본문으로 이동


위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.




Since , , and are Hermitian, , , and , all of their eigenvalues are real, and there is a set of eigenvectors that forms a complete basis of the Hilbert space.
For any Hermitian operator, say , let its eigenbasis, . Then for any ,


By symmetry, .


and .
Since and ,

and . So


When , . Then


For ,

Let , and .

diverges if for any , there is such that .

Since and cannot both be zero at the same time, one of or diverges unless the series terminates.

If is even and , is even. If is odd and , is odd. For other values of or the series diverges and lacks any physical meaning.

For , for all .

For , for all .

For , for all and .

They are equal to if we ignore the scaling factors.


The eigenvalue equation on is

Since ,

Let , , and .

The general solutions of each differential equations are and .

Boundary conditions:



(3) continuity

(4) continuity of the derivative

Since , if we take and , then and .

The minimum value of on the first quadrant of the graph is .

If there are no bound states.



If , then for every , , which leads to a nonphysical zero wave function.

For , .

Unless the series terminates, , which goes to infinity as r increases.

This cannot be a physical solution, so the series must terminate at certain


For each , the allowed values are .

For each , there are -fold degeneracy, so the total degeneracy is .

If , .

If , .

has -fold degeneracy

Also are odd if is odd and even if is even.

parity of is

The results are equal to the results obtained from the Cartesian solutions.


Then because for all .

To normalize , .

Then because for all .

To normalize , .

Cartesian solutions for are:

By the same logic,

So and





By energy conservation, .

Let the angle between and be . i.e.

When the particle arrives at the maximum or minimum distance from the origin, .

So and .

If , , and are all pointing to the same direction, .

This does not hold for general cases, so .

, so and are antiparallel to each other.

For circular orbits, .






Take , , and .
Then and , because , , , and are all hermitian operators.

Take and . Then

, so . Also, and .

Other commutation relations are:
, , , and .

By the same logic with the harmonic oscillators, and . Since and commute, an eigenstate of one operator is an eigenstate of another operator.




Since the spherical harmonics are orthonormal to each other, the wave function only has the component.


Since the spherical harmonics are orthonormal to each other, the probability of observing , , and are same and others are impossible.



The spherical harmonics are orthonormal to each other, so and .


Since is a energy eigenstate, it satisfies the T.I.S.E.

is independent of and .




For ground state, . Then the only possible .
So the corresponding eigenstate is .
To normalize ,

By the same logic, .




Reduced mass of is so its bohr radius is .

Reduced mass of is so its bohr radius is .

From the result of (1), .


The potential is rotationally invariant. The Hamiltonian operator is only the function of and .

So the Hamiltonian and Angular momentum operators mutually commute, which means that are eigenstates.

Dividing each side with we get,

Let .

Take and .

As the equation becomes .

The solution to this equation is . Take and .

Take .

This equation is same as (13.1.8). .

Let .

, so always exists and is real.