본문으로 이동


위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.

Ixora coccinea
Ixora coccinea
생물 분류ℹ️
계: 식물계
(미분류): 속씨식물군
(미분류): 진정쌍떡잎식물군
(미분류): 국화군
목: 용담목
과: 꼭두서니과
아과: 치자나무아과
Raf., 1820
Ixora L.
[출처 필요]

치자나무아과(梔子--亞科, 학명: Ixoroideae 익소로이데아이[*])는 꼭두서니과아과이다.[1] 27개 족으로 이루어져 있다. 커피나무치자나무 등을 포함하고 있다.

치자나무아과는 꼭두서니과에 속한다. 형태학과 분자생물학적 특성에 의해 치자나무아과(Ixoroideae)와 구슬꽃나무아과(Cinchonoideae), 그리고 꼭두서니아과(Rubioideae)의 3개 아과로 분류하고 있다. 치자나무아과와 꼭두서니아과가 더 밀접한 관련을 갖고 있다.[2]

하위 분류

그레네아족(Greeneeae Mouly, J.Florence & B.Bremer)[3]
  • Greenea Wight & Arn.
레티니필룸족(Retiniphylleae Benth. & Hook.f.)[4]
  • Retiniphyllum Bonpl.
무사인다족(Mussaendeae Benth. & Hook.f.)[5]
  • Bremeria Razafim. & Alejandro
  • Heinsia DC.
  • Landiopsis Capuron ex Bosser
  • Mussaenda Burm. ex L.
  • Neomussaenda Tange
  • Pseudomussaenda Wernham
  • Schizomussaenda H.L.Li
방궤리아족(Vanguerieae A.Rich. ex Dumort.)[6]
  • Afrocanthium (Bridson) Lantz & B.Bremer
  • Bridsonia Verstraete & A.E.van Wyk
  • Bullockia (Bridson) Razafim., Lantz & B.Bremer
  • Canthium Lam.
  • Cuviera DC.
  • Cyclophyllum Hook.f.
  • Eriosemopsis Robyns
  • Everistia S.T.Reynolds & R.J.F.Hend.
  • Fadogia Schweinf.
  • Fadogiella Robyns
  • Glionnetia Tirveng.
  • Globulostylis Wernham
  • Hutchinsonia Robyns
  • Kanapia Arriola & Alejandro
  • Keetia E.Phillips
  • Meyna Roxb. ex Link
  • Multidentia Gilli
  • Peponidium (Baill.) Arènes
  • Perakanthus Robyns ex Ridl.
  • Plectroniella Robyns
  • Psydrax Gaertn.
  • Pygmaeothamnus Robyns
  • Pyrostria Comm. ex A.Juss.
  • Robynsia Hutch.
  • Rytigynia Blume
  • Temnocalyx Robyns
  • Vangueria Juss.
  • Vangueriella Verdc.
  • Vangueriopsis Robyns
베르티에라족(Bertiereae Bridson)[7]
  • Bertiera Aubl.
사비케아족(Sabiceeae A.Stahl)[8]
  • Hekistocarpa Hook.f.
  • Sabicea Aubl.
  • Tamridaea Thulin & B.Bremer
  • Virectaria Bremek.
셰르보우르니아족(Sherbournieae Mouly & B.Bremer)[9]
  • Atractogyne Pierre
  • Mitriostigma Hochst.
  • Oxyanthus DC.
  • Sherbournia G.Don
스키피포라족(Scyphiphoreae Kainul. & B.Bremer)[10]
  • Scyphiphora C.F.Gaertn.
스테니시아족(Steenisieae Kainul. & B.Bremer)[11]
  • Steenisia Bakh.f.
시파네아족(Sipaneeae Bremek.)[12]
  • Chalepophyllum Hook.f.
  • Dendrosipanea Ducke
  • Limnosipanea Hook.f.
  • Maguireothamnus Steyerm.
  • Neblinathamnus Steyerm.
  • Neobertiera Wernham
  • Pteridocalyx Wernham
  • Sipanea Aubl.
  • Sipaneopsis Steyerm.
  • Steyermarkia Standl.
아우구스타족(Augusteae Kainul. & B.Bremer)[13]
  • Augusta Pohl
  • Wendlandia Bartl. ex DC.
아이로스페르마족(Airospermeae Kainul. & B.Bremer)[14]
  • Airosperma K.Schum. & Lauterb.
  • Boholia Merr.
알레이산티아족(Aleisanthieae Mouly, J.Florence & B.Bremer)[15]
  • Aleisanthia Ridl.
  • Aleisanthiopsis Tange
  • Greeniopsis Merr.
알베르타족(Alberteae Sond.)[16]
  • Alberta E.Mey.
  • Nematostylis Hook.f.
  • Razafimandimbisonia Kainul. & B.Bremer
야키아족(Jackieae Korth.)[17]
  • Jackiopsis Ridsdale
옥토트로피스족(Octotropideae Bedd.)[18]
  • Canephora Juss.
  • Chapelieria A.Rich. ex DC.
  • Cowiea Wernham
  • Cremaspora Benth.
  • Feretia Delile
  • Fernelia Comm. ex Lam.
  • Flagenium Baill.
  • Galiniera Delile
  • Gallienia Dubard & Dop
  • Hypobathrum Blume
  • Hyptianthera Wight & Arn.
  • Jovetia Guédès
  • Kraussia Harv.
  • Lamprothamnus Hiern
  • Lemyrea (A.Chev.) A.Chev. & Beille
  • Morindopsis Hook.f.
  • Nargedia Bedd.
  • Octotropis Bedd.
  • Paragenipa Baill.
  • Polysphaeria Hook.f.
  • Pouchetia A.Rich. ex DC.
  • Ramosmania Tirveng. & Verdc.
  • Rhadinopus S.Moore
  • Scyphostachys Thwaites
  • Villaria Rolfe
  • Xantonneopsis Pit.
  • Zuccarinia Blume
익소라족(Ixoreae Benth. & Hook.f.)[19]
  • Ixora L.
치자나무족(Gardenieae A.Rich. ex DC.)[20]
  • 제니팝나무속(Genipa L.)
  • 치자나무속(Gardenia J.Ellis)
  • Adenorandia Vermoesen
  • Aidia Lour.
  • Aidiopsis Tirveng.
  • Alleizettella Pit.
  • Aoranthe Somers
  • Atractocarpus Schltr. & K.Krause
  • Aulacocalyx Hook.f.
  • Benkara Adans.
  • Brachytome Hook.f.
  • Brenania Keay
  • Bungarimba K.M.Wong
  • Burchellia R.Br.
  • Byrsophyllum Hook.f.
  • Calochone Keay
  • Casasia A.Rich.
  • Catunaregam Wolf
  • Ceriscoides (Hook.f.) Tirveng.
  • Coddia Verdc.
  • Deccania Tirveng.
  • Didymosalpinx Keay
  • Dioecrescis Tirveng.
  • Duperrea Pierre ex Pit.
  • Euclinia Salisb.
  • Fosbergia Tirveng. & Sastre
  • Heinsenia K.Schum.
  • Himalrandia T.Yamaz.
  • Hyperacanthus E.Mey. ex Bridson
  • Kailarsenia Tirveng.
  • Kochummenia K.M.Wong
  • Larsenaikia Tirveng.
  • Macrosphyra Hook.f.
  • Mantalania Capuron ex J.-F.Leroy
  • Massularia (K.Schum.) Hoyle
  • Melanoxerus Kainul. & B.Bremer
  • Monosalpinx N.Hallé
  • Morelia A.Rich. ex DC.
  • Oligocodon Keay
  • Oxyceros Lour.
  • Phellocalyx Bridson
  • Pleiocoryne Rauschert
  • Porterandia Ridl.
  • Preussiodora Keay
  • Pseudaidia Tirveng.
  • Pseudomantalania J.-F.Leroy
  • Randia L.
  • Ridsdalea J.T.Pereira & K.M.Wong
  • Rosenbergiodendron Fagerl.
  • Rothmannia Thunb.
  • Rubovietnamia Tirveng.
  • Schumanniophyton Harms
  • Singaporandia K.M.Wong
  • Sphinctanthus Benth.
  • Tamilnadia Tirveng. & Sastre
  • Tarennoidea Tirveng. & Sastre
  • Tocoyena Aubl.
  • Vidalasia Tirveng.
커피나무족(Coffeeae DC.)[21]
  • 커피나무속(Coffea L.)
  • Argocoffeopsis Lebrun
  • Belonophora Hook.f.
  • Calycosiphonia Pierre ex Robbr.
  • Diplospora DC.
  • Discospermum Dalzell
  • Empogona Hook.f.
  • Kupeantha Cheek
  • Nostolachma T.Durand
  • Sericanthe Robbr.
  • Tricalysia A.Rich. ex DC.
코르디에라족(Cordiereae A.Rich. ex DC.)[22]
  • Agouticarpa C.H.Perss.
  • Alibertia A.Rich. ex DC.
  • Amaioua Aubl.
  • Botryarrhena Ducke
  • Cordiera A.Rich. ex DC.
  • Duroia L.f.
  • Glossostipula Lorence
  • Kutchubaea Fisch. ex DC.
  • Melanopsidium Colla
  • Riodocea Delprete
  • Stachyarrhena Hook.f.
  • Stenosepala C.H.Perss.
콘다미네아족(Condamineeae A.Rich.)[23]
  • Alseis Schott
  • Bathysa C.Presl
  • Bothriospora Hook.f.
  • Calycophyllum DC.
  • Capirona Spruce
  • Chimarrhis Jacq.
  • Condaminea DC.
  • Dialypetalanthus Kuhlm.
  • Dioicodendron Steyerm.
  • Dolichodelphys K.Schum. & K.Krause
  • Dolicholobium A.Gray
  • Elaeagia Wedd.
  • Emmenopterys Oliv.
  • Ferdinandusa Pohl
  • Hippotis Ruiz & Pav.
  • Kajewskiella Merr. & L.M.Perry
  • Macbrideina Standl.
  • Macrocnemum P.Browne
  • Mastixiodendron Melch.
  • Mussaendopsis Baill.
  • Parachimarrhis Ducke
  • Pentagonia Benth.
  • Picardaea Urb.
  • Pinckneya Michx.
  • Pogonopus Klotzsch
  • Rustia Klotzsch
  • Schizocalyx Wedd.
  • Simira Aubl.
  • Sommera Schltdl.
  • Tammsia H.Karst.
  • Warszewiczia Klotzsch
  • Wittmackanthus Kuntze
크로솝테릭스족(Crossopterygeae F.White ex Bridson)[24]
  • Crossopteryx Fenzl
트라일리아이독사족(Trailliaedoxeae Kainul. & B.Bremer)[25]
  • Trailliaedoxa W.W.Sm. & Forrest
파베타족(Pavetteae Dumort.)[26]
  • Cladoceras Bremek.
  • Coptosperma Hook.f.
  • Exallosperma De Block
  • Helictosperma De Block
  • Homollea Arènes
  • Kindia Cheek
  • Leptactina Hook.f.
  • Nichallea Bridson
  • Pachystylus K.Schum.
  • Paracephaelis Baill.
  • Pavetta L.
  • Pseudocoptosperma De Block
  • Robbrechtia De Block
  • Rutidea DC.
  • Schizenterospermum Homolle ex Arènes
  • Tarenna Gaertn.
  • Tennantia Verdc.
  • Triflorensia S.T.Reynolds
  • Tulearia De Block
포소퀘리아족(Posoquerieae Delprete)[27]
  • Molopanthera Turcz.
  • Posoqueria Aubl.
헨리퀘지아족(Henriquezieae Benth. & Hook.f.)[28]
  • Gleasonia Standl.
  • Henriquezia Spruce ex Benth.
  • Platycarpum Bonpl.
분류 불확실(incertae sedis)
  • Gardeniopsis Miq.
  • Guihaiothamnus H.S.Lo

계통 분류








  1. Rafinesque, Constantine Samuel. Annales Générales des Sciences Physiques 6: 81. 1820.
  2. Bremer, B., & Eriksson, T. (2009). Time tree of Rubiaceae: phylogeny and dating the family, subfamilies, and tribes. International journal of plant sciences,170(6), 766-793
  3. Mouly, Arnaud, Florence, E. Jacques Maria & Bremer, Birgitta. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 96(1): 156. 2009.
  4. Bentham, George & Hooker, Joseph Dalton. Genera Plantarum 2: 9, 20. 1873.
  5. Bentham, George & Hooker, Joseph Dalton. Genera Plantarum 2: 8, 15. 1873.
  6. Richard, Achille. Analyse des Familles des Plantes 32. 1829.
  7. Bridson, Diane Mary. Flora Zambesiaca, Mozambique, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana 5(3): 386. 2003.
  8. Stahl, Augustin Published In: Estudios sobre [2-6: para] la flora de Puerto-Rico 5: 32. 1887.
  9. Mouly, Arnaud & Bremer, Birgitta. Taxon 63(4): 814. 2014.
  10. Kainulainen, Kent & Bremer, Birgitta. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 173(3): 397. 2013.
  11. Kainulainen, Kent & Bremer, Birgitta. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 173(3): 397. 2013.
  12. Bremekamp, Cornelis Eliza Bertus. Recueil des Travaux Botaniques Néerlandais 31: 252. 1934.
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  14. Kainulainen, Kent & Bremer, Birgitta. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 173(3): 395. 2013.
  15. Mouly, Arnaud, Florence, E. Jacques Maria & Bremer, Birgitta. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 96(1): 155. 2009.
  16. Sonder, Otto Wilhelm. In: Harvey, William Henry & Sonder, Otto Wilhelm. Flora Capensis 3: 1. 1865.
  17. Korthals, Pieter Willem. Nederlandsch Kruidkundig Archief. Verslangen en Mededelingen der Nederlandsche Botanische Vereeniging 2(2): 196. 1851.
  18. Beddome, Richard Henry. The Flora Sylvatica for Southern India 28: cxxvi, cxxxiv–12. 1873.
  19. Bentham, George & Hooker, Joseph Dalton. Genera Plantarum 2: 9, 22. 1873.
  20. Richard, Achille. Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis 4: 342, 367. 1830.
  21. Candolle, Augustin Pyramus de. Annales du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle 9: 217. 1807.
  22. Richard, Achille. Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis 4: 342, 445. 1830.
  23. Richard, Achille. In: Candolle, Augustin Pyramus de. Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis 4: 342, 445. 1830.
  24. , 2003
  25. Kainulainen, Kent & Bremer, Birgitta. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 173(3): 397. 2013.
  26. Dumortier, Barthélemy Charles Joseph. Analyse des Familles des Plantes 32. 1829.
  27. Delprete, Piero Giuseppe. In: Reitz, Pe. Raulino. Flora Ilustrada Catarinense 1: 23. 2004.
  28. Bentham, George & Hooker, Joseph Dalton. Genera Plantarum 2: 8, 12. 1873.
  29. Bremer, Birgitta; Eriksson, Torsten (2009). “Time Tree of Rubiaceae: Phylogeny and Dating the Family, Subfamilies, and Tribes” (PDF). 《International Journal of Plant Sciences》 (영어) 170 (6): 766–793. doi:10.1086/599077.