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위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.
Beethoven's Milanese mandolin, hung beside the piano in his home

루트비히 판 베토벤은 만돌린을 위해 최소 여섯 개의 작품을 작곡했으며, 그 중 네 개는 지금까지 남아 있다.[1]​ 그의 생애 동안 출판된 작품은 없다.[2]​ 피아니스트로 더 잘 알려져 있지만, 베토벤은 피아노 옆에 걸려 있던 밀라노식 만돌린을 소유했다.​[2] 그는 두 명의 저명한 만돌린 연주자와 친구였으며, 두 사람 모두 그의 살아남은 만돌린 음악과 연결되어 있었다.[2]

Ludwig van Beethoven composed at least six works for mandolin, four of which survive.[1] None were published during his lifetime.[2] Though known better as a pianist, Beethoven possessed a Milanese mandolin, which was hung beside his piano.[2] He was friends with two prominent mandolinists, both of whom were linked to his surviving mandolin music.[2]


베토벤은 보헤미안 바이올리니스트이자 비엔나 오페라 오케스트라에서 바이올린을 연주한 만돌린 거장인 벤첼 크룸홀츠와 관계를 쌓았다.[3] 카를 체르니는 크럼훌츠에 대해 그가 베토벤의 천재성을 가장 먼저 알아본 사람 중 한 명이라고 썼다.[2]

베토벤은 그의 피아노를 위한 세 개의 삼중주, 작품 번호 1이 발표된 후에 1795년에 빈에서 크룸홀츠를 만났다.[3] 베토벤은 크룸홀츠로부터 바이올린 레슨을 받았고, 그와의 긴밀한 관계로 인해 만돌린과 하프시코드를 위한 두 개의 작품(WoO 43, 1번 및 2번)이 쓰게 되었을 것이다.[3] 이것은 첫 번째 시도였을 가능성이 높기 때문에 베토벤은 작품을 출판하지 않았다.[3]

요제피네 드 클라리[편집]

또 다른 만돌린 연주자는 크리스찬 필립 클람-갈라스 백작의 아내인 클라리 운트 알드링겐 가문의 조제핀이었다.

The other mandolinist was Josephine of Clary-Aldringen, the wife of Count Christian Philipp Clam-Gallas([[:de:{{{3}}}|독일어판]]) and mother of Eduard Clam-Gallas; the couple invited Beethoven in on his first visit to Prague to their palace, and he dedicated the aria "Ah! perfido" to the count's wife.[2]

Josephine was a student of Johann Baptist Kucharz, a composer and organist who was also a mandolinist.[3] He was the first to play mandolin in Mozart's Don Giovanni in the first production in 1787.[3]

Joseph Braunstein said that Beethoven composed the second set of works (WoO 44, Numbers 1 and 2) in 1796, after he met Josephine in Prague.[3] He also "revised" the second of his 1795 works (WoO43 #2) for the countess, adding a dedication, "pour la belle Josephine."[3] According to Robert Cummings, Beethoven's four works using mandolin were all composed for the countess and were discovered in her husband's collection.[4]

Beethoven wrote his mandolin works near the beginning of his career. The works are numbered in the WoO system of 'works without opus number', which designates compositions written throughout his career which were never published with an opus number. For example, Ah! perfido Op. 65, dedicated to countess Josephine and written about the same time as the mandolin sonatas, wasn't given an opus number until 1819. Beethoven was not known for his mandolin works, and ultimately focused elsewhere. However, Joseph Braunstein said of these pieces that, although "not great music ... they are valuable miniatures that fit well, biographically and stylistically, into the period of Beethoven's Opus 1, his first sonatas, the String Trio in E-flat, the song "Adelaide", and the Piano Concerto in B-flat."[3]

Mandolin works[편집]

  • Sonatina in C minor, WoO 43, No. 1[3][5]
  • Adagio in E-flat, WoO 43, No. 2[3][6]
  • Sonatina in C, WoO 44, No. 1[3][7]
  • Andante and Variations in D, WoO 44, No. 2[3]


  • Mandolin music, Beethoven, Hummel, Maria Scivittaro (mandolin), Robert Veyron-Lacroix (harpsichord & piano), (1969, Nonesuch Records, New York)[8]
  • Beethoven Rarities for mandolin and piano, for violin and piano by Lajos Mayer (mandolin), Imre Rohmann (piano), Bela Banfalvi (violin), Sándor Falvai (piano) (1982, Hungaroton records)[9]
  • Beethoven, Hummel, Hoffmann: Works For Mandolin & Fortepiano, Duilio Galfetti (mandolin), Diego Fasolis (forte piano) (2000, Arts Music )[10]


  1. Mair, Marilynn. “Beethoven's Mandolin”. 《marilynnmair.com》. 2019년 5월 27일에 확인함. based on an article that originally appeared in “Mandolin Magazine,” Fall 2001. 
  2. Bone, Philip J. (1914). 《The Guitar and Mandolin – Biographies of Celebrated Players and Composers for these Instruments》. London: Schott & Co. 25–28쪽. 
  3. Braunstein, Joseph (1969). 《Mandolin Music, Beethoven, Hummel》 (미디어 설명). New York: Nonesuch Records. 2019년 5월 24일에 확인함. 
  4. (영어) Robert Cummings. Sonatina for mandolin & piano in C minor, WoO 43/1 - 올뮤직. 25 May 2019에 확인.
  5. Sonatina for Mandolin and Harpsichord, WoO 43a: Scores - 국제 악보 도서관 프로젝트 (IMSLP)
  6. Adagio for Mandolin and Harpsichord, WoO 43b: Scores - 국제 악보 도서관 프로젝트 (IMSLP)
  7. Sonatina for Mandolin and Harpsichord, WoO 44a: Scores - 국제 악보 도서관 프로젝트 (IMSLP)
  8. “Mandolin music, by Scivittaro, Maria; Veyron-Lacroix, Robert; Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770–1827; Hummel, Johann Nepomuk, 1778–1837”. 1969. 2019년 5월 24일에 확인함 – archive.org 경유. 
  9. “Beethoven Rarities (For Mandolin and Piano, for Violin and Piano)”. 《discogs.com》. 2019년 5월 25일에 확인함. 
  10. “Beethoven, Hummel, Hoffmann: Works For Mandolin & Fortepiano”. arkivmusic.com. 2019년 5월 29일에 확인함. 

External links[편집]