본문으로 이동


위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.
  • This template provides an external link to a listing on the Canadian Register of Historic Places (CRHP), for use in references or for external links at the end of an article. Where a site is listed more than once on the CRHP (i.e. it is designated by more than one level of government), 틀:CRHP2 can alternatively be used for external links (but not for references).



아래의 두 가지 인수는 모두 필수:

id1=The CRHP ID number for the site, found in the url (e.g. http://www.historicplaces.ca/en/rep-reg/place-lieu.aspx?id=8445&pid=0)

id2=사이트의 이름 지정.

다음의 인수는 선택사항:

id3=불러온 날자 (참조를 위해).


<ref>{{CRHP|4114|Aberdeen Pavilion|April 14, 2011}}</ref> 결과Aberdeen Pavilion. Canadian Register of Historic Places. April 14, 2011. 확인

*{{CRHP|4114|Aberdeen Pavilion}} 결과 Aberdeen Pavilion. Canadian Register of Historic Places.

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