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보편 부활

위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.

보편 부활 또는 일반 부활 (Universal resurrection or general resurrection)은 일부 기독교 교파들이 주장하는 교리로서, 한번 생존했다가 죽은 모든 사람들이 최후의 심판을 받기위해서 죽은자들로부터 부활 할 것이라고 주장한 교리이다.[1][2][3]





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  1. Michael T. Griffith One Lord, One Faith: Writings of the Early Christian Fathers As ... 1996 p. 207 "43 The Universal Resurrection: All Will Be raised from the dead POINT: The Bible teaches that all mankind will be resurrected. Several early Christian writers reiterated this truth. Selected Bible Passages: Acts 24:15: ". . . there ..."
  2. Wolfhart Pannenberg Jesus God and Man 1977 p66 "Then when his disciples were confronted by the resurrected Jesus, they no doubt also understood this as the beginning of the universal resurrection of the dead, as the beginning of the events of the end of history."
  3. Sergeĭ Nikolaevich Bulgakov The bride of the Lamb 2002 p. 531 The Universal Resurrection The parousia of Christ is the coming of the Resurrected One in the power and glory of ... The resurrection of the One is also the universal resurrection, hidden until the "last day" (John 6:39) and ..."

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