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위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.
Official ProtonMail logo.
Official ProtonMail logo.
Securing Privacy Rights for Everyone
표어Encrypted email, made simple
사이트 종류Webmail
회원 가입Required
사용 언어English
사용자250,000 (August 2014)[1]
작성된 언어PHP and Javascript
제작자Andy Yen, Jason Stockman, Wei Sun
현재 상태Active

유럽 입자 물리학 연구소(-粒子物理學硏究所, 프랑스어: Conseil Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire, CERN)의 개발자들이 만든 보안 웹 메일 서비스.

ProtonMail is a free web-based encrypted email service founded in 2013 at the CERN research facility by Jason Stockman, Andy Yen, and Wei Sun.[3][4] ProtonMail is designed as a zero knowledge system, using client-side encryption to protect emails and user data before they are sent to ProtonMail servers, in contrast to other common webmail services such as Gmail and Hotmail. ProtonMail servers are located in Switzerland, outside of US and EU jurisdiction.[5] The service received initial funding through a crowdfunding campaign, and will be sustained long-term by multi-tiered pricing, although the default account setup is free.

ProtonMail has approximately 250,000 users as of August, 2014.[6] 프로톤 메일은 하버드대, 매사추세츠공대, 유럽 입자 물리학 연구소 과학자들의 협조로 탄생했다.

  1. “Join Us”. 2014년 8월 17일에 확인함. 
  2. “ProtonMail.ch Site Info”. Alexa Internet. 2015년 5월 6일에 확인함.