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가시광선 및 적외선 파장 천문간섭계 목록

위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.

다음은 현재 존재하는 천문학적 광학 간섭계 (즉, 가시광선에서 중적외선 파장까지 작동)의 목록 및 그 성능에 관한 매개변수 일부이다.

지상 간섭계의 현재 성능


2-5열은 관찰할 수 있는 표적의 범위와 수행할 수 있는 과학의 영역을 결정한다. 더 높은 한계 등급은 어레이가 더 희미한 소스를 관찰할 수 있음을 의미한다. 한계 등급은 대기 관측, 망원경의 직경 및 시스템에서 손실된 빛에 의해 결정된다. 더 넓은 범위의 기준선은 더 넓은 범위의 광원에 대하여 더 다양한 영역의 과학에서 수행할 수 있음을 의미한다.

열 6-10은 어레이에 의하여 얻을 수 있을 것으로 예상되는 과학 데이터의 대략적인 품질과 총량을 나타낸다. 이는 연간 데이터로 각 어레이가 운영되는 구름 없는 야간 일수의 평균 값을 설명한다.

Current Performance of Existing Astronomical Interferometers
Interferometer and observing mode Waveband Limiting magnitude Minimum baseline (m)

Maximum baseline (m) Approx. no. visibility measurements per year

(measurements per night x nights used per year)
Max ratio of no. phase / no. amplitude measurements

(measure of imaging performance, 0 = none)
Accuracy of amplitude2 measurements Accuracy of phase measurements

Number of spectral channels

(max in use simultaneously)
Operational? Comments
CHARA Array[1] V, R, I, J, H, K 8 34 330 7500 0.7 1% 10 30000 Yes 30000 in the visible band; maximum baseline 330-m
COAST visible R, I 7 4 60 2000 0.5 4% 10 4? Closed 300 cloudy nights per year, maximum baseline 100-m
COAST infrared J, H 3 4 60 100 0.5 20% 10 1 Closed 300 cloudy nights per year, maximum baseline 100-m
GI2T visible R, I 5 10 65 2000 0 10% - 400? Closed CLOSED in 2006
IOTA J, H, K, L' 7 6 30 10000 0.3 2% 10 1? Closed Integrated optics beam combiner. CLOSED.
ISI N 0 10 50 5000 0.3 1% 1 1000 Closed Maximum baseline 70-m
Keck Interferometer H, K, L, N 10.3 85 85 1000 0 4% 1 330 Closed Nulling Key Science Underway - No imaging on a single baseline instrument; maximum baseline 11-m. CLOSED.
Keck Aperture Masking J, H, K, L 2 0.5 9 20000 0.9 20% 10 1 CLOSED.
MIRA 1.2 R, I 3 30 30 500 0 10% - 1 Closed Mid-Infrared
Navy Precision Optical Interferometer(NPOI) V, R, I 6 5 97 (operational)

432 (not yet commissioned)

50000 0.7 4% 10 16 Yes at Lowell Observatory

12cm siderostats operational

3 x 1.0m apertures being added

World's largest optical baseline-437m


Palomar Testbed Interferometer[2] J,H,K 7 86 110 50000 0 2% 0.1 5,10 Closed "dual-star" capable , No imaging on a single baseline instrument. CLOSED 2009.
SUSI B, V, R, I 5 5 160 (operated)

640 (never commissioned)

5000 0 4% 10 21 Closed No imaging on a single baseline instrument; Maximum baseline 160m

J, H, K simultaneously 7 46 130 400 0.3 1% 10 2000 Yes Used for a few weeks per year. Longest overall VLTI Baseline 130m

J, H, K simultaneously 4 46 130 400 0.3 1% 10 2000 Yes Longest overall VLTI Baseline 130m

K 11 46 130 400 0 >1% - 1 Yes Integrated optics beam combiner. Longest overall VLTI Baseline 130m

K Never checked 12 200 400 0 >1% - 1 Yes Longest overall VLTI Baseline 130m.

N 4.5 46 130 200 0 10% - 250 Yes Used for a few weeks per year. Longest overall VLTI Baseline 130m. Dismantled Apr 2015

N 4.5 ? 200 200 0 10% - 250 Yes VLTI inldes World's largest unfilled apertures (siderostats, 1.8-m, 8-m). Longest overall VLTI Baseline 130m. Dismantled Apr 2015

새로운 간섭계 및 기존 간섭계의 개선 사항

Expected Future Performance of Astronomical Interferometers
Interferometer and observing mode Waveband Limiting magnitude Minimum baseline (m)

Maximum baseline (m) Approx. no. visibility measurements per year

(measurements per night x nights used per year)
Max ratio of no. phase / no. amplitude measurements

(measure of imaging performance, 0 = none)
Accuracy of amplitude2 measurements Accuracy of phase measurements

Number of spectral channels

(max in use simultaneously)

(near infrared)
J, H, K >20 0 22 10000000 1 30% 100 100? 2006?
MRO R, I, J, H, K 14 7 400 100000 0.6 1% 10 1000? Under Construction

(near infrared using 4 ATs and PRIMA)
J, H, K 12 8 200 10000 1 1% 0.1 4000? decommissioned 2014

(near infrared using 3 UTs and PRIMA)
J, H, K 14 46 130 500 1 1% 0.3 4000? decommissioned 2014

(near infrared using 4 UTs and MATISSE)
J, H, K, N, Q commissioning 2017?

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  1. T.A. ten Brummelaar; 외. (2005). “First Results from the CHARA Array. II. A Description of the Instrument”. 《Astrophysical Journal》 628 (1): 453. arXiv:astro-ph/0504082. Bibcode:2005ApJ...628..453T. doi:10.1086/430729. 
  2. M.M. Colavita; 외. (1999). “The Palomar Testbed Interferometer”. 《Astrophysical Journal》 510 (1): 505. arXiv:astro-ph/9810262. Bibcode:1999ApJ...510..505C. doi:10.1086/306579. 

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