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위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.

시드니 센테니얼 파크(영어: Centennial Park, New South Wales)는 오스트레일리아 뉴사우스웨일스 주 시드니의 동쪽 외곽에 위치한 대규모 공원이다. 센테니얼 파크는 시드니 중심 업무 지구로부터 남동쪽으로 4킬로미터 떨어진 랜드윅 지역에 위치하고 있다.

다른 의미


센테니얼 파크는 공원의 서쪽 가장자리에는 시드니 시티의 자치 지역인 작은 규모의 주거지역을 의미하기도 한다.



센테니얼 파크는 Centennial Park & Moore Park Trust와 뉴사우스웨일스 주 정부기관에 의해 운영되며 2.2 제곱미터의 면적을 차지하고 있다. It covers varied terrain, from low-lying wetlands and ornamental lakes to expanses of grass and playing fields, to pine and native forests. The area was originally swampland, known as Lachlan Swamps. It is located adjacent to another large public space, Moore Park. It is one of Australia's most famous parks and is listed on the Register of the National Estate.[1]

Federation Monument The Federation Monument which consists of the Commonwealth Stone (1901) and the Federation Pavilion (1988) is significant as the site of the official ceremony to mark the Federation of Australia and the inauguration of the Commonwealth of Australia on 1 January 1901. [2]

The Federation Pavillion, designed by Alexander Tzannes, was erected around the 'Commonwealth Stone' as a permanent monument to Federation, in the Bicentennial Year of European Settlement in 1988. The building was renovated and plaques were added to celebrate the Centenary of the Federation of Australia on January 1st 2001.

The Grand Drive The Grand Drive is the circular main road through the park. It runs for 3.8km and is part of the Sydney Marathon course, which was used in the 2000 Summer Olympics. The drive is separated into five concentric circles, with the outer track used for cycling or rollerblading, fourth largest for car driving, third for car parking and many trees, the second is a paved pathway for walking, also used for running, the smallest being a dirt track for horseriding.

McKay Oval Located in the most western area of the park, it is the home ground of Sydney Boys High School for Rugby Union, Soccer and Cricket matches, in the Greater Public Schools Competition. When leased to Sydney Boys High School in 1929, it was a swamp littered with rocks. After the swamp was drained, the rocks were removed mostly by the students, who for their training warmups had to find ten stones. Drainage issues still exist to this day, on occasions where there is heavy rain, winter sports matches are relocated or cancelled. Cricket matches everywhere are always cancelled in light rain. The main oval is currently surrounded by small white fence, which is also the boundary for cricket games, though spectators for the winter sports are allowed inside this boundary and are allowed to sit very close to the field, around 5 metres.

Built adjacent is the Fairland Pavilion, the hosting area for various lunches and afternoon teas, also the location of the canteen, changerooms, scoreboard, first aid, and storerooms for the bulk of the sporting equipment.

Black swan by Duck Pond



The government began plans for a celebratory park in 1886 and passed an Act of Parliament in the following year. Some of the grandiose plans for the area such as a museum and a national convention building, never eventuated.

Centennial Park was dedicated by Sir Henry Parkes in January 1888 to celebrate the first 100 years of European settlement in Australia and described by him as 'emphatically the people's park'. The Governor-General, Lord Hopetoun dedicated the park 'to the people of New South Wales forever'.[5]

The land was originally set aside by Governor Lachlan Macquarie for grazing and watering stock. The ponds to the south, known as Lachlan Swamps, were named in his honour and were the chief water supply for Sydney from 1830 to 1880. Water was carried to Hyde Park along a tunnel called Busby's Bore, after its designer John Busby (1765-1857). The tunnel served the needs of Sydney until the Nepean scheme made it redundant in the 1880s. In 1851, it was a scene of a duel between the first Premier of New South Wales, Sturt Donaldson, and the Surveyor-General, Thomas Mitchell. Both men survived to fulfil their duties.


  1. The Heritage of Australia, Macmillan Company, 1981, p.2/60
  2. Federation Monument, Centennial Park, NSW Profile
  3. A Pictorial Guide to Identifying Australian Architecture, Apperly (Angus and Robertson) 1994, p.141
  4. The Heritage of Australia, Macmillan Company, 1981, p.2/66
  5. The Book of Sydney Suburbs, Frances Pollon (Angus and Robertson) 1990, p.57 ISBN 0-207-14495-8

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