
위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전. (토론)님의 2015년 5월 18일 (월) 23:34 판
2차원 구조
3차원 구조

암페타민(Amphetamine, alpha-methylphenethylamine의 준말)는 피로식욕을 낮추고 기민성을 증가시키는 페네틸아민 계열의 각성의 하나이다. 주의력결핍 과다행동장애(ADHD), 기면증의 치료를 위해 승인되었다.[1] 역사적으로는 비충혈 제거제로서 의학적으로 쓰여왔으며 우울증비만증 치료 목적으로도 쓰여왔다.[1][2][3]


암페타민 합성 경로
방식 1
방식 2
방식 3

약리학적 역사

약리 효과는 각성효과이다. 2차세계 대전 당시 일본에서 잠을 자지 않고 일하게 하기 위해 사용하면서 각성제로 널리 사용되었다. 습관성, 중독성이 있어 현재는 마약류와 같이 사용에 법적으로 금지된 약물이다. 흔히 말하는 잠안오는 약으로 사용되었다.

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  1. Heal DJ, Smith SL, Gosden J, Nutt DJ (2013년 6월). “Amphetamine, past and present – a pharmacological and clinical perspective”. 《J. Psychopharmacol.》 27 (6): 479–496. doi:10.1177/0269881113482532. PMC 3666194. PMID 23539642. [This] review charts advances in pharmaceutical development from the introduction of once-daily formulations of amphetamine through to lisdexamfetamine, which is the first d-amphetamine prodrug approved for the management of ADHD in children, adolescents and adults. The unusual metabolic route for lisdexamfetamine to deliver d-amphetamine makes an important contribution to its pharmacology. How lisdexamfetamine’s distinctive pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic profile translates into sustained efficacy as a treatment for ADHD and its reduced potential for recreational abuse is also discussed...
    Smith, Kline and French introduced Benzedrine onto the market in 1935 as a treatment for narcolepsy (for which it is still used today), mild depression, post-encephalitic Parkinsonism and a raft of other disorders (see Bett, 1946; Guttmann and Sargent, 1937; Tidy, 1938)...
    ‘Amphetamine’, which is the generic name for Benzedrine devised by the Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry of the American Medical Association, was not adopted until many years later...
    Smith, Kline and French synthesised both isomers, and in 1937 commenced marketing of d-amphetamine, which was the more potent of the two isomers, under the trade name of Dexedrine®.
  2. Rasmussen N (2006년 7월). “Making the first anti-depressant: amphetamine in American medicine, 1929–1950”. 《J . Hist. Med. Allied Sci.》 61 (3): 288–323. doi:10.1093/jhmas/jrj039. PMID 16492800. SKF first packaged it as an inhaler so as to exploit the base’s volatility and, after sponsoring some trials by East Coast otolaryngological specialists, began to advertise the Benzedrine Inhaler as a decongestant in late 1933. 
  3. “Methamphetamine facts”. 《DrugPolicy.org》. 2013년 10월 19일에 확인함. Like amphetamine, methamphetamine increases activity, decreases appetite and causes a general sense of well-being. Amphetamine has been used for weight control, for athletic performance and endurance, for treating mild depression, and to help truckers complete their long hauls without falling asleep. Methamphetamine has been widely marketed to women for weight loss and to treat depression. 

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