본문으로 이동


위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.

GNU enscript  컴퓨터 프로그램은  텍스트 파일을 pdf, PostScript, RTF,또는 HTML 형식등으로 변환하여주는 명령어형 프로그램이다. 변환시킬 대상파일 형식이 주어지지 않은 경우 입력 파일은 주어진 enscript 프로세스 표준으로 대체된다. Enscript는 명령어 형 프로그램이므로 파이프라인 등을 연계사용하여 확장할 수 있는 다른 형식의 출력이 미디어,텍스트 인코딩등  많은 옵션을 사용할 수 있는 사용자 정의 출력이 가능하다. 이것은 GNU GPL 버전 3하에 배포되고있다.[1]

대용량 고속처리에도 불구하고 유니코드 등 완전한 인코딩은 미지원될수있다.


> enscript --help
Usage: enscript [OPTION]... [FILE]...
Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.
 -#                         an alias for option -n, --copies
 -1                         same as --columns=1
 -2                         same as --columns=2
     --columns=NUM          specify the number of columns per page
 -a, --pages=PAGES          specify which pages are printed
 -A, --file-align=ALIGN     align separate input files to ALIGN
 -b, --header=HEADER        set page header
 -B, --no-header            no page headers
 -c, --truncate-lines       cut long lines (default is to wrap)
 -C[START], --line-numbers[=START]
                            precede each line with its line number
 -d                         an alias for option --printer
 -D, --setpagedevice=KEY[:VALUE]
                            pass a page device definition to output
 -e[CHAR], --escapes[=CHAR]       enable special escape interpretation
 -E[LANG], --highlight[=LANG]     highlight source code
 -f, --font=NAME            use font NAME for body text
 -F, --header-font=NAME     use font NAME for header texts
 -g, --print-anyway         nothing (compatibility option)
 -G                         same as --fancy-header
     --fancy-header[=NAME]  select fancy page header
 -h, --no-job-header        suppress the job header page
 -H[NUM], --highlight-bars[=NUM]  specify how high highlight bars are
 -i, --indent=NUM           set line indent to NUM characters
 -I, --filter=CMD           read input files through input filter CMD
 -j, --borders              print borders around columns
 -J,                        an alias for option --title
 -k, --page-prefeed         enable page prefeed
 -K, --no-page-prefeed      disable page prefeed
 -l, --lineprinter          simulate lineprinter, this is an alias for:
                              --lines-per-page=66, --no-header, --portrait,
 -L, --lines-per-page=NUM   specify how many lines are printed on each page
 -m, --mail                 send mail upon completion
 -M, --media=NAME           use output media NAME
 -n, --copies=NUM           print NUM copies of each page
 -N, --newline=NL           select the newline character.  Possible
                            values for NL are: n (`\n') and r (`\r').
 -o                         an alias for option --output
 -O, --missing-characters   list missing characters
 -p, --output=FILE          leave output to file FILE.  If FILE is `-',
                            leave output to stdout.
 -P, --printer=NAME         print output to printer NAME
 -q, --quiet, --silent      be really quiet
 -r, --landscape            print in landscape mode
 -R, --portrait             print in portrait mode
 -s, --baselineskip=NUM     set baselineskip to NUM
 -S, --statusdict=KEY[:VALUE]
                            pass a statusdict definition to the output
 -t, --title=TITLE          set banner page's job title to TITLE.  Option
                            sets also the name of the input file stdin.
 -T, --tabsize=NUM          set tabulator size to NUM
 -u[TEXT], --underlay[=TEXT]      print TEXT under every page
 -U, --nup=NUM              print NUM logical pages on each output page
 -v, --verbose              tell what we are doing
 -V, --version              print version number
 -w, --language=LANG        set output language to LANG
 -W, --options=APP,OPTION   pass option OPTION to helper application APP
 -X, --encoding=NAME        use input encoding NAME
 -z, --no-formfeed          do not interpret form feed characters
 -Z, --pass-through         pass through PostScript and PCL files
                            without any modifications
Long-only options:
 --color[=bool]             create color outputs with states
 --continuous-page-numbers  count page numbers across input files.  Don't
                            restart numbering at beginning of each file.
 --download-font=NAME       download font NAME
 --extended-return-values   enable extended return values
 --filter-stdin=NAME        specify how stdin is shown to the input filter
 --footer=FOOTER            set page footer
 --h-column-height=HEIGHT   set the horizontal column height to HEIGHT
 --help                     print this help and exit
 --help-highlight           describe all supported --highlight languages
                            and file formats
 --highlight-bar-gray=NUM   print highlight bars with gray NUM (0 - 1)
 --list-media               list names of all known media
                            adjust page marginals
                            mark wrapped lines in the output with STYLE
 --non-printable-format=FMT specify how non-printable chars are printed
 --nup-columnwise           layout pages in the N-up printing columnwise
 --nup-xpad=NUM             set the page x-padding of N-up printing to NUM
 --nup-ypad=NUM             set the page y-padding of N-up printing to NUM
 --page-label-format=FMT    set page label format to FMT
 --ps-level=LEVEL           set the PostScript language level that enscript
                            should use
 --printer-options=OPTIONS  pass extra options to the printer command
 --rotate-even-pages        rotate even-numbered pages 180 degrees
 --slice=NUM                print vertical slice NUM
 --style=STYLE              use highlight style STYLE
 --swap-even-page-margins   swap left and right side margins for each even
                            numbered page
 --toc                      print table of contents
 --ul-angle=ANGLE           set underlay text's angle to ANGLE
 --ul-font=NAME             print underlays with font NAME
 --ul-gray=NUM              print underlays with gray value NUM
 --ul-position=POS          set underlay's starting position to POS
 --ul-style=STYLE           print underlays with style STYLE
 --word-wrap                wrap long lines from word boundaries

사용 예


pdf 출력

> enscript sample.txt  -o  sample.pdf

외부 링크



  1. (GNU)Report bugs to <bug-enscript@gnu.org>.