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하버드 대학교 신학부

위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.

앤도버 홀
앤도버 홀

하버드 대학교 신학부(Harvard Divinity School, HDS)는 미국 매사추세츠주 캠브리지 에 위치한 하버드 대학교에서 소속된 신학부이다. 2015년 06월 기준 이 학교의 교육목표는 학생들에 종교에 대한 학술적 연구나 종교 사역 또는 기타 공공 서비스 직업을 위해 훈련하고 교육하는 것이다. 또한 전 분야에 관심이있는 다른 하버드 학교의 학생들에게도 서비스를 제공한다. 하버드 신학교는 초교파 신학교로서 시카고 대학교 신학부, 예일 대학교 신학부, 밴더빌트 대학교 신학부, 클레어먼트 대학원 종교학부가 있다. 이성의 능력을 강조한 계몽주의 사상이 영향을 주었으며 유니테리안적이며 회중교회 성격이 강하다.

유명한 교수

  • James Luther Adams, ethicist and most influential theologian among American Unitarian Universalists in the 20th century
  • Leila Ahmed, professor of women's studies and scholar of Islam
  • Charles Gilchrist Adams, William and Lucille Nickerson Professor of the Practice of Ethics and Ministry (2006-2011)
  • François Bovon, professor emeritus, prolific scholar in New Testament and Christian Apocrypha
  • Davíd Carrasco, scholar of Latin American religion and culture
  • Francis Xavier Clooney, comparative theologian and scholar of Hinduism
  • Harvey Cox, Hollis Professor of Divinity emeritus, author of "The Secular City"
  • Diana L. Eck, scholar of Hinduism and founder of The Pluralism Project
  • Ephraim Emerton (1851–1935), first recipient of the Winn Professorship of Ecclesiastical History
  • Peter J. Gomes (1942-2011), Pusey Minister in the Memorial Church of Harvard University and Plummer Professor of Christian Morals
  • Janet Gyatso, scholar of Tibetan Buddhism, history, and culture
  • William A. Graham, Dean of the School (2002-2012), Albertson Prof. of Middle Eastern Studies (Arts and Sciences), comparative historian and scholar of Islam
  • Charles Hallisey, scholar of Therevada Buddhism
  • David Hempton (dean), Dean of the School, historian of Methodism and Evangelical Protestantism
  • Michael Jackson, anthropologist and novelist
  • Baber Johansen, scholar of Islamic law
  • Ousmane Oumar Kane, Alwaleed Professor of Contemporary Islamic Religion and Society
  • Karen King, Hollis Professor of Divinity, author of "What is Gnosticism?" and "The Gospel of Mary Magdala"
  • Gordon D. Kaufman (died 2011), liberal Mennonite pacifist theologian and author of God the Problem
  • Helmut Koester (died 2016), professor emeritus, New Testament scholar
  • Jon D. Levenson, scholar of Hebrew Bible and Jewish studies
  • Arthur Chute McGill, (1926–1980) Bussey Professor of Theology at Harvard from 1971 until 1980
  • Richard R. Niebuhr, Hollis Professor of Divinity emeritus, theologian
  • Henri Nouwen (1983–1985), Professor of Divinity and Horace De Y. Lentz Lecturer
  • Jacob K. Olupona, scholar of Indigenous Religions, Religions in Africa
  • Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, Krister Stendahl Professor feminist New Testament scholar, author: In Memory of Her; Rhetoric and Ethic; The Power of the Word
  • Francis Schüssler Fiorenza, Charles Chauncey Stillman Professor of Roman Catholic Theological Studies
  • Robert William Scribner (1941–1998), Reformation historian
  • Wilfred Cantwell Smith, former director of the school's Center for the Study of World Religions
  • Ronald Frank Thiemann, Christian theologian and dean of the Divinity School from 1986 to 1998
  • Paul Tillich (1886–1965), Protestant theologian and Christian existentialist
  • Henry Ware Jr., (1794–1843), Unitarian theologian
  • Henry Ware Sr. (1764–1845), prominent early Unitarian theologian
  • C. Conrad Wright (1917–2011), historian of American Congregationalism and Unitarianism
  • George Ernest Wright (1958–1974), Parkman Professor of Divinity; (1961–1974) Curator of the Semitic Museum, Presbyterian, leading Old Testament scholar and biblical archaeologist
  • Cornel West, public intellectual, author, philosopher, political activist, social critic and member of the Democratic Socialists of America

외부 링크
