본문으로 이동


위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.

배성주는 현재 연세대학교 경영대학의 교수이다.

MIT Sloan School of Management의 Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Strategy 분야에서 Management 박사학위를,

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor의 Information Economics, Management & Policy 분야에서 석사학위를 수여 받았다.

현재 기술전략, R&D Management, 신제품 개발 프로세스, 기술 창업 등 다양한 분야에서 강의와 연구를 수행중이다.


  • Ph.D. MIT Sloan School of Management, 2009
  • M.S. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 2004
  • B.B.A. Yonsei University, 2000


  • 부원장, 연세대학교 상남경영원
  • 부단장, 연세대학교 창업지원단
  • 삼성경제연구소 자문교수
  • SK 그룹 FLP 자문교수
  • 부편집위원장, 연세경영연구
  • 주임교수,  POSCO 임원 AMP 과정
  • 주임교수, CMBA 프로그램
  • 센터장, 기술경영연구센터, ICONS
  • 방문 교수, School of Computing, National University of Singapore (NUS)
  • 조교수, School of Business, The University of Hong Kong (HKU)
  • 이사/학술위원장, 한국기술경영경제학회
  • 사외이사, (주)한국운수창고
  • 사외이사, Company 100, Inc.
  • 컨설턴트, Lead User Innovation Project with Grundfos, MIT Innovation Lab
  • 공동창업자 & 디렉터, Consulting Services, Knowledge Cube, Inc.
  • IT Specialist, Global Services, IBM Korea
  • GSRA, Collaboratory for Research on Electronic Work(CREW), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor



기술경영 (Management of Technology)

제품 및 서비스 혁신 (Product & Service Innovation)

기술조직 및 기술전략 (Technology-oriented Organization & Technology Strategy)

생산 및 운영관리 (Production & Operations Management)



기술경영, 기술전략, 신제품 개발공정, 신서비스 개발 방법론, 제품 디자인 및 설계, 기술정책

주요 연구 논문 및 저서


해외저널 Publication 및 Peer-reviewed Conference Proceedings


"The Impact of R&D Workforce Diversity on Firm’s Performance in Internal and External R&D," (with S. Han), European Journal of Innovation Management, forthcoming, 2019

"Shared Experience in Pretrip and Experience Sharing in Posttrip: The Survey of Airbnb Users," (with H. Lee, E. Suh, and K. Suh), Information & Management, 2017

"Different Routes to Metacognitive Judgments: The Role of Accuracy Motivation," (with S. Park) Journal of Consumer Psychology, 24(3), July, 2014

“Internalization of R&D Outsourcing: An Empirical Study,” (with S. Han) International Journal of Production Economics, 150, April, 2014

"Government roles in evaluation and arrangement of R&D consortia," (with J. Kim and J. Yang), Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 88, 2014

“The Effects of Network Position and Usage Pattern on Diffusion of Innovation,” (with Gloor, P. and Schnorf, S.), Proceedings of Application of Social Network Analysis Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, October 20-21, 2005

"Grounding Needs: Achieving Common Ground Via Lightweight Chat in Large, Distributed Ad-Hoc Groups," (with Birnholtz, J., Finholt, T., and Horn, D.), Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 05), Portland, OR, April 2-7, 2005

"The Effects of Cash, Electronic, and Paper Gift Certificates as Respondent Incentives for a Web-Based Survey of a Technologically Sophisticated Sample," (with Birnholtz, J., Horn, D., and Finholt, T.), Social Science Computer Review. 22(3), 2004

국내저널 Publication


“Manifestation of Language Transfer Problem During the New Product Development Process,” (with M. Park), Yonsei Business Review, 2019

"The Process of Government’s Selection Force Leading to Technological Development in Private Sector,” (with H. Kim and S. Han), Korean Academy of Innovation, 2018

"Patent Strategy Based on Performance Feedback: An Exploratory Case Study of Samsung Electronics," (with H. Lee), Yonsei Business Research, 2018

"How do Online Product-Related Electronic Network of Interest Grow?: The Role of Content, Communication Activity, and Structure,” (with M. Rhee and M. Park), Yonsei Business Research, 2018

"The Effect of Repeated and Spaced Exposures of Internet Display Advertising,” (with J. Lee, D. Briley, J. Oh, and S. Park), Korean Academy of Marketing, 2018

"Institutional Improvement Plan through the Economic Utility Analysis of Technology Trust,” (with I. Cho and J. Suh), Korean Academy of Industrial Intellectual Property Law, 2016

"An Analysis of Relationship between Technology/Non-Technology Innovation and Performance Improvement,” (with H. Kim and S. Han), Industrial Economics Research, 2016

"New Product Development with Facebook Fans: Idea Contest Experiment,” (with A. Oda and S. Park), Yonsei Business Review, 2016

"Analysis on the Diffusion and the Intention to Use among Technology Adopter Categories," (with E. Ma, S. Park, S. Han, & H. Han), Journal of the Korea Society of IT services, 2014

"How does Product Innovation Enhance Firm Performance?: The Moderating Role of Process Innovation, Organizational Innovation and Marketing Innovation,” (with S. Oh and S. Han),  Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society, 2013

"Categorization of R&D Collaboration Based on Problem-Solving Perspective and its Implication,” (with Y. Ko) Korean Journal of Production and Operations Management, 24(2), 2013

"Creativity in Groups Based on Problem-Solving Perspective: An Empirical Study,” (with K. Lee and S. Park) East and West Studies, 25(2), 2013

"The Effect of Self-Presentation on SNS to Interpersonal Relation and Intention to Use,” (with E. Ma and S. Han) Knowledge Management Research, 14(2), 2013

"Problem-Solving Process with the Users: An Exploratory Case Study in the Early-Stage Game Company,” (with A. Oda and S. Park), Yonsei Business Review. 50(1), 2013


  • 우수논문상, 연세경영연구, 2019
  • 최우수 원고상, R&D Inside and Insight 우수원고 심사, 한국과학기술기획평가원, 2013
  • MIT Fellowship, MIT, 2007 - 2008
  • Sarofim Fellowship, MIT, 2004 - 2006
  • Graduate Student Research Assistantship, University of Michigan 2002-2004
  • University Scholarship for Academic Excellence, Yonsei University, 1993
  • University Scholarship for Excellent Voluntary Work, Yonsei University, 1994-1996