사용자:배우는사람/문서:Folk Hinduism

위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.

Folk Hinduism, Indian Folk Religion or Popular Hinduism is the aspect of Hinduism as a folk religion, i.e. nominal Hinduism mixed with Animist practice, as opposed to its scholastic or mystical aspects (Brahmanism, Vedanta, Hindu philosophy). Folk Hinduism is emphatically polytheistic, as opposed to Brahmanism or Vedantic Hinduism, which emphasize Monism or Monotheism. A more accurate term than Folk Hinduism would be Indian Folk Religion, since many aspects of folk religion pre-date the formalization of Hindu philosophy.

Folk Hinduism holds the same place in Indian society as Chinese folk religion in Chinese society and Shintoism in Japanese society. These religions are often practiced mixed with more formal philosophical world-views such as Buddhism or Vedantic Hinduism. For example, most ethnic Chinese follow the 'triple religion' of Chinese folk religion/Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism. In Japan, Shintoism and Buddhism are popularily combined.

The number of adherents to traditional Indian folk religion is hard to determine, as they are listed as Hindu on government census records, and often practice other forms of religion in combination with folk religion, but the number is likely to be very high.

See also[편집]


  • Vineeta Sinha, Problematizing Received Categories: Revisiting ‘Folk Hinduism’ and ‘Sanskritization’, Current Sociology, Vol. 54, No. 1, 98-111 (2006)
  • Vineeta Sinha , Persistence of ‘Folk Hinduism’ in Malaysia and Singapore, Australian Religion Studies Review Vol. 18 No. 2 (Nov 2005):211-234
  • Stuart H. Blackburn, Inside the Drama-House: Rama Stories and Shadow Puppets in South India, UCP (1996), ch. 3: " Ambivalent Accommodations: Bhakti and Folk Hinduism".
  • Stuart H. Blackburn, Death and Deification: Folk Cults in Hinduism, History of Religions (1985).
  • David N. Gellner, Hinduism. None, one or many?, Social Anthropology (2004), 12: 367-371 Cambridge University
  • L. E. Nelson (ed.), Purifying the Earthly Body of God: Religion and Ecology in Hindu India, New York (1998).
