본문으로 이동


위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.
별자리 처녀자리
적경 12h 30m 49.4s
적위 +12° 23′ 28″
물리적 성질
시선 속도 0.0043600±000022
거리 52±4 Mly(16±1.2Mpc)
형태 E+0-1 pec, NLRG Sy
크기 8.3×6.6
광학적 성질
겉보기등급 9.59
기타 성질
명칭 Virgo A ,NGC 4486, UGC 7654,PGC 41316,VCC 1316,Arp 152
메시에 천체 목록
NGC 천체 목록

'메시에87 (M87혹은처녀자리. 혹은NGC 4486)거대한 타원형 은하는 이다. 은하는 대략 60백만개의 광년이라고 멀리 찾아낸 북부 처녀자리 송이 내의 가장 크고 가장 밝은 은하 이다. [1] 은하는 또한 multiwavelength 방사선의 강한 근원인 주목할 만한 활동적인 은하 핵, 특히 전파를 포함한다. [2] 이것은 지구의 가까이에 가장 큰 거대한 타원형 은하이기 때문에, 그리고 하늘에 있는 가장 밝은 방사선 출처의 한이기 때문에, 아마추어 천문학 관측 및 직업적인 천문학 학문 둘 다를 위한 대중적인 표적이다. M87에는 2.4 ±의 그것의 센터의 32 kpc 내의 질량이, 0.6 ×1012 M☉ 있기 위하여 견적된다. [3]

is a giant elliptical galaxy. The galaxy is the largest and brightest galaxy within the northern Virgo Cluster, located about 60 million light years away.[1] The galaxy also contains a notable active galactic nucleus that is a strong source of multiwavelength radiation, particularly radio waves.[2] Since this is the largest giant elliptical galaxy near Earth and since it is one of the brightest radio sources in the sky, it is a popular target for both amateur astronomy observations and professional astronomy study. M87 is estimated to have a mass, within 32 kpc of its center, of 2.4 ± 0.6 ×10^12 M.[3]

Globular clusters[편집]

M87 has an unusually huge population (perhaps the greatest known around any one galaxy) of globular clusters as compared to the Milky Way's 150-200. A 2006 survey out to 25′ of its core estimates that there are 12,000 ± 800 globulars around M87.[4]


In 1918, Lick Observatory astronomer Heber Curtis discovered a jet of matter coming from M87 which he described as "a curious straight ray". This jet extends at least 5000 light-years from the nucleus of M87 and is made up of matter ejected from the galaxy, most likely by a supermassive black hole (a fact made more likely by the discovery of a disk of rapidly rotating gas around the nucleus of M87). Astronomers believe that the black hole in this galaxy has a mass of approximately 3 billion (3×109) solar masses. M87 has also been found to be a strong source of X-rays. Its proximity means that it is one of the best studied radio galaxies.[출처 필요]

Superluminal motion[편집]

In pictures taken by the Hubble Space Telescope in 1999, the motion of M87's jet was measured at four to six times the speed of light. This motion is believed to be a visual result of the relativistic velocity of the jet, and not true superluminal motion. However, detection of such motion supports the theory that quasars, BL Lac objects and radio galaxies may all be the same phenomenon, known as active galaxies, viewed from different perspectives.[5]

X-ray emitting loops and rings[편집]

Observations made by Chandra X-ray Observatory indicate the presence of loops and rings in the hot X-ray emitting gas that permeate the cluster and surround M87. These loops and rings are generated by pressure waves. The pressure waves are caused by variations in the rate at which material is ejected from the supermassive black hole in jets. The distribution of loops suggests that minor eruptions occur every six million years. One of the rings, caused by a major eruption, is a shock wave 85,000 light-years in diameter around the black hole. Other remarkable features observed include narrow X-ray emitting filaments up to 100,000 light-years long, and a large cavity in the hot gas caused by a major eruption 70 million years ago. The regular eruptions prevent a huge reservoir of gas from cooling and forming stars, implying that M87’s evolution may have been seriously affected, preventing it from becoming a large Spiral galaxy. The observations also imply the presence of sound waves: 56 octaves below middle C for the minor eruptions and 58 to 59 below middle C for the major eruptions.[6]

Gamma ray emissions[편집]

M87 is also a very good source of gamma rays, which are the most energetic rays of the electromagnetic spectrum; more than a million times as powerful as visible light. Gamma rays coming from M87 have been observed since the late 1990s, but recently, using the HESS Cherenkov telescopes, scientists have measured the variations of the gamma ray flux coming from M87, and found that the flux changes over a matter of days.

It is generally accepted that the supermassive black hole located in the center of M87, holds a mass of several billion solar masses. However, the fact that the variations can change over several days makes the immediate vicinity of the supermassive black hole in M87 (about the size of our solar system)[7] the most promising source of the gamma rays. In general, the smaller the diameter, the faster the variations, and vice versa.

See also[편집]

  • NGC 1316: a similar galaxy with a central supermassive black hole
  • "New Earth": a 2006 episode of Doctor Who featuring a planet in M87. The planet was re-visited in the 2007 episode Gridlock.

External links[편집]


  1. B. Binggeli, Bruno, G. A. Tammann, and A. Sandage, Astron. J. 94, 251 (1987).
  2. W. Baade, R. Minkowski (1954). “On the Identification of Radio Sources”. 《Astrophysical Journal》 119: 215–231. 
  3. Wu, Xiaoan; Tremaine, Scott (2006). “Deriving the Mass Distribution of M87 from Globular Clusters”. 《The Astrophysical Journal》 643 (1): 210–221. doi:10.1086/501515. 
  4. Tamura, Naoyuki; Sharples, Ray M.; Arimoto, Nobuo; Onodera, Masato; Ohta, Kouji; Yamada, Yoshihiko (2006). “A Subaru/Suprime-Cam wide-field survey of globular cluster populations around M87 - I. Observation, data analysis and luminosity function”. 《Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》. Online Early. 
  5. J. A. Biretta, W. B. Sparks, and F. Macchetto, Astrophys. J. 520, 621 (1999).; John Biretta (1999년 1월 6일). “Hubble detects faster-than-light motion in Galaxy M87”. Baltimore, Maryland: Space Telecsope Science Institute. 
  6. "Chandra Reviews Black Hole Musical: Epic But Off-Key", October 2006
  7. Universe Today, Gamma Rays Pour From the Edge of a Supermassive Black Hole, October 2006