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위키백과:미번역 문서/과학사

위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.

영어 위키백과의 과학사 프로젝트에서 중요하다고 평가한 문서 중 한국어 위키백과에 없거나 토막글 상태인 문서 목록입니다.

  1. en:Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union (22)
  2. en:Copernican heliocentrism (12)
  3. en:Discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation (6)
  4. en:George Sarton (17) → 조지 사튼 토막글 문서
  5. en:Germ theory of disease (30+)
  6. en:History of botany (17) 좋은 글 문서
  7. en:History of geology (27)
  8. en:History of leprosy (4)
  9. en:History of medicine (40+) → 의학사 D등급 문서
  10. en:History of technology (50+) → 기술의 역사 토막글 문서
  11. en:History of the Big Bang theory (13)
  12. en:History of the social sciences (7)
  13. en:Joseph Needham (30+) → 조지프 니덤 E등급 문서
  14. en:Natural history (60+) → 박물학 시작 문서
  15. en:Newton's cannonball (11)
  16. en:Science in the ancient world (6)
  17. en:Smelting (29) → 제련 E등급 문서
  18. en:Technological and industrial history of the United States (8)
  19. en:Technology (180+) → 테크놀로지 토막글 문서
  20. en:Treatise on Natural Philosophy (4)
  1. en:10th edition of Systema Naturae (12)
  2. en:A History of Greek Mathematics (2)
  3. en:Alchemy in the medieval Islamic world (13)
  4. en:Alfred Kinsey (50+) → 알프레드 킨제이 토막글 문서
  5. en:Ancient Greek medicine (22)
  6. en:Antediluvian (7)
  7. en:Antimalarial medication (20)
  8. en:Aristotle's biology (14) 좋은 글 문서
  9. en:Articella (5)
  10. en:Asclepiades of Bithynia (23)
  11. en:Baconian method (9)
  12. en:Benjamin Peirce (27)
  13. en:Byzantine medicine (12)
  14. en:Byzantine science (12)
  15. en:Cabinet of curiosities (30+) → 진품실 토막글 문서
  16. en:Christian B. Anfinsen (50+) → 크리스천 B. 앤핀선 시작 문서
  17. en:Codex Leicester (26) → 코덱스 레스터 시작 문서
  18. en:De Humani Corporis Fabrica Libri Septem (26)
  19. en:De re metallica (18)
  20. en:Discovery of nuclear fission (7) 알찬 글 문서
  21. en:Donna Haraway (30+) → 도나 해러웨이 시작 문서
  22. en:Egyptian astronomy (20)
  23. en:Fermat's principle (40+) → 페르마의 원리 시작 문서
  24. en:Foucault's measurements of the speed of light (2) 좋은 글 문서
  25. en:Galileo affair (17)
  26. en:Genetics and the Origin of Species (9)
  27. en:Genome India Project (2)
  28. en:Graeco-Arabic translation movement (19)
  29. en:Great chain of being (22) → 존재의 대사슬 시작 문서
  30. en:Greek mathematics (30+) → 그리스 수학 시작 문서
  31. en:Hanford Site (26) 알찬 글 문서핸퍼드 사이트 토막글 문서
  32. en:Harold Jeffreys (30+)
  33. en:Helladic chronology (30+)
  34. en:Hippocratic Corpus (21)
  35. en:Historiography of science (11)
  36. en:History of anatomy (12)
  37. en:History of Animals (27) 좋은 글 문서
  38. en:History of animal testing (4)
  39. en:History of archaeology (8)
  40. en:History of biotechnology (6)
  41. en:History of computer science (18)
  42. en:History of ecology (14)
  43. en:History of electromagnetic theory (18)
  44. en:History of energy (6)
  45. en:History of general anesthesia (6)
  46. en:History of geophysics (4)
  47. en:History of malaria (7) 좋은 글 문서
  48. en:History of Maxwell's equations (2)
  49. en:History of military technology (4)
  50. en:History of model organisms (3)
  51. en:History of molecular biology (12)
  52. en:History of molecular theory (11)
  53. en:History of nanotechnology (4)
  54. en:History of neuroscience (10)
  55. en:History of nursing in the United Kingdom (3)
  56. en:History of optics (13)
  57. en:History of pseudoscience (5)
  58. en:History of rockets (10) → 로켓의 역사 시작 문서
  59. en:History of science and technology (10)
  60. en:History of science and technology in Korea (5)
  61. en:History of science and technology in Spain (7)
  62. en:History of science and technology in the People's Republic of China (2)
  63. en:History of science policy (3)
  64. en:History of scientific method (6)
  65. en:History of synthetic-aperture radar (3)
  66. en:History of the battery (10)
  67. en:History of the creation–evolution controversy (3)
  68. en:History of the periodic table (18)
  69. en:History of thermodynamics (16)
  70. en:History of virology (13)
  71. en:Humboldtian model of higher education (12)
  72. en:Industrial Revolution in Wales (2)
  73. en:Informal mathematics (3)
  74. en:Intellectual history (21) → 정신사 토막글 문서
  75. en:Interchangeable parts (17)
  76. en:Jane Hamilton Hall (6)
  77. en:Jean-Baptiste Dumas (40+) → 장바티스트 뒤마 토막글 문서
  78. en:John Harrison (40+) → 존 해리슨 토막글 문서
  79. en:John James Audubon (60+) → 존 제임스 오듀본 토막글 문서
  80. en:Joseph Banks (40+) → 조지프 뱅크스 시작 문서
  81. en:Karl Landsteiner (80+) → 카를 란트슈타이너 토막글 문서
  82. en:Learned society (30+) → 학회 토막글 문서
  83. en:Linnaean taxonomy (18)
  84. en:Linnean Society of London (29)
  85. en:Lunar theory (9)
  86. en:Matthew Boulton (30+) 알찬 글 문서매슈 볼턴 토막글 문서
  87. en:Medicine in the medieval Islamic world (23)
  88. en:Medieval medicine of Western Europe (24)
  89. en:Multiple discovery (6)
  90. en:Natasha Myers (2)
  91. en:Newcomen atmospheric engine (25)
  92. en:Norman Lockyer (30+)
  93. en:Operation Paperclip (40+) → 페이퍼클립 작전 시작 문서
  94. en:Opticks (27)
  95. en:Paris Observatory (40+) → 파리 천문대 토막글 문서
  96. en:Pike Expedition (8)
  97. en:Romanticism in science (7)
  98. en:Said al-Andalusi (14)
  99. en:Schiehallion experiment (16) 좋은 글 문서
  100. en:Science and technology in Albania (6)
  101. en:Science and technology in Argentina (4)
  102. en:Science and technology in Bangladesh (4)
  103. en:Science and technology in Bulgaria (12)
  104. en:Science and technology in Canada (3)
  105. en:Science and technology in Chile (3)
  106. en:Science and technology in Colombia (3)
  107. en:Science and technology in France (3)
  108. en:Science and technology in Germany (8)
  109. en:Science and technology in Hungary (8)
  110. en:Science and technology in Iceland (2)
  111. en:Science and technology in India (3)
  112. en:Science and technology in Indonesia (7)
  113. en:Science and technology in Iran (8)
  114. en:Science and technology in Israel (17)
  115. en:Science and technology in Italy (6)
  116. en:Science and technology in Jordan (2)
  117. en:Science and technology in Malaysia (3)
  118. en:Science and technology in Morocco (2)
  119. en:Science and technology in Pakistan (4)
  120. en:Science and technology in Portugal (3)
  121. en:Science and technology in Romania (2)
  122. en:Science and technology in South Africa (3)
  123. en:Science and technology in South Korea (2)
  124. en:Science and technology in Switzerland (2)
  125. en:Science and technology in the Ottoman Empire (8)
  126. en:Science and technology in the Philippines (5)
  127. en:Science and technology in the Soviet Union (8)
  128. en:Science and technology in the United Kingdom (4)
  129. en:Science and technology in the United States (7)
  130. en:Science and technology in Turkey (3)
  131. en:Science and technology in Ukraine (5)
  132. en:Science and technology in Venezuela (2)
  133. en:Science in newly industrialized countries (2)
  134. en:Science in the Age of Enlightenment (8)
  135. en:Science in the medieval Islamic world (30+) 좋은 글 문서
  136. en:Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (30+)
  137. en:Sociotechnical system (13)
  138. en:Soviet atomic bomb project (20)
  139. en:Species Plantarum (30+) → 식물의 종 시작 문서
  140. en:Sum of Logic (7)
  141. en:Superseded theories in science and results in mathematics (12)
  142. en:Technological utopianism (10)
  143. en:Terra Nova Expedition (30+) 알찬 글 문서테라노바 원정 시작 문서
  144. en:The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (11) → 벤저민 프랭클린 자서전 토막글 문서
  145. en:Theodore von Kármán (40+) → 테오도르 폰 카르만 토막글 문서
  146. en:Theodore William Richards (60+) → 시어도어 리처즈 토막글 문서
  147. en:Time in physics (8)
  148. en:William Bateson (30+) → 윌리엄 베이트슨 토막글 문서
  149. en:William Beebe (23) 좋은 글 문서
  150. en:William Buckland (40+)
  151. en:X-10 Graphite Reactor (13) 알찬 글 문서
  152. en:Zoe Todd (2)