본문으로 이동

Blood (마이크로폰스의 음반)

위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.

마이크로폰스정규 음반
  • 인디
  • 실험
마이크로폰스 연표
It Was Hot, We Stayed in the Water
The Glow Pt. 2

Blood》는 미국의 인디 록 밴드 마이크로폰스가 2001년에 발표한 음반이다. 300장만 한정판으로 생산되었다. 《The Glow Pt. 2》의 이전 버전이나 비요크의 〈All Is Full of Love〉의 커버 버전이 들어가 있기도 하다.

트랙 리스트와 크레딧

사이드 원
#제목재생 시간
1.Horns from "The Moon" Saxophones (3) played by Karl Blau on September 21, 2000 at Dub Narcotic studio in Olympia, Wash2:30
2.Jason Anderson telling a crowd at Espresso Roma about cleaning up all the blood after badly cutting his foot by stepping into a metal hole in the floor at Chris' parents' house in Grand Junction, Colo. on Aug 21st 2000 (story told Aug 22nd)0:41
3.Khaela Maricich and Phil Elvrum (the Thunderclouds) rehearsing "Don't Worry Baby" by the Beach Boys on the Silvertone chord organ. Late February 19990:16
4.Samurai Sword" being made up and sung by Phil Elvrum walking down Jefferson St. Between Legion and 7th in Olympia Nov. 20001:20
5.The very end of "Gaping Hole" by Get the Hell Out of the Way of the Volcano played by Khaela Maricich and Phil Elvrum, July 1, 2000 followed by a bird outside Dub Narcotic Studio0:14
6.Tape Loop Collage by Phil Elvrum, Dub Narcotic Studio July 30, 20001:01
7.Humming from "I Want to Be Cold" by Phil Elvrum. Dub Narcotic September 3, 20000:34
8.Organs and Pianos from "The Moon" played by Phil Elvrum. Dub Narcotic September 16, 20000:33
9.Thank You Microphones" sung by a bunch of people in Anacortes, Wash. (on 7th st. and "H" ave.) on December 17, 2000: They are: Dave Matthies – singing, Darrin Matthies – Singing, Nate Ashley – Bass, Brian Malloy – Guitar and Singing, Bill Cook – Drums, Karl Blau – Piano and Singing. It was made up on the spot and recorded from the middle of the room2:46
10.Choir from "The Sun" by Mirah recorded at Dub Narcotic, September 15, 2000 with Nate Ashley, Jenn Kliese, Anna Huff, Khaela Maricich, Mirah Yom Tov Zeitlyn, Jeanie Question and Phil Elvrum, twice1:51
11.A Bird in a Tree at about 2 in the morning in Santa Cruz, Calif on June 21st 2000, 316 Cliff St.1:11
12.Slighted" by Mirah recorded at Dub Narcotic on January 20, 2001 by Mirah – signing, songwriting, percussion, Jason Anderson – organ, Phil Elvrum – drums, Karl Blau – bass, saxophone, Eddy Blau – Guitar, trumpet2:07
13."You'll Be in the Air" version with Jacob Navarro, Eddy Blau, Dave Matthies, Nate Ashley, Karl Blau and Phil Elvrum. Recorded at Dub Narcotic on Dec. 10th 20001:04
14.The horns from "So I Finally Belong to the Night" by the Little Wings, written by Kyle Field. Karl Blau – Saxophone, flute, Eddy Blau – Trumpet, Melodian. Recorded at Dub Narcoti Dec. 10th 20002:41
15.A little bit of Amber Bell sweeping the steps to the studio and saying something before "Map" sung by Phil Elvrum as it was made up walking home down Jefferson St. Late November 20001:41
16.Map" Version played by Phil Elvrum at Dub Narcotic studio, December 16, 20001:20
총 재생 시간:21:49
사이드 투
#제목재생 시간
1.Sleepy Hollow2:51
2.I Felt My Size2:36
3.The Gleam pt. 21:45
4.I Want to Be Cold2:26
5.Samurai Sword1:00
6.I'll Not Contain You3:26
7.All Is Full of Love (All of these were recorded at Dub Narcotic Studio, Olympia, on February 8, 2001 by Phil Elvrum who had a cold and was sad about the loss of Every O. E. Kitty a few days before. It was snowing. "All Is Full of Love" was made up by Björk. These were recorded between 10am and 1pm in that same order.)1:52
8.Cut up drums from "Dark of the Male, Light of the Female" by Old Time Relijun, played and cut up by Phil Elvrum. Recorded July 12, 2000 at Dub Narcotic, of course2:11
9.The end of "Moon Moon Moon" by the Microphones band that played at Yo-Yo-a-Go-Go in 1999
  • Recorded live at the Capitol Theatre, July 14th 1999 with:
    • Karl Blau – drums, singing
    • Mirah Zeitlyn – Guitar, singing
    • Phil Elvrum – Bass, singing
    • Khaela Maricich – Organ, singing
10.A bunch of people spontaneously breaking out into a clapping ritual in Hugh and Carrie's living room and kitchen in Santa Cruz, Calif. on June 24th, 2000. Echo added later0:37
총 재생 시간:21:35