본문으로 이동

사용자:黒輔/작업·실험실 A

위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.

대런 섄 (영어: The Saga of Darren Shan)은 동명의 작가 대런 섄에 의해 집필된 아동을위한 판타지 소설. 전 12 권. 2010 년 12 월 현재, 39 개국로 발매되고있다.[1] 또 최초의 3 부작에 기반으로 영화가 2009 년 10 월 23 일 공개된 다른 나라에서도 순차적으로 출판 하였다.



대런 섄 (본명은 대런 오쇼그네시(영어: Darren O'Shaughnessey)) 은 2 개의 성인용 책 사이에 시리즈 제 1 권, 괴물 서커스단(영어: Cirque du Freak 실크 드 프리크[*])을 출판했다. 이는 높은 평가를 받아 2000 년에는 워너 브라더스가 영화 화 권을 취득했다. 영화는 공개되지 않고, 3 년 후에 영화화의 권리는 섄에 반환되었다. [2] 이후 유니버설 스튜디오가 영화 화 권을 구입하고 영화가 제작 · 공개되었다.

각 권의 개요


뱀파이어 라텐 크레프스리(영어: Larten Crepsley)과 거래를 한 평범한 인간의 소년 대런 섄은 크레프스리의 수하, 하프 뱀파이어로 어둠의 세계를 살아가는 것이된다. 그리고 대런의 운명의 톱니바퀴는 크게 미쳐 간다 ...

  • 제 1 권 괴물 서커스단 (영어: Cirque du Freak)
미스터 크레프스리는 크레프스리의 독거미 마담 옥타(영어: Madame Octa)에 물렸던 대런의 가장 친한 친구, 스티브 레너드를 돕는 대가로 대런을 하프 뱀파이어로한다.
  • 제 2 권 뱀파이어의 조수 (영어: The Vampire's Assistant)
쓸쓸해 대런을 보았다 크레프스리는 서커스로 돌아가기. 그래서 대런은 “소년”· 에브라 폰(영어: Evra Von)과 보통의 인간·샘 그레스트(영어: Sam Grest)과 친구가된다.
  • 제 3 권 피의 터널 (영어: Tunnels of Blood)
크레프스리은 대런과 에브라를 데리고 크레프스리의 고향에 간다. 여기서 대런은 뱀파이어부터 700 년 전에 독립적인 조직·뱀파니즈(영어: Vampaneze)를 알게된다.
  • 제 4 권 뱀파이어 마운틴 (영어: Vampire Mountain)
Mr. Crepsley and Darren make their ascent up Vampire Mountain and learn about the rites of the vampires.
  • 제 5 권 죽음의 심판 (영어: Trials of Death)
Darren faces the Trials of Initiation, nicknamed Trials of Death, to gain the recognition of other vampires as one of the youngest vampire to be recruited in decades.
  • 제 6 권 뱀파이어 왕자 (영어: The Vampire Prince)
Darren finds out about the traitor and tries to stop plans to destroy the vampire clan.
  • 제 7 권 황혼의 사냥꾼 (영어: Hunters of the Dusk)
the hunt for the Lord of the Vampaneze, who is destined to destroy the vampire clan, begins.
  • 제 8 권 암흑의 샛길 (영어: Allies of the Night)
Darren meets some of his past friends who now fit into his quest.
  • 제 9 권 새벽의 살인마 (영어: Killers of the Dawn)
Darren faces the Lord of the Vampaneze for the second time.
  • 제 10 권 영혼의 호수 (영어: The Lake of Souls)
Darren travels to an unfamiliar land to find out who his best friend, Harkat Mulds, used to be; as a "Little Person", Harkat's mind sans memories was placed into a new body after his death.
  • 제 11 권 어둠의 대왕 (영어: Lord of the Shadows)
Darren finds out more about the Lord of the Shadows and gets closer to his last confrontation with the Lord of the Vampaneze.
  • 제 12 권 운명의 자식들 (영어: Sons of Destiny)
Darren faces the Lord of the Vampaneze for a final fight, and learns the truth about his parentage.

Main characters


Darren Shan's vampires


The vampires in the Saga are different from the standard vampires found in popular culture. They are truly alive, can be killed by several means—including, but not limited to, decapitation or piercing of the heart—and are not inherently evil. Vampires do not drink from the neck, but cut a vein of a victim, drinking small amounts of blood from the vein and then healing it with their saliva; a breakaway group called the "vampaneze" insist on killing their victims and draining all their blood, meaning they need to feed less often. Draining all of a human's blood would have a vampire or vampaneze absorb part of the spirit of the human, allowing the vampire or vampaneze to see into their memories (Darren does this in The Vampire's Assistant, to save the spirit of a dying friend). Neither vampires nor vampaneze have fangs, but instead use their hard, sharp nails to cut into their prey. These nails can also be used to scale walls in a spider-like manner. Vampires do not combust when exposed to sunlight, but it will burn them easily and extended exposure will kill them. They can, however, remain active during the day (provided they remain in the shade) and are not bothered by garlic, silver, or holy objects (such as crosses and holy water). Fresh human blood is the most nutritious for vampires, but they can feed on preserved human blood or the blood of certain animals when necessary. Some animals' blood, however, is toxic to vampires. Vampires cannot reproduce; further vampires are created by blood-to-blood contact with humans, traditionally through the fingertips, but if any creature, human or animal, were to orally ingest vampire blood, it would be driven into a murderous frenzy and then die (similar to rabies). Vampires are not immortal either; they age at one-tenth the human rate (half-vampires one-fifth). This comes into play in the series when Darren meets an old girlfriend he had; now they are adults but Darren still looks about the same as he did when they first met. The oldest vampire in the series is Paris Skyle (claimed to have inspired the popular vampire folklore entity, Dracula), who was "blooded" at age two and lived for over 800 years. Vampires cast reflections and shadows but cannot be photographed due a particular vibration of "vampire atoms."

Vampires are strong, fit, and can run at a very high speed, called "flitting". Flitting causes a static charge to build up in a vampire's body, which Mr. Crepsley learned to use to force open locks. A vampire's senses are all superhuman. They can endure incredible amounts of physical trauma, are resistant to most chemicals and diseases, and heal quickly. A vampire's healing factor is not as effective as in most fiction, and, unlike the beautiful vampires of Anne Rice, most of Shan's vampires are heavily scarred and unattractive. More abilities include breathing an invisible gas that renders a human unconscious, telepathically communicating with other vampires and humans (three vampires could also mentally command spiders), and locating vampires and humans whose thought patterns they have learned to recognize. Vampires cannot dematerialize into a mist, nor can they transform into bats, rats, or wolves. On the other hand, these animals are friendly to vampires, although cats and dogs hate them.

Vampire society is ruled by honor, personal pride, and tradition. They have a strict hierarchy with higher ranking vampires having absolute rule over lower ranking ones, though they exercise their powers in moderation and are respectful of those beneath them. There are far fewer female vampires than male ones. Vampire matings last only ten or fifteen years with the couple then choosing to re-mate or go their separate ways. Vampires are forbidden to use projectile weapons like guns, bows, and crossbows as they view these as dishonorable, preferring hand-to-hand fighting with swords, axes, etc., or throwing weapons such as a shuriken; the vampaneze are forbidden from using any form of throwing weapons. Vampires live old fashion lives: no vampire is shown making references to pop culture, driving a car, or using computers. Vampires see humans as a chaotic and slightly inferior race, but most value human lives. Some vampires form friendships with humans and many fall in love with humans.

Darren Shan's vampires do not follow the religions they did as humans, but worship an unidentified pantheon. They believe that the souls of good vampires are reborn as wolves in the eternal nights of a distant world called Paradise, while evil vampire souls remain bound to the Earth for eternity. Vampires believe they are descended from wolves, just as humans are believed to have evolved from primates. Wolves are held as the cousins of vampires. Wolves like vampires, especially since they have a scent that means no harm to them.



In the Saga of Darren Shan the Vampaneze are sworn enemies to the vampires, cousins in fact. They were vampires who broke away from the clan (600 years before the third book) and claimed themselves a new race (Vampaneze) because of the different customs they held. The Vampaneze are considered the antagonists, though they only appear that way due to the misleading image of Murlough (a mad Vampaneze), The Vampaneze Lord and the War of the Scars. The Vampaneze have purple skin and red hair, eyes, lips, and fingernails though it takes a couple of decades for this colouring to set in. This is a side effect due to drinking a lot of blood: They must kill when they drink blood. Many Vampaneze do not want to fight the vampires. The Vampaneze are first mentioned in Tunnels of Blood and become a main part of the plot throughout the rest of the series.



A manga series called Cirque du Freak based on the Darren Shan novels was published in the Shogakukan anthology Shonen Sunday by Takahiro Arai in a weekly serialization. The volumes are being published in the UK and USA by HarperCollins and Yen Press respectively.[3]

Short stories


Darren Shan has released numerous short stories on his website, all of which tie into the saga.

The Sam Grest stories have been included in the Midnight Feast collection. Sam Grest was only significant in The Vampire's Assistant.



틀:Sagaofshan 틀:Series in Weekly Shonen Sunday