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사용자:Pilover819/2011년 반 지진

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2011년 반 지진
UTC 시각??
발생일 *2011년 10월 23일
규모   7.1 Mm [1]
진원 깊이7.2km km
진앙북위 38° 37′ 41″ 동경 43° 29′ 10″ / 북위 38.628° 동경 43.486°  / 38.628; 43.486
Map of tectonic faults surrounding the Anatolian Plate in Turkey, including the Zagros fold and thrust belt which extends to Iran.

2011년 반 지진은 현지시간 2011년 10월 23일 13시 41분에 동부 터키 반 지역에서 발생한 Mw 7.1의 지진이다. 지하 20km의 얕은 깊이에서 발생했기 때문에, 동부 터키의 대부분 지역에서 흔들림이 느껴졌고, 그 주변 지역에서도 약한 흔들림이 감지되었다. It occurred at a shallow depth of 20 킬로미터 (12 mi), causing heavy shaking across much of eastern Turkey and lighter tremors across neighboring parts of the South Caucasus and Levant. According to Disasters and Emergency Situations Directorate of Turkey AFAD on October 30, the earthquake killed 604 and injured are 4,152. At least 11,232 buildings sustained damage in the region, 6,017 of which were found to be uninhabitable. The uninhabitable homes left as much as 8,321 households with an average household population of around 7.6 homeless in the province; this could mean that at least around 60,000 people were left homeless. The other 5,215 have been damaged but are habitable.[2][3][4]



The magnitude 7.2 (Mw) Eastern Highlands earthquake occurred inland on 23 October 2011 at 13.41 local time, centered about 16 킬로미터 (9.9 mi) north-northeast of Van, Turkey and at an estimated focal depth of 7.2 킬로미터 (4.5 mi). Its focal region and much of easternmost Turkey lie towards the southern boundary of the complex zone of continental collision between the Arabian Plate and the Eurasian Plate, beyond the eastern extent of the Armenian and Asia Minor fault zones. Part of the convergence between these two plates takes place along the Bitlis-Zagros fold and thrust belt.[5] The earthquakes's focal mechanism indicates oblique thrust faulting, consistent with the expected tectonics in the region of the Bitlis-Zagros Fault Zone, where thrust mechanisms dominate.[6][7]

Due to its great intensity and shallow depth, the earthquake produced significant ground motions across a large area. Violent shaking measuring MM IX on the Mercalli scale occurred in Van, although widespread strong to severe (MM VI–VIII) shaking was observed in many smaller and less populated areas around the epicenter.[8] Lighter but well-felt ground motions (MM V–III) spread much farther across the region, extending into surrounding countries such as Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Israel and Syria.[9][10][11]

The size of the rupture has been estimated as 60 km x 20 km, consistent with the observed distribution of aftershocks, on a WSW-ENE orientated fault plane with a dip of about 35°. An offset of about 2 미터 (6 ft 7 in) has been estimated at 10–15 킬로미터 (9.3 mi) depth but there is no visible rupture of the ground surface. The rupture lasted for about 50 seconds.[12]

There has been 1561 aftershocks above magnitude 2 Mw as of October 30. The highest magnitude aftershock came at 11:45pm Local on October 23rd, with a MI 5.7 and Mw 6.0. The number of aftershocks reported in ranges as follows:[2] 556 ranging from magnitude 2 to 3; 832 ranging from magnitude 3 to 4; 108 ranging from magnitude 4 to 5; and 7 ranging from magnitude 5 to 6.


지진 1주일 후 반의 모습. 망가진 자동차와 붕괴된 건물이 아직도 있다.

본 지진과 그 여진들은 동부 터키의 대부분 지역에 영향을 주어, 수백개의 건물을 파괴하고 그 밑에 여러 명의 피해자가 묻혔다. 반에 가까운 에르시쉬(Erciş)라는 마을이 흔들림에 의해 가장 피해가 컸던 지역이다. 이 지역에서만 최소 55개의 건물이 파괴되었고, 45명이 사망하였으며, 156명이 부상당했다. [13][14] 대부분의 건물들은 그 지역의 주요한 도로 주변에서 파괴되었고, 또한 거주지여서, 사망자 수가 증가할 확률이 높아진다. 진앙에 더 가까운 작은 마을에서는 지진에 의한 흔들림이 거의 모든 벽돌집을 붕괴시켰다.[15]

반의 도심에서는, 최소 100명의 사망자가 확인되었고, 도심과 그 주변에는 970개의 건물이 붕괴되었다.[16] 약 200명의 수감자가 무너진 감옥을 탈출하였으나, 50명은 곧 다시 잡혔다.[15] The Van Ferit Melen Airport was damaged, but contradictory reports were given: According to NTV, airplanes were diverted to the neighboring cities, while according to the Anatolia News Agency, the earthquake did not disrupt the air traffic.[17][18] The natural gas, water, power, and communication systems in Van were all reported affected and in function again within 24 hours after the earthquake.[19]

Twenty-four hours following the main shock the death toll stood at 264 but estimates were ranged up to a thousand.[20] As of 25 October, rescue and aid efforts are still ongoing, as many as 40,000 people are believed to be homeless due to the considerable number of collapsed or damaged buildings. Multiple news reports on October 27 suggest up to 2300 are injured with many still caught under rubble but this figure increased to over 4100 by October 30.[3][21] Latest figures suggest that casualties exceeds 604 and an estimated 2200 buildings are damaged or destroyed in the affected areas.[3][2] The death toll was caused primarily from building collapse in urban areas.[22]


A rescue operation being carried out by members of the AKUT Search and Rescue Association.
IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation removing debris to search the structure for any survivors

10월 23일 현재, 터키는 재해에 대하여 1275명의 인원, 174대의 차량, 290명의 보건관, 43대의 구급차, 6대의 환자 수송기를 이용해 조치를 취했다. 몇몇 지역 주민들은 맨손을 사용하면서까지 인명 구조를 돕기도 했다.[23] Survivors and opposition politicians have criticized the crisis management of the government.[24]

10월 27일, 터키 재해 및 응급 상황(Disasters and Emergency Situations Directorate of Turkey) 공군획득문서에 의하면, 긴급구조사업에 1300만 터키 리라(약 $700만)가 쓰였다. 또한 860만 터키 리라(약 $500만)가 자선단체에 의해 기부되었다. 이제 총 3,826명의 탐색구조 장교, 904명의 의료진, 18마리의 수색견, 그리고 146대의 구급차, 7대의 환자소송기, 46개의 발전기, 77개의 영사기, 95개의 이동식 변기, 37개의 이동식 주방, 3,051개의 부엌 세트, 6,359개의 촉매 난로, 1개의 이동식 오븐이 피해 지역에 전해졌다. 25,185 tents sent by Turkish Red Crescent Society were distributed. 10 collective shelter tents, 60 prefabricated houses, 90 Mevlana Transitional Houses(translation needed) houses have also been erected. 109,986 blankets, 1,150 quilts and 5,109 sleeping bags have also been distributed. 3 meals a day are being provided with distribution of hot meals food etc. Also 30 field tents have been set up for public services and psychosocial trauma support. [25]

As of October 27, in some sites, rescue work had been stopped where attention was turning to the needs of the survivors,[26] however, there were still survivors found and saved from the rubble on the same day and thereafter.[27][28] The government had announced that tents will be delivered to those whose homes were deemed unsafe rather than whoever lined up asking for one.[29]

According to AFAD as of October 30,12:00 UTC there are 4,440 search and rescue personnel, 1710 medical personnel, 18 search dogs, 651 construction equipment and vehicles including 146 ambulances, 143 generators, 77 projectors, 95 portable toilets, 42,711 tents (including 8,166 from overseas aid), 54 collective shelter tent, 69 general purpose tents, 65 prefabricated houses, 2,300 Mevlana houses, 160,360 blankets, 1,179 quilts, 37 mobile kitchens, 3,051 kitchen sets, 6,899 catalytic stoves, 5,792 sleeping bags, and 1 mobile kitchen are present.[2]



The European Union and NATO expressed their condolences and NATO offered help.[30] The President of the de facto Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Derviş Eroğlu also sent condolences.[31] Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan sent his condolences to Turkish President Abdullah Gül and offered immediate help.[32] United States President Barack Obama said: "We stand shoulder to shoulder with our Turkish ally in this difficult time and are ready to assist the Turkish authorities."[33]

Armenia,[34] Azerbaijan,[35] Bulgaria, China,[36] Denmark,[37] Georgia, Germany,[38] Greece, Hungary, Iran,[39] Ireland,[40] Israel,[11] Japan, Kosovo, New Zealand, Pakistan,[41] Poland, Portugal,[42] Russia, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan,[43] Ukraine, the United Kingdom, and the United States also offered Turkey aid after the earthquake.[44][45] People in over 200 cities taking part in Thrill the World 2011 also pledged all proceeds from their efforts.[46]

Turkish President Abdullah Gül, said that Turkish teams were capable of handling the disaster management.[47] Thus, as of 23 October, Turkey stated that it had acknowledged but declined all the aid proposals with the exception of neighbouring Azerbaijan, Bulgaria,[48] and Iran,[49] with aid and rescue workers arriving at the affected area shortly after the quake struck without notifying Ministry of Foreign Affairs.[50][51][52][35] Azerbaijan send 145 rescuers at night on October 23, another two rescue teams were sent to Turkey afterwards, bringing the total number to 213 rescue personnel. The Azerbaijani teams rescued 12 people, pulled 60 bodies from the rubbles.[53] The Iranian Red Crescent set up relief camps to accommodate people made homeless by the quake. Several injured were transferred for treatment to the Iranian border city of Khoy.[49] However, on 25 October, Turkey announced that they would accept aid from other countries also.

The Turkish government is looking for tents, prefabricated houses, and living containers.[54] The United Nations was sending thousands of tents as well as blankets and mattresses from October 28 on.[55][56]

The U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) stated that Erzurum would be a hub for international assistance sent by plane, and Van had been asked to establish a centre for assistance coming overland.[57]

As of October 27, aid from other countries are as follows: Azerbaijan sent search and rescue team of 145 people, 1,250 tents, 700 beds, 40 generators, 5,000 blankets, 40 pieces of kitchen equipment. 490 tents by France, 200 tents by Italy, 284 tents by Russia, 60 tents, 300 blankets, 300 bed, and 60 stoves by Kazakhstan, 4 general purpose tents by Ukraine, 7 prefabricated houses by Israel and tents for 2000 by Belgium sent. [2] [58] Also Armenian government sent 40 tons of cargo to Turkey, including tents, sleeping bags, blankets and bedding.[59] On 31 October Bulgaria provided 100 tents for winter conditions and will provide 50 more tents, 1,000 blankets and 300 mats.[60]

Saudi Arabia sent $50 Million to spend in relief efforts. Also European Union announces that they will release TRY10 million fund for the cause. [61]

9 November earthquake

USGS shake map of the November 9 earthquake

Another earthquake with magnitude Mw 5.7 and a depth of 9.4 킬로미터 (5.8 mi)[62] hit near Van on 9 November 2011 at 21:23 local time (19:23 UTC), causing 40 deaths and hundreds injured.[63] It was centered 16 킬로미터 (9.9 mi) south of Van.[64] Among the buildings collapsed by the 9 November earthquake was the Bayram Hotel, which hosted some journalists and rescue workers. Some journalists trapped in the rubble sent text messages asking to be rescued.[65] A Japanese aid worker was reported dead. It is not clear yet if the earthquake of November 9 was an aftershock of the October 23 earthquake,[66] while the Kandilli earthquake center of Turkey said that the November 9 earthquake was an independent earthquake.[67]

Rescue workers were able to pull out 25 survivors from the rubble of the collapsed buildings.[68] The earthquake toppled 25 buildings, said Deputy Prime Minister Besir Atalay.[68] Since most buildings were evacuated after the October 2011 earthquake, only 3 buildings were occupied, otherwise the death toll could have been worse.[68]

See also



  1. “Magnitude 7.1 - EASTERN TURKEY”. USGS. 2011년 10월 23일. 2011년 10월 30일에 확인함. 
  2. “Earthquake Van – Ercis, Turkey”. earthquake-report.com. 2011년 10월 30일에 확인함. 
  3. SELCAN HACAOGLU (2011년 10월 27일). “Turkey quake death toll rises to 534”. Associated Press. 2011년 10월 27일에 확인함. 
  4. “Death toll rises to 582 in quake-hit Turkey”. XinHua. 2011년 10월 29일. 2011년 10월 30일에 확인함. 
  5. Talebian, M.; Jackson J. (2004). “A Reappraisal of Earthquake Focal Mechanisms and Active Shortening in the Zagros Mountains of Iran” (PDF). 《Geophysics Journal International》 (Royal Astronomical Society) 156 (3): 506–526. doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2004.02092.x. 2011년 10월 23일에 확인함. 
  6. “Magnitude 7.2– Eastern Turkey 2011 October 23 10:41:21 UTC”. United States Geological Survey. 2011년 10월 23일. 2011년 10월 23일에 확인함. 
  7. http://www.cedim.de/download/CEDIMForensicEQAGTurkeyVanEQ_Report4.pdf
  8. “Pager Version 2– M7.2, Eastern Turkey” (PDF). United States Geological Survey. 2011년 10월 23일. 2011년 10월 23일에 확인함. 
  9. “Pager– M7.2– Eastern Turkey”. United States Geological Survey. 2011년 10월 23일. 2011년 10월 23일에 확인함. 
  10. “Strong Earthquake Hits Turkey”. 《Interpress News》. 2011년 10월 23일. 2011년 10월 23일에 확인함. 
  11. “Israel Offers Aid to Turkey in Wake of Massive Earthquake”. 《Haaretz》. 2011년 10월 23일. 2011년 10월 23일에 확인함. 
  12. “23 Ekim 2011 Van Depremi Basın Bülteni” (Turkish). Kandilli Observatory of Boğaziçi University. 2011년 10월 23일. 2011년 10월 23일에 확인함. 
  13. Mackenzie, Craig (2011년 10월 23일). 'We Can Hear the Screams': 1,000 Feared Dead in Turkish Earthquake as Scores of Buildings Collapse”. 《Daily Mail》 (London). 2011년 10월 23일에 확인함. 
  14. Hacaoglu, Selcan (2011년 10월 23일). “7.2 Quake in Turkey Kills 45, Collapses Buildings”. Agence France-Presse (via Google News). 2011년 10월 23일에 확인함. 
  15. (등록 필요) Arsu, Sebnem (2011년 10월 23일). “Many Die as Eastern Turkey Is Jolted by Quake”. 《The New York Times. 2011년 10월 24일에 확인함. 
  16. Staff (2011년 10월 24일). “Death Toll Mounts after Earthquake in Eastern Turkey”. Associated Press (via Herald Sun). 2011년 10월 26일에 확인함. 
  17. Staff (2011년 10월 23일). “7.2 Quake in Turkey Kills at Least 138, Collapses Buildings– More Than 100 Aftershocks Are Recorded– The Quake Is Also Felt Widely in Iran and Armenia, Though There Are No Reports of Casualties There”. 《Los Angeles Times. 2011년 10월 26일에 확인함. 
  18. [깨진 링크] [1]. The Daily Telegraph.
  19. http://www.cedim.de/download/CEDIMForensicEQAGTurkeyVanEQ_Report4.pdf
  20. Magnay, Diana; Comert, Yesim (25 October 2011). "279 Reported Dead in Turkey Earthquake; 1,300 More Hurt". CNN. Retrieved 26 October 2011.
  21. Letsch, Constanze; Walker, Peter (2011년 10월 24일). “Turkey Earthquake Rescuers Free Baby, Mother and Grandmother from Rubble– Two-Week-Old Azra Karaduman Pulled from Collapsed Building in Ercis Two Days after Quake That Killed Hundreds of People”. 《The Guardian》 (London). 2011년 10월 26일에 확인함. 
  22. http://www.cedim.de/download/CEDIMForensicEQAGTurkeyVanEQ_Report4.pdf
  23. http://www.ifrc.org/news-and-media/news-stories/europe-central-asia/turkey/turkey-earthquake-rescue-efforts-intensify-as-night-falls/
  24. Staff (26 October 2011). "Turkey Earthquake: Death Toll Passes 430". BBC News. Retrieved 26 October 2011.
  25. “Earthquake Van – Ercis, Turkey – 534 dead, 2300 injured, at least 5250 households long-term homeless”. http://earthquake-report.com. 2011년 10월 27일에 확인함.  |publisher=에 외부 링크가 있음 (도움말)
  26. “Turkey earthquake: Teenage boy found after four days”. 《BBC News》. 2011년 10월 28일. 
  27. 《The Sydney Morning Herald》. 2011년 10월 28일 http://news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-world/turkish-man-freed-from-quake-debris-20111028-1mmhq.html.  |제목=이(가) 없거나 비었음 (도움말)
  28. “Turkey earthquake: rescuers pull 13-year-old from the rubble”. 《The Guardian》 (London). 2011년 10월 28일. 
  29. “Man pulled out alive 4 days after Turkey quake”. 《Reuters》. 2011년 10월 27일. 
  30. “EU 'Saddened' by Turkey Quake, NATO Offers Help”. 《Khaleej Times》. 2011년 10월 23일. 2011년 10월 23일에 확인함. 
  31. [모호한 표현] Dünyadan taziye mesajı yağıyor. 《Hurriyet》 (Turkish). 2011년 10월 23일. 2011년 10월 23일에 확인함. 
  32. “Armenian President Send Condolences and Offered Help for Turkey”. 《News.am》. 2011년 10월 23일. 2011년 10월 23일에 확인함. 
  33. Bohan, Caren; Trott, Bill (2011년 10월 23일). “Obama: U.S. Greatly Concerned over Turkey Quake”. Reuters. 2011년 10월 24일에 확인함. 
  34. “Armenian President Offers Aid to Turkey”. 《Tert》. 2011년 10월 23일. 2011년 10월 23일에 확인함. 
  35. [모호한 표현] Azerbaycan, deprem bölgesine ilk dış yardımı gönderen ülke oldu. Azeri hükümeti, arama kurtarma ekipleriyle birlikte tıbbi ve yaşam malzemesi dolu uçağı Van'a gönderdi. 《Internet Haber》 (Turkish). 2011년 10월 23일. 2011년 10월 23일에 확인함. 
  36. “Turkey Earthquake: Up to 1,000 Feared Dead as Dozens of Buildings Collapse”. 《National Post》. 2011년 10월 23일. 2011년 10월 23일에 확인함. 
  37. [모호한 표현]"Min kone og mit barn er derinde!". 《Jyllandsposten》 (Danish). 2011년 10월 23일. 2011년 10월 23일에 확인함. 
  38. “Germany Offers Help to Turkey After Quake, Westerwelle Says”. 《Bloomberg Businessweek》. 2011년 10월 23일. 2011년 10월 23일에 확인함. 
  39. “Iran Is Ready To Help with Every Aspect Because of the Earthquake in Van”. 《Habermonitor》. 2011년 10월 23일. 2011년 10월 23일에 확인함. 
  40. “Tánaiste Offers Rapid Response Corps to Quake-Hit Turkey”. 《Irish Examiner》. 2011년 10월 23일. 2011년 10월 23일에 확인함. 
  41. “Pakistan Sympatises with Turkey; Offers Immediate Assistance”. Associated Press of Pakistan. 2011년 10월 23일. 2011년 10월 23일에 확인함. 
  42. [모호한 표현]Turquia/Sismo: Passos Coelho apresenta condolências e oferece ajuda de Portugal (Portuguese). 2011년 10월 23일. 2011년 10월 23일에 확인함. 
  43. “New Taipei Rescue Team Prepares To Aid Turkey”. 《Focus Taiwan News Channel》. 2011년 10월 24일. 2011년 10월 24일에 확인함. 
  44. Staff (2011년 10월 23일). “International Community Offers Aid to Turkey after Earthquake– Fifteen Countries Including Israel and Greece Have Offered Aid to Turkey after a Strong Quake Hit Southeastern Turkey on Sunday”. Turkish Radio and Television Corporation. 2011년 10월 26일에 확인함. 
  45. Hoffmann, Carsten; Fuhrigtitle, Frank (2011년 10월 23일). “Hundreds Feared Dead after Quake in Turkey”. McClatchy Newspapers (via The Salt Lake Tribune). 2011년 10월 26일에 확인함. 
  46. http://thrilltheworld.com/index.php
  47. Staff (2011년 10월 23일). “Barak Says Turkey Not Interested in Israel's Earthquake Aid”. 《Today's Zaman. 2011년 10월 26일에 확인함. 
  48. Burch, Jonathon; Pamuk, Humeyra (25 October 2011). "Quake Rescuers Save Baby, Turkey Requests Aid". Reuters. Retrieved 26 October 2011.
  49. “Iran to set up 2nd camp in Turkey”. Press TV. 
  50. “Int’l aid starts to come in as Turkey recalculates assistance needed”. Todays Zaman. 2011년 10월 26일에 확인함. 
  51. Staff (2011년 10월 25일). “Desperate Hunt for Survivors as Cold Moves in Smiling Girl, Baby Pulled from Rubble on Grim Day as Death Toll Hits 279, Says Deputy PM”. Agence France-Presse (via The Vancouver Sun). 2011년 10월 26일에 확인함. 
  52. Lubell, Maayan (2011년 10월 23일). “Turkey Declines Israeli Aid Offer”. Reuters. 2011년 10월 26일에 확인함. 
  53. Rescuers of Azerbaijani Ministry of Emergency Situations return home after participating in rescue operations in quake-hit Van
  54. “Turkey earthquake: Government will accept foreign aid”. 《BBC News》. 2011년 10월 26일. 
  55. “Turkey earthquake: Teenage boy found after four days”. 《BBC News》. 2011년 10월 28일. 
  56. http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=40234&Cr=Turkey&Cr1=
  57. “Man pulled out alive 4 days after Turkey quake”. 《Reuters》. 2011년 10월 27일. 
  58. Keinon, Herb (2011년 10월 25일). “Turkey Says 'Yes' to Israeli Earthquake Aid Offer”. 《The Jerusalem Post. 2011년 10월 26일에 확인함. 
  59. [2]
  60. “Bulgaria gives aid to Turkey following earthquake”. 《The Sofia Echo》. 2011년 10월 31일. 2011년 11월 1일에 확인함. 
  61. “AFAD”. November 01, 2011에 확인함. 
  62. “Magnitude 5.6 - EASTERN TURKEY”. USGS. 2011년 11월 8일. 2011년 11월 13일에 확인함. 
  63. “At least 5 dead in quake in eastern Turkey - CNN.com”. 《CNN》. 2011년 11월 10일. 
  64. “Turkey earthquake: Seven dead in toppled Van hotel”. BBC. 2011년 11월 10일. 2011년 11월 10일에 확인함. 
  65. http://www.chron.com/news/article/Report-At-least-3-killed-in-Turkey-earthquake-2260519.php
  66. http://www.sofiaecho.com/2011/11/10/1200927_earthquake-of-57-magnitude-hits-eastern-turkey-kills-seven
  67. Champion, Marc (2011년 11월 10일). “Powerful Quake Ravages Turkey City”. 《The Wall Street Journal》. 
  68. “Turkey: Earthquake kills at least 7, dozens trapped in area hit by deadly temblor last month”. Ankara: The Washington Post. Associated Press. 2011년 11월 10일에 확인함.  [깨진 링크]

틀:Earthquakes in 2011 틀:Earthquakes in Turkey