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사용자:배우는사람/문서:Prose Edda - Prologue

위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.



Creation, Fall of man, and Great Flood


IN the beginning God created heaven and earth and all those things which are in them; and last of all, two of human kind, Adam and Eve, from whom the races are descended. And their offspring multiplied among themselves and were scattered throughout the earth. But as time passed, the races of men became unlike in nature: some were good and believed on the right; but many more turned after the lusts of the world and slighted God's command. Wherefore, God drowned the world in a swelling of the sea, and all living things, save them alone that were in the ark with Noah.

The same evil prevailed again after Noah's flood


After Noah's flood eight of mankind remained alive, who peopled the earth; and the races descended from them. And it was even as before: when the earth was full of folk and inhabited of many, then all the multitude of mankind began to love greed, wealth, and worldly honor, but neglected the worship of God.

They lost the name of God


Now accordingly it came to so evil a pass that they would not name God; and who then could tell their sons of God's mighty wonders? Thus it happened that they lost the name of God; and throughout the wideness of the world the man was not found who could distinguish (식별하다, 알아듣다[보다]) in aught (어떤 것) the trace of his Creator.

God bestow upon man both the gifts of the earth and an increase of wisdom


But not the less did God bestow upon them the gifts of the earth: wealth and happiness, for their enjoyment in the world; He increased also their wisdom, so that they knew all earthly matters, and every phase of whatsoever they might see in the air and on the earth.

On likes and unlikes of earth, beasts and birds


One thing they wondered and pondered over: what it might mean, that the earth and the beasts and the birds had one nature in some ways, and yet were unlike in manner of

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Likes of earth, beasts and birds


First: Cleft into lofty mountain-peaks


In this was their nature one:

that the earth was cleft (쪼개다[가르다]) into lofty mountain-peaks, wherein water spurted up (뿜어져 나오다, 솟구치다), and it was not needful to dig longer for (…을 찾아 땅을 파다) water there than in the deep valleys;

so it is also with beasts and birds: it is equally far to the blood in the head and the feet.

Second: Grass and Flowers grow and wither every year


Another quality of the earth is, that in each year grass and flowers grow upon the earth, and in the same year all that growth falls away and withers;

it is even so with beasts and birds: hair and feathers grow and fall away each year.

Third: Grass grows straightway on the soil


This is the third nature of the earth, that when it is opened and dug up, the grass grows straightway (즉시, 즉각, 당장에) on the soil which is uppermost on the earth. Boulders and stones they likened to the teeth and bones of living beings.

Earth, sun and stars and their governor


Thus they recognized that the earth was quick, and had life with some manner of nature of its own; and they understood that she was wondrous old in years and mighty in kind: she nourished all that lived, and she took to herself all that died. Therefore they gave her a name, and traced the number of their generations from her.

The same thing, moreover, they learned from their aged kinsmen: that many hundreds of years have been numbered since the same earth yet was, and the same sun and stars of the heavens; but the courses of these were unequal, some having a longer course, and some a shorter.

From things like these the thought stirred within them that there might be some governor of the stars of heaven: one who might order their courses after his will; and that he must be very strong and full of might. This also they held to be true: that if he swayed the chief things of creation, he must have been before the stars of heaven; and they saw that if he ruled the courses of the heavenly bodies, he must also govern the shining of the sun, and the dews of the air, and the fruits of the earth, whatsoever grows

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upon it; and in like manner the winds of the air and the storms of the sea.

They knew not yet where his kingdom was; but this they believed: that he ruled all things on earth and in the sky, the great stars also of the heaven, and the winds of the sea.

The tradition: Wisdom of the earth


Wherefore (그런 이유로, 그러므로, 그런 까닭으로), not only to tell of this fittingly, but also that they might fasten it in memory, they gave names out of their own minds to all things. This belief of theirs has changed in many ways, according as the peoples drifted (떠가다, 표류[부유]하다) asunder (산산이; 뿔뿔이) and their tongues became severed one from another.

But all things they discerned with the wisdom of the earth, for the understanding of the spirit was not given to them; this they perceived, that all things were fashioned of some essence.



The world was divided into three parts: South (Africa), West (Europa) and Mediterranean (Asia)


The world was divided into three parts: from the south, extending into the west and bordering on the Mediterranean Sea,



--all this part was called Africa, the southern quarter of which is hot, so that it is parched (몹시 건조한[바싹 말라 버린]) with the sun.

Europa or Enea


The second part, from west to north and bordering on the ocean, is called Europa or Enea; its northern part is so cold that no grass grows upon it, and no man dwells there.



From the north and all down over the eastern part, even to the south, is called Asia. In that region of the world is all fairness and pride, and the fruits of the earth's increase, gold and jewels. There also is the centre of the earth; and even as the land there is lovelier and better in every way than in other places, so also were the sons of men there most favored with all goodly gifts: wisdom, and strength of the body, beauty, and all manner of knowledge.

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Troy and Turkland near the earth's center


Near the earth's centre was made that goodliest of homes and haunts (자주 가는[많은 시간을 보내는] 곳) that ever have been, which is called Troy, even that which we call Turkland. This abode was much more gloriously made than others, and fashioned with more skill of craftsmanship in manifold wise, both in luxury and in the wealth which was there in abundance.

Twelve kingdoms and one High King


There were twelve kingdoms and one High King, and many sovereignties belonged to each kingdom; in the stronghold were twelve chieftains. These chieftains were in every manly part greatly above other men that have ever been in the world.

Thor as the child of Munon and Troan


One king among them was called Munon or Mennon; and he was wedded to the daughter of the High King Priam, her who was called Troan; they had a child named Tror, whom we call Thor.

Growth of Thor


Thor was fostered in Thrace


He (= Thor) was fostered (아이를 맡아 기르다[위탁 양육하다]) in Thrace by a certain war-duke called Lorikus;

Thor at age ten


but when he (= Thor) was ten winters old he took unto him the weapons of his father. He was as goodly to look upon, when he came among other men, as the ivory that is inlaid in oak; his hair was fairer (어여쁜, 옅은 색의, 금발의, 흰 피부의) than gold.

Thor at age twelve


When he (= Thor) was twelve winters old he had his full measure of strength; then he lifted clear of the earth ten bear-skins all at one time;

and then he slew Duke Lorikus, his foster-father, and with him his wife Lora, or Glora, and took into his own hands the realm of Thrace, which we call Thrudheim.

Thor's campaigns


Then he went forth far and wide over the lands, and sought out every quarter of the earth, overcoming alone all berserks and giants, and one dragon, greatest of all dragons, and many beasts.

Thor wedded Sibil (Sif)


In the northern half of his kingdom he found the prophetess that is called Sibil, whom we call Sif, and wedded her. The lineage of Sif I cannot tell; she was fairest of all women,

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and her hair was like gold.

Thor and Sif's descendants

  1. Their son was Loridi, who resembled his father;
  2. his son was Einridi,
  3. his son Vingethor,
  4. his son Vingener,
  5. his son Moda,
  6. his son Magi,
  7. his son Seskef,
  8. his son Bedvig,
  9. his son Athra (whom we call Annarr),
  10. his son Itermann,
  11. his son Heremod,
  12. his son Skjaldun (whom we call Skjold),
  13. his son Bjaf (whom we call Bjarr),
  14. his son Jat, his son Gudolfr,
  15. his son Finn,
  16. his son Friallaf (whom we call Fridleifr);
  17. his son was he who is named Voden, whom we call Odin: he was a man far-famed for wisdom and every accomplishment.
  18. His wife was Frigida, whom we call Frigg.



Odin with a great multitude of people journeyed out of Turkland


Odin had second sight (투시력, 미래를 내다보는 능력), and his wife also; and from their foreknowledge he found that his name should be exalted in the northern part of the world and glorified above the fame of all other kings. Therefore, he made ready to journey out of Turkland, and was accompanied by a great multitude of people, young folk and old, men and women; and they had with them much goods of great price. And wherever they went over the lands of the earth, many glorious things were spoken of them, so that they were held more like gods than men.

Odin came to Saxland


They made no end to their journeying till they were come north into the land that is now called Saxland; there Odin tarried for a long space, and took the land into his own hand, far and wide.

Odin set up three of his sons for the land-wardens or rulers for Saxland


In that land Odin set up three of his sons for land-wardens.

Vegdeg as the ruler of East Saxland


One was named Vegdeg: he was a mighty king and ruled over East Saxland;

  1. his son was Vitgils;
  2. his sons were Vitta, Heingistr's father, and Sigarr,
  3. father of Svebdeg, whom we call Svipdagr.

Beldeg as the ruler of Westphalia


The second son of Odin was

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Beldeg, whom we call Baldr: he had the land which is now called Westphalia.

  1. His son was Brandr,
  2. his son Frjodigar, (whom we call Frodi),
  3. his son Freovin,
  4. his son Uvigg,
  5. his son Gevis (whom we call Gave).

Sigi as the ruler of Frankland, and Volsungs


Odin's third son is named Sigi,

  1. his son Rerir.

These the forefathers ruled over what is now called Frankland; and thence is descended the house known as Volsungs. From all these are sprung many and great houses.

Odin came into Reidgothland


Then Odin began his way northward, and came into the land which they called Reidgothland; and in that land he took possession of all that pleased him.

Odin set up Skjoldr as the ruler of Reidgothland or Jutland, and Skjoldungs


He (= Odin) set up over the land that son of his called Skjoldr,

  1. whose son was Fridleifr;

--and thence descends the house of the Skjoldungs: these are the kings of the Danes. And what was then called Reidgothland is now called Jutland.

Æsir (Odin and his company) came into Sweden and met with Gylfi


After that he (= Odin) went northward, where the land is called Sweden; the king there was named Gylfi. When the king learned of the coming of those men of Asia, who were called Æsir, he (= Gylfi) went to meet them,

Odin and Gylfi ruled Sweden together


and (Gylfi) made offer to them that Odin should have such power in his realm as he himself wielded. And such well-being followed ever upon their footsteps, that in whatsoever lands they dwelt were good seasons and peace; and all believed that they caused these things, for the lords of the land perceived that they were unlike other men whom they had seen, both in fairness and also in wisdom.

Odin chose Sigtun as his city and set up chieftains and twelve doomsmen


The fields and the choice lands in that place seemed fair to Odin, and he chose for himself the site of a city which is now called Sigtun. There he established chieftains in the

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fashion which had prevailed in Troy; he set up also twelve head-men to be doomsmen (= judge; umpire) over the people and to judge the laws of the land; and he ordained also all laws as, there had been before, in Troy, and according to the customs of the Turks.

Odin reached the sea and set up Sæmingr as the ruler of Norway


After that he went into the north, until he was stopped by the sea, which men thought lay around all the lands of the earth; and there he set his son over this kingdom, which is now called Norway. This king was Sæmingr;

Odin's descendants: Kings of Norway, Haleygjatal and Ynglings


the kings of Norway trace their lineage from him,

and so do also the jarls and the other mighty men, as is said in the Haleygjatal.

Odin had with him one of his sons called Yngvi, who was king in Sweden after him; and those houses come from him that are named Ynglings.

Æsir 's wives and descendants, spreading the tongue of Asia


The Æsir took wives of the land for themselves, and some also for their sons; and these kindreds became many in number, so that throughout Saxland, and thence all over the region of the north, they spread out until their tongue, even the speech of the men of Asia, was the native tongue over all these lands.

Therefore men think that they can perceive, from their forefathers' names which are written down, that those names belonged to this tongue, and that the Æsir brought the tongue hither into the northern region, into Norway and into Sweden, into Denmark and into Saxland. But in England there are ancient lists of land-names and place-names which may show that these names came from another tongue than this.

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Next: Gylfaginning



