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위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.
Bio Design 
약어 (ISO 4)Bio Des.
분야Structural biology
출판 정보
출판사Korean Soceity for Structural Biology
출판 역사2013-present
출판 주기Quarterly
외부 링크

The Bio Design is a peer-reviewed scientific journal aiming to promote the emerging research fields of designer biology that is based on the structural and functional analysis of biological phenomena. The journal emphasizes modification and improvement of biological substances as well as original analysis of biological structure and function. The analysis technologies covered by the journal include X-ray crystallography, NMR spectroscopy, electron microscopy, mass spectrometry, theoretical and geometrical bio-computation, single molecule studies, molecular bioimaging, and other biochemical/biophysical tools. By covering the broad area of analytical tools, we aim for the technical fusions to elucidate complex biological phenomena in sufficient detail for the novel design of bio-inspired molecules and systems. Thus, the journal is a forum for discussion of recent results on biological structure/function, bioimaging, biosensor, biotherapeutics, drug design, protein design, and biosystems design. The journal publishes each issue at the 30th day of March, June, September and December.

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