본문으로 이동


위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.

{{도시 정보 | 이름 = -revi/작업장/세벡 | 정식표기 = Sayabec | 그림 = Sayabec_village.jpg | 휘장 = Blason ville ca Sayabec (Quebec).svg | 지도 = Sayabec Quebec location diagram.png | 지도설명 = La Matapédia RCM 의 지도 | 위치지도 =Sayabec Quebec location diagram.png | 위치지도너비 = | 위도도 = 48 | 위도분 = 34 | 위도초 = | 남북 = 북 | 경도도 = 67 | 경도분 = 41 | 경도초 = | 동서 = 서 | 지형도 = (기본값으로 위치지도에서 일반 지도를 사용함) | 나라 = 캐나다 | 행정구역 = 퀘벡 주 | 설립일 = 19세기 중반 | 인구 = 1,864 | 인구년도 = 2011년 | 인구밀도 = | 광역인구 = | 면적 = 138.50 제곱킬로미터 | 세부면적 = | 해발 = | 시간대 = EST (UTC-5) 또는 (일광절약제) EDT ([[협정 세계시|UTC)-4) | 우편번호 = G0J 3K0 | 지역번호 = 418,581 | 웹사이트 = [www.municipalite sayabec.com] }}

세벡캐나다 퀘벡 주의 지방자치체이다.


세벡에서 본 칙촉 산

세벡은 세인트 로렌스 강의 남쪽 Sayabec is located to the south of Saint Lawrence River on the Gaspe Peninsula in the Matapédia Valley. It is located 375 km to the northeast of Quebec City, 350 km to the west of Gaspé, Quebec and 100 km to the north of New Brunswick. The main cities in the vicinity of Sayabec are Rimouski at 60 km and Mont-Joli at 30 km to the west, Matane at 40 km to the north and Amqui at 20 km to the east.

Sayabec is divided into two sections: the main section located near Lake Matapédia, and a second section near Lake Malcolm. The second section is known as the hamlet of Lac-Malcolm. Sayabec covers 130 km2. Forests cover 47.9% of this territory, 8.4% is water and the rest (43.7%) is treeless. Approximately 35% of the territory is propitious for agriculture.

Sayabec is part of La Matapédia Regional County Municipality in the administrative region of Bas-Saint-Laurent. The Catholic Parish of Sayabec named Saint-Nom-de-Marie is part of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Rimouski. The municipality is part of the touristic region of Gaspésie.

The geography of Sayabec is located in the mountains range of the Appalachian on a side of Chic-Choc Mountains in the section of Notre Dame Mountains. It is at an altitude of 200 m and the summits reach 350 m.

The territory of Sayabec encompasses two watersheds. The first one sheds into Lake Matapédia, and covers approximately 60% of the territory. It includes Matapédia Lake as well as Sayabec and Saint Pierre Rivers. Lake Matapédia is known for lake and brook trout fishing. The second watershed empties into Blanche River and covers 40% of the territory. It includes mainly Malcolm and Squaw Lakes as well as Blanche, Arthur, Edouard and Sauvages Rivers. Malcolm Lake to the north of the village is known for fishing, nautical activities and camping.

Sayabec is located in a temperate climate. Between 2001 and 2010 maximum temperature was 34 Celsius, and minimum temperature was -41 Celsius.