본문으로 이동

사용자:FusedCandy19/연습장 2

위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.


Apple trees were blooming white and fuchsia.
O'er the river fog began to creep.
Out along the water walked Katyusha
Down the river's bank so high and steep.
As she walked, she started sweetly singing
Of a gray steppe eagle high above,
Of him to whose letters she was clinging,
Of the one, to whom she'd pledged her love.
Oh you song! You little maiden's chorus,
Fly away beyond the sun and snow.
To the distant soldier serving for us
Tell him that Katyusha says hello.
May he think about her on occasion,
May he hear her heartfelt little song,
May he guard our homeland from invasion,
And their love Katyusha will keep strong.
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