User Interface
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User Interface Example
[편집]What is user interface
[편집]UI와 사용자 경험의 상관관계
[편집]이렇게 된김에 메뉴 한 단계 더
[편집]띄어쓰기 하면 박스도 쳐짐 Like this
이제 태그를 해볼까나 김유신 김춘추 무열왕 갑오개혁 동학농민운동 이순신 이황 거북선 신사임당 율곡이이 스트라디바리우스 없는건 태그 안되겠지 가나다
이렇게 된김에 메뉴 두 단계 더
[편집]안 띄어쓰면 박스가 안생기나 안생기네
너의 끝을 보여줘
[편집]= 어디까지 되니 =
[편집]= 6개가 끝인가 =
[편집]사용자 경험과 UI의 상관관계
[편집]User Interface란 무엇인가
[편집]dding links to an article makes it more useful, but too many links can be distracting. (Lead sections often have more links than other sections of articles.) To avoid excessive links, you should normally create a link in an article only where the first occurrence of a word or phrase occurs. And you should not link common words such as "state" and "world", even though Wikipedia has articles for those words, unless these common words are central concepts to the article. Looking at other Wikipedia articles can help you learn when to add links. You can find a list of high quality articles on the featured articles page.
[편집]To make a link to another Wikipedia page (called a wiki link), put it in double square brackets, like this: Sandbox which the reader will see, after you save your edit, as this: Sandbox If you want to link to an article, but display some other text for the link, you can do so by adding the pipe "|" divider (SHIFT + BACKSLASH on English-layout and other keyboards) followed by the alternative name. For example: display text will display as this: display text You can make a link to a specific section of a page like so: display text which will display as this: display text
[편집]크게 더 크게 위로 더위로 > 난 정상