푸-시마바라 지구대'''({{Llang|ja|別府‐島原地溝帯|べっぷ-しまばらちこうたい}}<ref>{{웹 인용|url=https://www.tohoku.ac.jp/japanese/2018/10/press-20181023-rift.html|제목=九州を南北に分裂させる地溝帯の構造を解明-2016年熊本地震の発生とも関連-|언어=ja|확인날짜=2021-07-31}}</ref>) 은 [[일본]] [[규슈]]의 [[벳푸만]]과 [[시마바라반도]]를 북동-남서 주향으로 잇는 [[지구대]]이다.<ref>{{웹 인용|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20160917015038/http://www.vgs.kyoto-u.ac.jp/japanese/j-location.html|제목=立地 - 京都大学 地球熱学研究施設|날짜=2016-09-17|확인날짜=2021-07-31}}</ref><ref>市原実 「{{PDFlink|[https://www.kubota.co.jp/siryou/pr/urban/pdf/39/pdf/39_03.pdf 別府-島原地溝]}}」</ref><ref>松本征夫 「{{PDFlink|[http://www.kubota.co.jp/siryou/pr/urban/pdf/22/pdf/22_1_3.pdf 別府-島原地溝]}}」</ref><ref>{{웹 인용|url=https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jgg1949/44/7/44_7_505/_article/-char/en|제목=The Electrical High Conductivity Layer beneath the Northern Okinawa Trough, Inferred from Geomagnetic Depth Sounding in Northern and Central Kyushu, Japan|출판사=Journal of geomagnetism and geoelectricity|날짜=1992년|인용문=TADA (1984) pointed out that the center of the extensional field is located along the '''Beppu-Shimabara graben which runs across central Kyushu roughly from NE to SW''' as shown in Fig. 2 (MATSUMOTO, 1979)}}</ref> 지구대가 지나는 규슈 중부에는 [[아소산]], [[운젠산]] 등 많은 [[활화산]]과 [[단층|정단층]]성 [[활성단층]]이 존재하며 천발 지진이 활발하다.<ref>{{웹 인용|url=https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/eps1998/57/7/57_7_605/_article/-char/en|제목=Electrical conductivity structures estimated by thin sheet inversion, with special attention to the Beppu-Shimabara graben in central Kyushu, Japan|날짜=2005년|인용문=Central Kyushu is a tectonically active region; four volcanoes—Tsurumi, Kuju, Aso, and Unzen (Fig. 1)—are active now and earthquakes occur frequently in the shallow crust. In this region, the NS extensional strain field is dominant, in contrast to the EW compressional field in other areas of Japan. As a result, the active fault systems of a normal fault-type are well developed, especially in the Beppu area and the Shimabara Peninsula where the grabens are formed.}}</ref><ref>{{웹 인용|url=https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jgg1949/44/7/44_7_505/_article/-char/en|제목=The Electrical High Conductivity Layer beneath the Northern Okinawa Trough, Inferred from Geomagnetic Depth Sounding in Northern and Central Kyushu, Japan|출판사=Journal of geomagnetism and geoelectricity|날짜=1992년|인용문=In this graben, active fault systems of a normal fault type with a nearly EW trend are well developed and shallow seismicity is high.}}</ref><ref>{{Kotobank|別府島原地溝帯}}</ref><ref>{{웹 인용|url=http://www.mext.go.jp/component/b_menu/shingi/toushin/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2012/07/12/1322653_01.pdf|title=別府‐島原地溝帯における地震活動と火山活動の相互作用の研究 (平成23年度年次報告)|work=九州大学大学院理学研究院附属地震火山観測研究センター|publisher=文部科学省 「地震及び火山噴火予知のための観測研究計画」 実施計画 (平成23年度修正版)|format=PDF|accessdate=2016-04-16}}</ref> 지구대의 남쪽은 [[주오 구조선]]의 서부 연장이며<ref>{{웹 인용|url=https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/geosocabst/2018/0/2018_257/_article/-char/en|제목=Quaternary stress history of the Beppu-Shimabara graben revealed by meso-scale fault analysis (JP)|출판사= The Geological Society of Japan|날짜=2018년}}</ref> 이 지구대에 의해 [[규슈]]는 남-북으로 확장되고 있으며, [[오키나와 해곡]]의 복동쪽 연장인 것으로 생각된다.<ref>{{웹 인용|url=https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/geosocabst/1992/0/1992_53/_article/-char/en|제목=I-2 Crustal deformations in central Kyushu and its tectonic interpretation|출판사= The Geological Society of Japan|인용문=Repeated triangulation and trilateration surveys have revealed the conspicuous horizontal crustal deformation such that the crust of Central '''Kyusyu, Japan, is spreading gradually in the N-S direction as if the Beppu-Shimabara Graben is a spreading axis'''...the distribution of rift zones suggests a possibility that the Kyusyu Rift Valley is the northeastern extension of the [[오키나와 해곡|Okinawa Trough]] which is an active baek-arc basin.

2021년 8월 1일 (일) 18:08 판

오키나와 해곡의 위치

벳푸-시마바라 지구대(일본어: 別府‐島原地溝帯 べっぷ-しまばらちこうたい[*][1]) 은 일본 규슈벳푸만시마바라반도를 북동-남서 주향으로 잇는 지구대이다.[2][3][4][5] 지구대가 지나는 규슈 중부에는 아소산, 운젠산 등 많은 활화산정단층활성단층이 존재하며 천발 지진이 활발하다.[6][7][8][9] 지구대의 남쪽은 주오 구조선의 서부 연장이며[10] 이 지구대에 의해 규슈는 남-북으로 확장되고 있으며, 오키나와 해곡의 복동쪽 연장인 것으로 생각된다.[11]

같이 보기


  1. “九州を南北に分裂させる地溝帯の構造を解明-2016年熊本地震の発生とも関連-” (일본어). 2021년 7월 31일에 확인함. 
  2. “立地 - 京都大学 地球熱学研究施設”. 2016년 9월 17일. 2021년 7월 31일에 확인함. 
  3. 市原実 「別府-島原地溝 (PDF)
  4. 松本征夫 「別府-島原地溝 (PDF)
  5. “The Electrical High Conductivity Layer beneath the Northern Okinawa Trough, Inferred from Geomagnetic Depth Sounding in Northern and Central Kyushu, Japan”. Journal of geomagnetism and geoelectricity. 1992년. TADA (1984) pointed out that the center of the extensional field is located along the Beppu-Shimabara graben which runs across central Kyushu roughly from NE to SW as shown in Fig. 2 (MATSUMOTO, 1979) 
  6. “Electrical conductivity structures estimated by thin sheet inversion, with special attention to the Beppu-Shimabara graben in central Kyushu, Japan”. 2005년. Central Kyushu is a tectonically active region; four volcanoes—Tsurumi, Kuju, Aso, and Unzen (Fig. 1)—are active now and earthquakes occur frequently in the shallow crust. In this region, the NS extensional strain field is dominant, in contrast to the EW compressional field in other areas of Japan. As a result, the active fault systems of a normal fault-type are well developed, especially in the Beppu area and the Shimabara Peninsula where the grabens are formed. 
  7. “The Electrical High Conductivity Layer beneath the Northern Okinawa Trough, Inferred from Geomagnetic Depth Sounding in Northern and Central Kyushu, Japan”. Journal of geomagnetism and geoelectricity. 1992년. In this graben, active fault systems of a normal fault type with a nearly EW trend are well developed and shallow seismicity is high. 
  8. (일본어)別府島原地溝帯』 - Kotobank
  9. “別府‐島原地溝帯における地震活動と火山活動の相互作用の研究 (平成23年度年次報告)” (PDF). 《九州大学大学院理学研究院附属地震火山観測研究センター》. 文部科学省 「地震及び火山噴火予知のための観測研究計画」 実施計画 (平成23年度修正版). 2016년 4월 16일에 확인함. 
  10. “Quaternary stress history of the Beppu-Shimabara graben revealed by meso-scale fault analysis (JP)”. The Geological Society of Japan. 2018년. 
  11. “I-2 Crustal deformations in central Kyushu and its tectonic interpretation”. The Geological Society of Japan. Repeated triangulation and trilateration surveys have revealed the conspicuous horizontal crustal deformation such that the crust of Central Kyusyu, Japan, is spreading gradually in the N-S direction as if the Beppu-Shimabara Graben is a spreading axis...the distribution of rift zones suggests a possibility that the Kyusyu Rift Valley is the northeastern extension of the Okinawa Trough which is an active baek-arc basin. 
  12. “일 구마모토 지진, 또다른 활단층에 영향 가능성”. 2016년 4월 16일. 2021년 7월 31일에 확인함. 
  13. “구마모토서 동북쪽으로 확산…원전있는 시코쿠도 ‘비상’”. 2016년 4월 17일. 2021년 7월 31일에 확인함. 

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