
위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.
코코볼로 체스 말

코코볼로(Cocobolo)는 황단속에 속한 중앙아메리카 열대 수종[1]경재(en:hardwood)이며, 오로지 심재(en:Heartwood)만 쓰인다. 대개 주황색이나 적갈색을 띄며, 목재를 따라 진한 나이테가 불규칙하게 난 경우가 흔하다. it is usually orange or reddish-brown, often with darker irregular traces weaving through the wood. The heartwood changes color after being cut, and can be polished to a lustrous, glassy finish; being quite dense, sometimes having a specific gravity of over 1.0, it will sink in water. The sapwood (not often used) is a creamy yellow, with a sharp boundary between it and the heartwood.


코코볼로는 황단속에 속한 네 개의 근연종에서 얻는다. 그 중에서 니카라과황단이 제일 유명한데, 높이 24m, 지름 0.9m까지 성장한다.[1] it probably is the species contributing most of the wood in the trade. Because of the high value of the timber, the trees yielding it have been heavily exploited, so they have become rare outside of national parks, reserves, and plantations. Only relatively small amounts of this prized wood reach the world market, and it is expensive.


코코볼로 심재는 오일을 함유하고 있는데, 그 덕에 잘 시즈닝(Seasoning)된 나무에서조차 강렬하고 독특한 꽃향기가 풍겨나오며, 오래 만지다 보면 손이 얼룩지기도 한다. 목재에 자연적으로 오일 함량이 높기 때문에 접착제로 단단히 고정하기 어려우며, 이는 합판이나 기타 지판의 경우도 마찬가지고, The high natural oil content of the wood makes it difficult to achieve a strong glue joint, as in applying veneers or guitar fingerboards, and can inhibit the curing of some varnishes, particularly oil-based finishes. 접착제를 쓰기 전에 아세톤으로 표면의 기름을 지우기도 한다.[1] The oil can induce allergic reactions if inhaled or exposed to unprotected skin and eyes. This is due to the presence of allergenic chemicals such as S-4'-hydroxy-4-methoxy dalbergione, R-4-methoxy dalbergione, and other quinones and phenols.[2] A dust collection system, coupled with the use of personal protective equipment such as respirators, is highly recommended when machining this wood.


코코볼로는 손으로 만지거나 물에 닿아도 쉽사리 상하지 않기 때문에 총 손잡이(:en:gun grips)와 나이프 손잡이(en:Knife#Handle), 오리피리(:en:duck call)에 흔히 쓰인다.Because it stands up well to repeated handling and exposure to water, a common use is for gun grips and knife handles, and duck calls. It is very hard, fine textured, and dense, yet easily machined. The abundance of natural oils, however, causes the wood to clog abrasives and fine-toothed saw blades, like other hard, dense tropical woods. Besides its use on guns and knives, cocobolo is favored for fine inlay work on custom, high-end cue sticks, police batons, pens, brush backs, bowls, pipes, jewelry boxes, desktops and other expensive specialty items.


코코블로는 밀도와 강도가 높기 때문에, 큰 목재 블록이라도 두드리면 음악적인 맑은 음색을 낸다. 코코블로는 그 "따뜻하고 풍부한 음색"으로 유명하여,[3] 오보에, 플루트, 클라리넷, 따위의 악기를 만드는 데 사용된다. cocobolo is used to make musical instruments, such as oboes, flutes and clarinets--especially boutique, custom barrel joints for B-flat clarinets. Other woodwind instruments, such as bagpipes, (even the bagpipes' chanter's more basic relatives, duck and goose calls) have been successfully made using cocobolo instead of the orchestral and Celtic instruments' customary mpingo, or African blackwood, known in the trade as grenadilla. Additionally, cocobolo has been used to make fingerboards, as well as entire necks and bodies of guitars and bass guitars, having been employed as a substitute for Brazilian Rosewood since that fellow Dalbergia member was CITES listed in 1992. Additionally, cocobolo is used to an extent in building drums.


과테말라 코코볼로 개체군(니카라과황단)으로 만들어낸 통나무, 잘라낸 목재, 합판은 2008년부터 CITES부속서 III에 등재되었다. 파나마에서는 2011년에 씨앗, 꽃가루, 소매 시장에서 판매될 수 있는 완성 제품을 제외한 모든 종륭 ㅣ In 2011, Panama extended that listing to include all products except seeds and pollen and finished products packaged and ready for retail trade.

As of January 2, 2017, Cocobolo is protected as a CITES Appendix II[4] species, along with Bubinga (Guibourtia demeusei, G. pellegriniana, and G. tessmanni), other true rosewoods (Dalbergia spp.) and related species found in the Dalbergia genus, such as Tulipwood, Kingwood, and African Blackwood.


Cocobolo desks are a recurring theme in the television show Better Call Saul.[5]


  1. “Cocobolo”. 《WoodMagazine.com》. 2016년 3월 29일에 확인함. 
  2. "DALBERGIA RETUSA". 2019년 5월 11일에 확인함. 
  3. “The Howarth XL Oboe” (PDF). 《Oboe Chicago》. 2017년 4월 25일에 확인함. 
  4. “Appendices”. 《CITES》 (영어). 2018년 9월 26일에 확인함. 
  5. “Better Call Saul, “Bingo””. 《www.avclub.com》. 2016년 2월 18일에 확인함. 
