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사용자토론:Yu Ninjie

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위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.

Translating Han foreign relations map[편집]

hi ninjie, welcome to :ko; --Yonghokim 2005년 4월 7일 (木) 04:55 (UTC)

Thanks Yonghokim! I'm here mostly to transfer some of my historical maps onto Korean Wikipedia. Help from anyone with translating these maps into Korean would be greatly appreciated. --Yu Ninjie 2005년 4월 7일 (木) 05:19 (UTC)

i don't know enough chinese geography to recognize all those cities (I've got the two major inner city capitols - 장안 (xianyang), 낙양 (Nanyang) and some others from the three kingdoms period - but I'm sure if you just pull over the map over :ko: people wil be able to fill it in. To get us started, do you have a blank version of the map without the current legend?

also, if you'd like to post some introductory notes as for what you would like people to help you out with, many can translate your petition into korean so that others know what you want.

--Yonghokim 2005년 4월 7일 (木) 05:27 (UTC)

I'd like to make sure that the style is consistent between languages. I've translated most of the Chinese cities, though there were some I couldn't get. If someone could check it that would be great. I still need to do the peoples and cities beyond the borders of the Han China. --Yu Ninjie 2005년 4월 7일 (木) 23:32 (UTC)

Ninjie, that's about as far as I go with my shallow knowledge derived from the three kingdoms period (from the koei game). I've move the translation pages to 사용자토론:Yu Ninjie/중국 전한 시대 도시 이름 번역. Should I put a short notice there saying something like "I'm an australian student looking forward to transliterate this map's cities into korean - please help" ? -- 김용호 2005년 4월 8일 (金) 06:13 (UTC)

Thanks for your help Yonghokim. I'm now using a Hanja-Hangeul dictionary to work my way through all the place names. I think I've got enough to get started. I may need your help on translating some more terms or phrases though, so I'll let you know. And by the way, I was a fan of the Koei Three Kingdoms too. In fact, my first maps (back in 1997) were of the Three Kingdoms. --Yu Ninjie 2005년 4월 8일 (金) 07:42 (UTC)