The first five (physicists') Hermite polynomials. Made with the following Gnuplot changed from orginal code by Alessio Damato:
# set the output
set terminal svg
set output "hermite_poly_phys.svg"
set title "Hermite (physicists') Polynomials"
# axis properties
set key right bottom
set xrange [-2.5:3.5]
set yrange [-45:50]
set xzeroaxis linetype -1 linewidth 0.5
set yzeroaxis linetype -1 linewidth 0.5
set xlabel "x"
set ylabel "H_n (x)"
plot 1 ti "n = 0" with lines linewidth 2,
2*x ti "n = 1" with lines linewidth 2,
4*x**2-2 ti "n = 2" with lines linewidth 2,
8*x**3-12*x ti "n = 3" with lines linewidth 2,
16*x**4-48*x**2+12 ti "n = 4" with lines linewidth 2,
32*x**5-160*x**3+120*x ti "n = 5" with lines linewidth 2
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기존 올리기 기록
This image is a derivative work of the following images:
2009-03-30T19:32:20Z Vulpecula 600x480 (15043 Bytes) {{Information |Description=I made it with the following [[:en:Gnuplot|Gnuplot]] code: # set the output set terminal svg set output "hermite_poly.svg" set title "Hermite Polynomials" # axis properties set xrange [-3.5:6.5
{{Information |Description=The first five (physicists') Hermite polynomials. Made with the following Gnuplot changed from orginal code by Alessio Damato: <pre> # set the output set terminal svg set output "hermite_poly_