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킬로미터 매 시: 두 판 사이의 차이

위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.
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잔글 봇: 틀 이름 및 스타일 정리
1번째 줄: 1번째 줄:
[[파일:Metric speedometer from a 1992 Euro-spec Passat B3.jpg|thumb|right|킬로미터 매 시간으로만 측정된 속력을 나타내는 자동차 [[속도계]]]]
[[파일:Metric speedometer from a 1992 Euro-spec Passat B3.jpg|thumb|right|킬로미터 매 시간으로만 측정된 속력을 나타내는 자동차 [[속도계]]]]
[[파일:Ford Mondeo MK3 ST220 - Speedometer.jpg|thumb|right|바깥쪽에 마일 매 시간(MPH)과 안쪽에 킬로미터 매 시간(km/h)으로 측정된 속력을 나타내는 미국의 자동차 속도계. 캐나다의 자동차 속도계에는 두 눈금의 위치가 바뀌어 있다.<ref>{{cite journal|url=https://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/om/CV0505/CV0505O00060A.pdf |title=Maintenance Required Indicator |accessdate=4 August 2011 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20160304100125/https://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/om/CV0505/CV0505O00060A.pdf |archivedate= 4 March 2016 |df= }}</ref>]]
[[파일:Ford Mondeo MK3 ST220 - Speedometer.jpg|thumb|right|바깥쪽에 마일 매 시간(MPH)과 안쪽에 킬로미터 매 시간(km/h)으로 측정된 속력을 나타내는 미국의 자동차 속도계. 캐나다의 자동차 속도계에는 두 눈금의 위치가 바뀌어 있다.<ref>{{저널 인용|url=https://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/om/CV0505/CV0505O00060A.pdf |title=Maintenance Required Indicator |accessdate=4 August 2011 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20160304100125/https://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/om/CV0505/CV0505O00060A.pdf |archivedate= 4 March 2016 |df= }}</ref>]]

'''[[킬로미터]] 매 [[시간 (단위)|시간]]''' 또는 '''시속 킬로미터'''(時速-, {{llang|en|kilometre per hour}})는 1[[시간 (단위)|시간]] 동안 [[운동 (물리학)|운동]]한 [[킬로미터]] 수로 표현하는 [[속력]]([[스칼라]])과 [[속도]]([[벡터 (물리)|벡터]])의 [[측정 단위]]이다. [[국제 단위계]]에서 정한 기호는 '''km/h''' 또는 '''km·h<sup>−1</sup>''' 또는 '''km h<sup>−1</sup>'''이다. 가끔 [[영어]] 명칭인 'Kilometre per hour'의 [[준말|약자]]로 kph 또는 KPH를 쓰기도 하지만 이는 표준이 아니다.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.us-metric.org/correct-si-metric-usage/|title=Correct SI-metric usage|author=|date=|website=www.us-metric.org|accessdate=20 March 2018}}</ref><ref>http://ukma.org.uk/docs/ukma-style-guide.pdf</ref> 세계적으로 자동차 [[속도계]]와 [[교통 표지]]에 가장 흔하게 사용되는 속력의 단위이다. 정의에 의하면 1&nbsp;km/h의 속도로 운동하는 물체는 1시간 동안 1&nbsp;킬로미터를 움직인다.
'''[[킬로미터]] 매 [[시간 (단위)|시간]]''' 또는 '''시속 킬로미터'''(時速-, {{llang|en|kilometre per hour}})는 1[[시간 (단위)|시간]] 동안 [[운동 (물리학)|운동]]한 [[킬로미터]] 수로 표현하는 [[속력]]([[스칼라]])과 [[속도]]([[벡터 (물리)|벡터]])의 [[측정 단위]]이다. [[국제 단위계]]에서 정한 기호는 '''km/h''' 또는 '''km·h<sup>−1</sup>''' 또는 '''km h<sup>−1</sup>'''이다. 가끔 [[영어]] 명칭인 'Kilometre per hour'의 [[준말|약자]]로 kph 또는 KPH를 쓰기도 하지만 이는 표준이 아니다.<ref>{{ 인용|url=http://www.us-metric.org/correct-si-metric-usage/|title=Correct SI-metric usage|author=|date=|website=www.us-metric.org|accessdate=20 March 2018}}</ref><ref>http://ukma.org.uk/docs/ukma-style-guide.pdf</ref> 세계적으로 자동차 [[속도계]]와 [[교통 표지]]에 가장 흔하게 사용되는 속력의 단위이다. 정의에 의하면 1&nbsp;km/h의 속도로 운동하는 물체는 1시간 동안 1&nbsp;킬로미터를 움직인다.

== 표기 역사 ==
== 표기 역사 ==
9번째 줄: 9번째 줄:
=== 약자 ===
=== 약자 ===
"킬로미터 매 시간"의 약자는 19세기 말까지 영어에 등장하지 않았다.
"킬로미터 매 시간"의 약자는 19세기 말까지 영어에 등장하지 않았다.
[[길이]]의 단위인 [[킬로미터]]는 1810년에 처음으로 영어에 등장하였다.<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.oed.com/view/Entry/103403 |title=The Oxford English Dictionary |accessdate=13 July 2012}}</ref><!--<ref name="OED">{{cite book |title=The Compact Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary |publisher=Oxford University Press |year=1971 |pages=695}}</ref>--> 그리고 속력의 단위인 "킬로미터 매 시간"은 1866년에 미국에서 사용되었다.<ref>{{cite book |title=Journal of the Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania for the Promotion of the Mechanic Arts |publisher=Franklin Institute |last=Frazer |first=John F. |date=November 1866 |location=Philadelphia |pages=314 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=kKIqAQAAIAAJ&pg=PA314&lpg=PA314&dq=%22kilometers+per+hour%22&source=bl&ots=Osx40Oy1Na&sig=RQHVQQeN1oWkgnlX5rgjd6kowpM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=pET-T47dJ6782gWCxPnKDw&ved=0CDkQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=%22kilometers%20per%20hour%22&f=false |volume=LII |number=5}}</ref> "킬로미터 매 시간"은 오랫동안 약자로 쓰지 않다가 비슷한 시기에 다양한 약자가 생겼다.
[[길이]]의 단위인 [[킬로미터]]는 1810년에 처음으로 영어에 등장하였다.<ref>{{ 인용|url=http://www.oed.com/view/Entry/103403 |title=The Oxford English Dictionary |accessdate=13 July 2012}}</ref><!--<ref name="OED">{{서적 인용|title=The Compact Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary |publisher=Oxford University Press |year=1971 |pages=695}}</ref>--> 그리고 속력의 단위인 "킬로미터 매 시간"은 1866년에 미국에서 사용되었다.<ref>{{서적 인용|title=Journal of the Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania for the Promotion of the Mechanic Arts |publisher=Franklin Institute |last=Frazer |first=John F. |date=November 1866 |location=Philadelphia |pages=314 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=kKIqAQAAIAAJ&pg=PA314&lpg=PA314&dq=%22kilometers+per+hour%22&source=bl&ots=Osx40Oy1Na&sig=RQHVQQeN1oWkgnlX5rgjd6kowpM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=pET-T47dJ6782gWCxPnKDw&ved=0CDkQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=%22kilometers%20per%20hour%22&f=false |volume=LII |number=5}}</ref> "킬로미터 매 시간"은 오랫동안 약자로 쓰지 않다가 비슷한 시기에 다양한 약자가 생겼다.

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* 1889년: "k. p. h."<ref>{{cite book |title=American meteorological journal: A monthly review of meteorology, medical climatology and geography |publisher=Meteorological Journal Company |last1=Harrington |first1=Mark W. |last2=Rotch |first2=A. Lawrence |last3=Herdman |first3=W. J. |date=May 1889 |pages=226 |volume=6 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=0MEWAQAAMAAJ&pg=PA226&lpg=PA226&dq=%22km/h%22+%22kilometers+per+hour%22&source=bl&ots=9dJuM0-Tv3&sig=6Obk_ZTGNarHWdyvAFRn-2eNgTs&hl=en&sa=X&ei=bkf-T9CxD8aI2gWA2fjHDw&ved=0CDgQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=%22km%2Fh%22%20%22kilometers%20per%20hour%22&f=false}}</ref>
* 1889년: "k. p. h."<ref>{{서적 인용|title=American meteorological journal: A monthly review of meteorology, medical climatology and geography |publisher=Meteorological Journal Company |last1=Harrington |first1=Mark W. |last2=Rotch |first2=A. Lawrence |last3=Herdman |first3=W. J. |date=May 1889 |pages=226 |volume=6 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=0MEWAQAAMAAJ&pg=PA226&lpg=PA226&dq=%22km/h%22+%22kilometers+per+hour%22&source=bl&ots=9dJuM0-Tv3&sig=6Obk_ZTGNarHWdyvAFRn-2eNgTs&hl=en&sa=X&ei=bkf-T9CxD8aI2gWA2fjHDw&ved=0CDgQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=%22km%2Fh%22%20%22kilometers%20per%20hour%22&f=false}}</ref>
* 1895년: "km:h"<ref>{{cite journal |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=I4hNAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA117&lpg=PA117&dq=%22km/h%22+%22kilometers+per+hour%22&source=bl&ots=WOqqVpscAB&sig=kue4ZLNbowkAqYytFDDV3fsx6wg&hl=en&sa=X&ei=00n-T7zXH6WO2QXKy4jqDw&ved=0CDYQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=%22km%2Fh%22%20%22kilometers%20per%20hour%22&f=false |title=Power consumed on electric railways |journal=The Street Railway Journal |date=February 1895 |volume=11 |issue=2 |pages=116–117}}</ref>
* 1895년: "km:h"<ref>{{저널 인용|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=I4hNAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA117&lpg=PA117&dq=%22km/h%22+%22kilometers+per+hour%22&source=bl&ots=WOqqVpscAB&sig=kue4ZLNbowkAqYytFDDV3fsx6wg&hl=en&sa=X&ei=00n-T7zXH6WO2QXKy4jqDw&ved=0CDYQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=%22km%2Fh%22%20%22kilometers%20per%20hour%22&f=false |title=Power consumed on electric railways |journal=The Street Railway Journal |date=February 1895 |volume=11 |issue=2 |pages=116–117}}</ref>
* 1898년: "km/h"<ref>{{cite book |title=Bulletin – United States Geological Survey, Volumes 151–152 |publisher=USGS |year=1898 |pages=ix |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=QgwlAQAAIAAJ&q=%22km/h%22+kilometer&dq=%22km/h%22+kilometer&source=bl&ots=SQVFIN5ctK&sig=Hptqzifz899z3Q2rTwQC6fhX2hE&hl=en&sa=X&ei=jFD-T7i3D8y02AXjy5XMBA&ved=0CEcQ6AEwAg}}</ref>
* 1898년: "km/h"<ref>{{서적 인용|title=Bulletin – United States Geological Survey, Volumes 151–152 |publisher=USGS |year=1898 |pages=ix |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=QgwlAQAAIAAJ&q=%22km/h%22+kilometer&dq=%22km/h%22+kilometer&source=bl&ots=SQVFIN5ctK&sig=Hptqzifz899z3Q2rTwQC6fhX2hE&hl=en&sa=X&ei=jFD-T7i3D8y02AXjy5XMBA&ved=0CEcQ6AEwAg}}</ref>
* 1899년: "km./hr." <ref>{{cite journal |title=The Stability of the Motion of a Bicycle |last=Whipple |first=F. J. W. |journal=The Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics |year=1899 |volume=30 |pages=342}}</ref>
* 1899년: "km./hr." <ref>{{저널 인용|title=The Stability of the Motion of a Bicycle |last=Whipple |first=F. J. W. |journal=The Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics |year=1899 |volume=30 |pages=342}}</ref>
* 1900년: "kms./hr."<ref>{{cite book |title=The Theory of the Trace: Being a Discussion of the Principles of Location |last=Launhardt |first=Wilhelm |publisher=Lawrence Asylum Press |location=Madras |year=1900 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=KkaXPI_aekoC}}</ref>
* 1900년: "kms./hr."<ref>{{서적 인용|title=The Theory of the Trace: Being a Discussion of the Principles of Location |last=Launhardt |first=Wilhelm |publisher=Lawrence Asylum Press |location=Madras |year=1900 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=KkaXPI_aekoC}}</ref>
* 1902년: "k.m.p.h."<ref>{{cite journal |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=DB3nAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA207 |journal=The Railway Engineer |volume=23 |editor1-last=Saunders |editor1-first=Lawrence |editor2-last=Blundstone |editor2-first=S. R. |page=207 |date=July 1902 |title=The Electric Problem of Railways |last=Swinburne |first=J}}</ref>
* 1902년: "k.m.p.h."<ref>{{저널 인용|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=DB3nAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA207 |journal=The Railway Engineer |volume=23 |editor1-last=Saunders |editor1-first=Lawrence |editor2-last=Blundstone |editor2-first=S. R. |page=207 |date=July 1902 |title=The Electric Problem of Railways |last=Swinburne |first=J}}</ref>
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* 1903년: "KMph."<ref>{{cite book |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=i0s1AQAAMAAJ |title=Observations Made at the Royal Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory at Batavia |last=Figee |first=S. |publisher=Government of Netherlands East India |year=1903 |volume=24 |page=196}}</ref>
* 1903년: "KMph."<ref>{{서적 인용|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=i0s1AQAAMAAJ |title=Observations Made at the Royal Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory at Batavia |last=Figee |first=S. |publisher=Government of Netherlands East India |year=1903 |volume=24 |page=196}}</ref>
* 1910년: "km ph"<ref>{{cite book |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=CXg5AAAAMAAJ&pg=PR19 |title=Electric Trains |last=Hobart |first=H. M. |publisher=D. Van Nostrand Company |location=New York |year=1910 |page=xix}}</ref>
* 1910년: "km ph"<ref>{{서적 인용|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=CXg5AAAAMAAJ&pg=PR19 |title=Electric Trains |last=Hobart |first=H. M. |publisher=D. Van Nostrand Company |location=New York |year=1910 |page=xix}}</ref>
* 1911년: "K.P.H."<ref>{{cite journal |title=Foreign Notes on Aviation |last=Ball |first=Jack |journal=Town & Country |date=August 1911 |pages=26 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=1xhUAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA26&lpg=PA26&dq=%22kph%22+kilometer&source=bl&ots=qcyTcMQkdk&sig=HK14YIxFmt8UBcobLENErN0glHE&hl=en&sa=X&ei=HFn-T_P8KMqe2wX1gv3lBA&sqi=2&ved=0CF4Q6AEwBg#v=onepage&q=%22kph%22%20kilometer&f=false}}</ref>
* 1911년: "K.P.H."<ref>{{저널 인용|title=Foreign Notes on Aviation |last=Ball |first=Jack |journal=Town & Country |date=August 1911 |pages=26 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=1xhUAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA26&lpg=PA26&dq=%22kph%22+kilometer&source=bl&ots=qcyTcMQkdk&sig=HK14YIxFmt8UBcobLENErN0glHE&hl=en&sa=X&ei=HFn-T_P8KMqe2wX1gv3lBA&sqi=2&ved=0CF4Q6AEwBg#v=onepage&q=%22kph%22%20kilometer&f=false}}</ref>
* 1914년: "km. hr."<ref>{{cite journal |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=x9pQAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA1141&lpg=PA1141&dq=%22km/hr%22&source=bl&ots=4eohj9q92V&sig=phERDBIQUn5Mtf2UFGR4INs80Pk&hl=en&sa=X&ei=Cbr_T4S_OofI2gW6tMWxBA&ved=0CDsQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=%22km%2Fhr%22&f=false |title=A Review of Some European Electric Locomotive Designs |last=Dodd |first=S. T. |journal=General Electric Review |date=January 1914 |volume=17 |issue=1 |pages=1141}}</ref>
* 1914년: "km. hr."<ref>{{저널 인용|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=x9pQAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA1141&lpg=PA1141&dq=%22km/hr%22&source=bl&ots=4eohj9q92V&sig=phERDBIQUn5Mtf2UFGR4INs80Pk&hl=en&sa=X&ei=Cbr_T4S_OofI2gW6tMWxBA&ved=0CDsQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=%22km%2Fhr%22&f=false |title=A Review of Some European Electric Locomotive Designs |last=Dodd |first=S. T. |journal=General Electric Review |date=January 1914 |volume=17 |issue=1 |pages=1141}}</ref>
* 1915년: "km/hour"<ref name="Automobile1915">{{cite journal |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=oxVaAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA710&lpg=PA710&dq=kph+%22kilometers+per+hour%22&source=bl&ots=oSV9840is5&sig=232C8QxgvKlEgItPZ3_fkfLywHQ&hl=en&sa=X&ei=5pz_T-7WD8y8qAGkhPSdBw&ved=0CEwQ6AEwBA#v=onepage&q=kph%20%22kilometers%20per%20hour%22&f=false |title=Data on Mixed Motor Fuels of Interest for American Export Trade |journal=The Automobile |date=October 1915 |volume=33 |issue=15 |pages=709}}</ref>
* 1915년: "km/hour"<ref name="Automobile1915">{{저널 인용|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=oxVaAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA710&lpg=PA710&dq=kph+%22kilometers+per+hour%22&source=bl&ots=oSV9840is5&sig=232C8QxgvKlEgItPZ3_fkfLywHQ&hl=en&sa=X&ei=5pz_T-7WD8y8qAGkhPSdBw&ved=0CEwQ6AEwBA#v=onepage&q=kph%20%22kilometers%20per%20hour%22&f=false |title=Data on Mixed Motor Fuels of Interest for American Export Trade |journal=The Automobile |date=October 1915 |volume=33 |issue=15 |pages=709}}</ref>
* 1915년: "km.-hr."<ref name="Automobile1915" />
* 1915년: "km.-hr."<ref name="Automobile1915" />
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* 1916년: "km. per hour"<ref>{{cite journal |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=O-MfAQAAMAAJ&pg=PA560&lpg=PA560&dq=kph+%22kilometers+per+hour%22&source=bl&ots=K_KMl6h4LJ&sig=3OPTvJsQMzVNZRNHfSL0AahG6KE&hl=en&sa=X&ei=5pz_T-7WD8y8qAGkhPSdBw&ved=0CFcQ6AEwBg#v=snippet&q=%22km.%20per%20hour%22&f=false |title=Tractive resistance tests with an electric motor truck |journal=Engineering and Contracting |date=December 1916 |volume=46 |issue=25 |pages=560}}</ref>
* 1916년: "km. per hour"<ref>{{저널 인용|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=O-MfAQAAMAAJ&pg=PA560&lpg=PA560&dq=kph+%22kilometers+per+hour%22&source=bl&ots=K_KMl6h4LJ&sig=3OPTvJsQMzVNZRNHfSL0AahG6KE&hl=en&sa=X&ei=5pz_T-7WD8y8qAGkhPSdBw&ved=0CFcQ6AEwBg#v=snippet&q=%22km.%20per%20hour%22&f=false |title=Tractive resistance tests with an electric motor truck |journal=Engineering and Contracting |date=December 1916 |volume=46 |issue=25 |pages=560}}</ref>
* 1921년: "kms/hr."<ref>{{cite book |title=Meteorological Report for the Year [1916?] |publisher=Ministry of Public Works, Egypt |page=xvii |url=https://books.google.com/books?ei=9iOmUv2oNcqiyAHCoIHYBA |year=1921 |first=Maṣlaḥat al-Arṣād |last=al-Jawwīyah}}</ref>
* 1921년: "kms/hr."<ref>{{서적 인용|title=Meteorological Report for the Year [1916?] |publisher=Ministry of Public Works, Egypt |page=xvii |url=https://books.google.com/books?ei=9iOmUv2oNcqiyAHCoIHYBA |year=1921 |first=Maṣlaḥat al-Arṣād |last=al-Jawwīyah}}</ref>
* 1922년: "Kmph"<ref>{{cite journal |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=hRU6AQAAMAAJ |journal=Railway Electrical Engineer |volume=13 |page=392 |title=French Railway Begins Electrification Program |last1=Candee |first1=A. H. |last2=Lynde |first2=L. E. |publisher=Simmons Boardman |year=1922}}</ref>
* 1922년: "Kmph"<ref>{{저널 인용|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=hRU6AQAAMAAJ |journal=Railway Electrical Engineer |volume=13 |page=392 |title=French Railway Begins Electrification Program |last1=Candee |first1=A. H. |last2=Lynde |first2=L. E. |publisher=Simmons Boardman |year=1922}}</ref>
* 1927년: "kmph."<ref>{{cite book |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=y5lTAAAAMAAJ |title=Pressure Airships |last=Blakemore |first=Thos. L. |year=1927 |page=230 |publisher=Ronald Press}}</ref>
* 1927년: "kmph."<ref>{{서적 인용|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=y5lTAAAAMAAJ |title=Pressure Airships |last=Blakemore |first=Thos. L. |year=1927 |page=230 |publisher=Ronald Press}}</ref>
* 1933년: "KPH"<ref>{{cite book |title=Aircraft Year Book |publisher=Aerospace Industries Association of America, Manufacturers Aircraft Association, Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce of America |year=1933 |pages=391–393 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=39cEAAAAMAAJ&q=%22kph%22+kilometer&dq=%22kph%22+kilometer&source=bl&ots=PyQ0_6UZCq&sig=8O5rmhK8Yjut3p0RsSoU3WItHPo&hl=en&sa=X&ei=tln-T9WMNsi-2gWfk6zcBA&ved=0CDwQ6AEwAQ |volume=15}}</ref>
* 1933년: "KPH"<ref>{{서적 인용|title=Aircraft Year Book |publisher=Aerospace Industries Association of America, Manufacturers Aircraft Association, Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce of America |year=1933 |pages=391–393 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=39cEAAAAMAAJ&q=%22kph%22+kilometer&dq=%22kph%22+kilometer&source=bl&ots=PyQ0_6UZCq&sig=8O5rmhK8Yjut3p0RsSoU3WItHPo&hl=en&sa=X&ei=tln-T9WMNsi-2gWfk6zcBA&ved=0CDwQ6AEwAQ |volume=15}}</ref>
* 1939년: "kmph"<ref>{{cite book |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=CWYjAQAAMAAJ |title=Bulletin |publisher=Central Electric Railfans' Association |year=1939 |page=cxii}}</ref>
* 1939년: "kmph"<ref>{{서적 인용|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=CWYjAQAAMAAJ |title=Bulletin |publisher=Central Electric Railfans' Association |year=1939 |page=cxii}}</ref>
<!-- to be added
<!-- to be added
* ????: "km/hr"
* ????: "km/hr"
* ????: "KMHR"
* ????: "KMHR"
* 1940: "KMPH"<ref>{{cite book |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=uA5LAAAAMAAJ |title=Electric Transportation |last=Thompson |first=Francis R. |year=1940 |page=165 }}</ref>
* 1940: "KMPH"<ref>{{서적 인용|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=uA5LAAAAMAAJ |title=Electric Transportation |last=Thompson |first=Francis R. |year=1940 |page=165 }}</ref>

2018년 4월 13일 (금) 10:04 판

킬로미터 매 시간으로만 측정된 속력을 나타내는 자동차 속도계
바깥쪽에 마일 매 시간(MPH)과 안쪽에 킬로미터 매 시간(km/h)으로 측정된 속력을 나타내는 미국의 자동차 속도계. 캐나다의 자동차 속도계에는 두 눈금의 위치가 바뀌어 있다.[1]

킬로미터시간 또는 시속 킬로미터(時速-, 영어: kilometre per hour)는 1시간 동안 운동킬로미터 수로 표현하는 속력(스칼라)과 속도(벡터)의 측정 단위이다. 국제 단위계에서 정한 기호는 km/h 또는 km·h−1 또는 km h−1이다. 가끔 영어 명칭인 'Kilometre per hour'의 약자로 kph 또는 KPH를 쓰기도 하지만 이는 표준이 아니다.[2][3] 세계적으로 자동차 속도계교통 표지에 가장 흔하게 사용되는 속력의 단위이다. 정의에 의하면 1 km/h의 속도로 운동하는 물체는 1시간 동안 1 킬로미터를 움직인다.

표기 역사

"킬로미터 매 시간"를 나타내는 여러 말들은 그 용어가 소개되었을 때부터 사용되었고, 그중 대다수는 현재에도 여전히 사용되고 있다. 예를 들어 영어사전에는 영어 약자로 "km/h", "kmph", "km/hr"가 나열되어 있다. 기호로 분류되는 SI 표기는 "km/h", "km h−1", "km·h−1"이다.


"킬로미터 매 시간"의 약자는 19세기 말까지 영어에 등장하지 않았다. 길이의 단위인 킬로미터는 1810년에 처음으로 영어에 등장하였다.[4] 그리고 속력의 단위인 "킬로미터 매 시간"은 1866년에 미국에서 사용되었다.[5] "킬로미터 매 시간"은 오랫동안 약자로 쓰지 않다가 비슷한 시기에 다양한 약자가 생겼다.

  • 1889년: "k. p. h."[6]
  • 1895년: "km:h"[7]
  • 1898년: "km/h"[8]
  • 1899년: "km./hr." [9]
  • 1900년: "kms./hr."[10]
  • 1902년: "k.m.p.h."[11]
  • 1903년: "KMph."[12]
  • 1910년: "km ph"[13]
  • 1911년: "K.P.H."[14]
  • 1914년: "km. hr."[15]
  • 1915년: "km/hour"[16]
  • 1915년: "km.-hr."[16]
  • 1916년: "km. per hour"[17]
  • 1921년: "kms/hr."[18]
  • 1922년: "Kmph"[19]
  • 1927년: "kmph."[20]
  • 1933년: "KPH"[21]
  • 1939년: "kmph"[22]

공식적으로 사용되는 다른 약자



  1. “Maintenance Required Indicator” (PDF). 4 March 2016에 원본 문서 (PDF)에서 보존된 문서. 4 August 2011에 확인함. 
  2. “Correct SI-metric usage”. 《www.us-metric.org》. 2018년 3월 20일에 확인함. 
  3. http://ukma.org.uk/docs/ukma-style-guide.pdf
  4. “The Oxford English Dictionary”. 2012년 7월 13일에 확인함. 
  5. Frazer, John F. (November 1866). 《Journal of the Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania for the Promotion of the Mechanic Arts》 LII. Philadelphia: Franklin Institute. 314쪽. 
  6. Harrington, Mark W.; Rotch, A. Lawrence; Herdman, W. J. (May 1889). 《American meteorological journal: A monthly review of meteorology, medical climatology and geography》 6. Meteorological Journal Company. 226쪽. 
  7. “Power consumed on electric railways”. 《The Street Railway Journal》 11 (2): 116–117. February 1895. 
  8. 《Bulletin – United States Geological Survey, Volumes 151–152》. USGS. 1898. ix쪽. 
  9. Whipple, F. J. W. (1899). “The Stability of the Motion of a Bicycle”. 《The Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics》 30: 342. 
  10. Launhardt, Wilhelm (1900). 《The Theory of the Trace: Being a Discussion of the Principles of Location》. Madras: Lawrence Asylum Press. 
  11. Swinburne, J (July 1902). Saunders, Lawrence; Blundstone, S. R., 편집. “The Electric Problem of Railways”. 《The Railway Engineer》 23: 207. 
  12. Figee, S. (1903). 《Observations Made at the Royal Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory at Batavia》 24. Government of Netherlands East India. 196쪽. 
  13. Hobart, H. M. (1910). 《Electric Trains》. New York: D. Van Nostrand Company. xix쪽. 
  14. Ball, Jack (August 1911). “Foreign Notes on Aviation”. 《Town & Country》: 26. 
  15. Dodd, S. T. (January 1914). “A Review of Some European Electric Locomotive Designs”. 《General Electric Review》 17 (1): 1141. 
  16. “Data on Mixed Motor Fuels of Interest for American Export Trade”. 《The Automobile》 33 (15): 709. October 1915. 
  17. “Tractive resistance tests with an electric motor truck”. 《Engineering and Contracting》 46 (25): 560. December 1916. 
  18. al-Jawwīyah, Maṣlaḥat al-Arṣād (1921). 《Meteorological Report for the Year [1916?]》. Ministry of Public Works, Egypt. xvii쪽. 
  19. Candee, A. H.; Lynde, L. E. (1922). “French Railway Begins Electrification Program”. 《Railway Electrical Engineer》 (Simmons Boardman) 13: 392. 
  20. Blakemore, Thos. L. (1927). 《Pressure Airships》. Ronald Press. 230쪽. 
  21. 《Aircraft Year Book》 15. Aerospace Industries Association of America, Manufacturers Aircraft Association, Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce of America. 1933. 391–393쪽. 
  22. 《Bulletin》. Central Electric Railfans' Association. 1939. cxii쪽.