본문으로 이동


위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.

틀:Otheruses4 틀:Infobox VG

세틀러 (혹은 썹 시티(Serf City), 독일 원제는 Die Siedler임)는 독일블루바이트 소프트웨어에 의해 개발된 느리게 진행되는 시뮬레이션 컴퓨터 게임이다. 아미가를 위한 버전이 1993년에 출시되었으며 개인용 컴퓨터를 위한 버전이 1994년에 출시 되었다.[1] 이러한 진행방식을 가진 게임은 당시 출시되지 않았으며, blending together principles which had not been seen in a single game before,[2] and defined the line of the later Settlers games. On the hardware available at the time, the game could control a maximum of 64,000 individuals, all behaving autonomously.[3]


게임은 오로지 마우스만을 사용하여 진행된다. 사용자는 직접 유닛을 제어할 수 없으나, 건물/공격용 건물을 짓도록 명령을 내릴 수 있다. 적을 공격하는 경우를 제외하고, 유닛들은 정해진 길을 따라 이동하도록 제어된다.

새게임 시작하기[편집]

사용자는 점차 난이도가 증가하는 컴퓨터 적에 대항하는 사전에 정의된 게임을 진행한다. Alternatively, the player may select a landscape of any size (memory permitting) and play against up to three other opponents of choice. The computer will generate a random landscape, or one based on a seed number given by the player. Finally, the player may opt not to play and allow up to four computer controlled opponents to play against each other; the player may spectate freely on all of them, including their statistics.

물자 수송[편집]

플레이어가 게임속 영토에서 물자의 수송과 통신을 할 수 있게 해주는 경로는 플레이어의 에서 출발한다. 경로에는 일정 간격으로 깃발이 꽂히며 깃발과 깃발 사이에 일꾼이 대기한다. 물자는 이 경로를 따라 운반된다. 경로에 대기한 일꾼은 한개의 깃발에서 다른 깃발로 물자를 옮겨 준다. 깃발 아래에는 최대 8개까지의 물자가 적재 될 수 있다.

우선 순위 시스템, 플레이어는 어떠한 물자를 먼저 운반할 것인지 설정 할 수 있다. 예를들어 네 가지 종류의 광산 (철광석 광석, 금 광석, 석탄 또는 석재) 중 어느 광산에 생산한 음식을 먼저 공급할 것인지, 광산에서 나온 원석을 어느 시설로 먼저 보낼 것인지, 철을 대장간(무기제작자)과 공구제작자 중 어느쪽에 먼저 보낼 것인지 등과 같은 다양한 우선순위를 설정 할 수 있다. 게임상에서는 이와 같은 세부 조정이 필요하다. 만약 사용자가 다른 종류의 물자들이 동일한 경로( 극단적인 예로, 중앙에 위치한 하나의 성에 모든 물자를 모으는 것 )로 이동하지 않도록 건물과 길을 주의를 기울여 건설하지 않는다면 교통체증이 유발될 것이다. 또, 이렇게 유발된 교통체증을 해결하기 위한 적절한 조치 (물자의 이동 경로를 재배치 하거나, 창고를 건설하여 물자를 분산시키거나, 건물의 위치를 옮기는 것 등)를 취하지 못한다면, 병목구간이 다른 길로 퍼져 나갈 것이고 물자의 도달지에서는 물자 부족 현상을 일으킬 것이다.

Graphic environment[편집]

파일:The Settlers SVGA.png
In-game screenshot of Settlers I, 1993 (PC, SVGA)

Despite the appearance of rolling hills, all paths and game maps are built on a grid of overlapping hexagons, with flags and buildings positionable at the vertices. A regular hexagon denotes perfectly flat land, while pulling in the vertices gives the impression of steepness.

Although small, the workers in the game are extremely detailed and cleverly animated. Each individual worker may be followed around by the player, and always acts in character. In several of the buildings, workers may be seen working inside. Only when completely cut off from their road network (e.g. by enemy invasion) do workers wander aimlessly around.

The atmosphere is enhanced by background music. If this is turned off, digital sound effects of the various workers are played, alongside other ambient noises such as the tweeting of birds, the grunting of pigs, the yells of the knights in battle, or the sound of wind in the mountains.

Pace of the game[편집]


Compared to modern games, The Settlers is quite a slow-paced game; unlike its sequels. Some time-dependent features of the game can therefore take a long time, such as upgrading a freshly recruited knight up to the fifth and highest level. But knights also get stronger with the amount of gold possessed by the player's kingdom, and gold can be mined to this end. While the statistics dialog of The Settlers does feature a 50-hour scale, and on a big map a game may last even longer, a typical campaign is won in far less time.

If playing the game on an emulator, such as WinUAE, it may be possible to play the game on the emulator's turbo-mode, speeding things up considerably.

Economic aspects[편집]

게임에는 26종의 자원과 재료가 등장하며 이에 대응하는 세틀러 계급이 있다. 직업이 없는 세틀러로 시작하여 새 건물이 완성되면 전문가가 게임에 추가된다. 예를 들어, 대장장이는 대장간이 만들어진 이후에 볼수 있다. 이렇게 직업을 부여받기 위해서는 세틀러는 그 직업에 맞는 도구를 가지고 있어야 한다. 도구장이 건물에서는 추가로 도구들을 생산할 수 있으며, 생산되는 도구의 비율은 게임 사용자에 의해서 조절 된다.

As well as 군사력의 우위와 마찬가지로 전체적인 왕국의 경제도 게임 사용자에 좌우된다.

몇몇 음식자원들이 존재하는데 이것을 이용하여 석탄(광석을 재련하는데 사용), 금, 석재(건물을 짓는데 사용)와 같은 것을 채굴하는 광부들을 먹여 살린다. Two types of smelter will take one unit each of coal and gold or iron ore and produce ingots of gold or iron. 금괴는 군대의 레벨을 증가시켜준다; 넓은맵일 수록 같은 레벨의 군대를 얻기 위해서는 더 많은 금괴가 필요하다.

Stone cutters cut from piles of stones which lie on the surface; once these are exhausted, stone must be mined. Woodsmen plant trees and woodcutters chop them down into logs. Logs are taken to the sawmill to be cut into planks. Planks and iron can be used to make tools by the toolmaker. Iron and coal are required by the weaponsmith to make weapons, without which the knights cannot be armed.

Simple buildings require only one plank and one stone; complex buildings may require more resources and time to complete. The player may divert resources according to need; for example, once a stock of boats is built up, it is no longer necessary to waste planks by giving them to the boatbuilder. In cases where more than one profession compete for the same resource, the player must choose how to set the proportion of supply each will receive. While some resources such as trees and wheat are available in infinite supply, others are eventually exhausted. Players must attempt to cut off enemies from these resources, and invade their territory to capture them.

A series of graphs and flowcharts allows the player to supervise the economic life of the kingdom and make small adjustments to optimise production.

A key element of The Settlers is planning building and road layout to allow for efficient transportation of resources. If too much traffic is set to pass a single point, or the tilt of the road slows settlers, queues arise, slowing down the economy or even causing defeat if reinforcements cannot get through. The game is designed in such a way that a resource or settler will always travel the path to their destination with the shortest number of intersections (marked by flags), giving the player freedom to plan the distribution of goods.


Up to four players may compete for a single landscape, up to two of which may be player-controlled (using a vertical split screen). The computer characters vary from being peaceable and placid to being aggressive and warlike. Workers wear coloured shirts to identify their allegiance.


  • The Settlers (1993, Amiga & PC (DOS), aka. Serf City)
  • The Settlers II: Veni, Vidi, Vici (1996, PC (DOS), Macintosh)
    • Add on: The Settlers II Mission CD
  • The Settlers III (1998, Windows)
    • Add on: The Settlers III Mission CD
    • Add on: The Settlers III: Quest Of The Amazons
  • The Settlers IV (2001, Windows)
    • Add on: The Settlers IV Mission CD
    • Add on: The Settlers IV: The Trojans and the Elixir of Power
    • Add on: Die Siedler IV: Die Neue Welt (The Settlers IV: The New World - only German langague)
    • Add on: Die Siedler IV: Große Feldzüge (The Settlers IV: Community Pack - only German langague)
  • The Settlers: Heritage of Kings (Q4 Germany; 2005 Worldwide 2004, Windows)
    • Add on: The Settlers: Heritage of Kings - Expansion Disk
    • Add on: The Settlers: Heritage of Kings - Legends Expansion Disk
  • The Settlers II 10th Anniversary (2006, Windows)
    • Add on: The Settlers II: 10th Anniversary - The Vikings
  • The Settlers: Rise of an Empire (2007, Windows)
    • Add on: The Settlers: Rise of an Empire - The Eastern Realm (2008, Windows)

The series' original title in Germany is Die Siedler, marketed in the rest of Europe as The Settlers. When the game was first released in the United States, it was renamed Serf City by US publisher SSI. However, starting with the second part in the series, The Settlers also became the official title of the series in the US.

A new port of The Settlers 2 for the Nintendo DS was released in the UK on August 3, 2007,[4] and in North America on August 21, 2007.[5]

In November 2009 a version of Settlers was relesed on the IPhone/IPod Touch App Store


Serf City was reviewed in 1994 in Dragon #209 by Sandy Petersen in the "Eye of the Monitor" column. Petersen gave the game 3 out of 5 stars.[6]


  1. “Serf City: Life is Feudal”. Moby Games.  다음 글자 무시됨: ‘ accessdate-2006-11-05’ (도움말)
  2. “Replication of a review from 1993 out of the CU Amiga magazine”. 《CU Amiga》. 2007년 5월 8일에 확인함. 
  3. Replication of a review from 1993 out of the Amiga Format magazine Retrieved May. 08, 2007
  4. GAME - The Settlers for DS
  5. GameSpot - The Settlers for DS. Retrieved July 23, 2007
  6. Petersen, Sandy (September 1994). “Eye of the Monitor”. 《Dragon》 (209): 61–62. 

External links[편집]

틀:The Settlers