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새 주제
위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.
마지막 의견: 11년 전 (Russavia님) - 주제: Thank you so much

Welcome to my talk page


Please leave any messages for me here, or feel free to email me. Russavia (토론) 2012년 6월 18일 (월) 19:58 (KST)답변



I want to translate Polandball (사용자:Sotiale/폴란드볼) :) Even if my English ability is unskilled, I want to help in any way I can ;) If I have a question about Polandball, Would you please answer my question? --Sotiale (토론) 2012년 9월 19일 (수) 23:53 (KST)답변

Hi Sotiale, thank you for your message, it is appreciated. I welcome all help with the Korean translation of Polandball, and if you have any questions, I will absolutely try to answer them to the best of my ability :) Cheers, Russavia (토론) 2012년 9월 19일 (수) 23:56 (KST)답변
Thank you! I will do my best :) --Sotiale (토론) 2012년 9월 20일 (목) 00:01 (KST)답변



Hello, Russavia :) Pollandball page is created, See 폴란드공. I'm so late, Because I'm recently busy in real life. I don't know my translation satisfies your mind. Have a good time and thanks :) --Sotiale (토론) 2012년 10월 13일 (토) 11:16 (KST)답변

Thank you so much


I will notify participants of aviation project. Thank you! :D (And I'm so busy recently.. my reply can be short, Sorry!) --Sotiale (토론) 2013년 1월 11일 (금) 20:30 (KST)답변

Is it right? :) --Sotiale (토론)
Hi Sotiale, I put it through Google translate, and it comes back at Koreanballish (if you know what i mean heehee) but it would look ok. BTW, if you don't think that image is appropriate for the article, or if another image could be used, or an image not to be used at all, feel free to act as you like; my addition was just a suggestion :) Thanks mate, and hope you are going well. Russavia (토론) 2013년 5월 15일 (수) 20:24 (KST)답변