마르틴 켐니츠
Martin Chemnitz | |
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마르틴 켐니츠(Martin Chemnitz, 1522년 11월 9일~1586년 4월 8일)는 독일의 저명한 제 2세대 루터란 신학자이며 종교 개혁가이다.[1] 루터란 전통속에서 그는 제 2의 마르틴 루터로 알려져 있다.[2]
그는 공예배에 대하여 사람이 정한 행사가 대체 할 수 없는 이유에 대하여 여덟가지로 정리하였다.
- 행사는 하나님으로부터 온 기관을 갖고 있지 않다.
- 성자께서는 교회가 성례 이외에 다른 어떤 행사를 첨가할 수 있도록 허용하지 않았다.
- 사람이 만든 행사의 기원은 하나님에 의해 정해진 예배에 아름다움을 첨가하려는 것이므로, 하나님이 정해 주신 예배의 단순함이 불충분하다는 것이므로, 이것은 받아들일 수 없는 결론이다.
- 사람이 만든 행사의 자랑과 광채는 하나님에 의해 미리 정해진 예배를 불분명하게 만든다.
- 로마가톨릭의 미사는 의도적으로, 하나님으로부터의 말씀과 약속과는 별도의 축복을 부여한다.
- 일반인의 눈에는 사람이 고안한 행사가 하나님에 의해 직접 정해진 예배와 동등하다고 여겨지므로, 이것은 받아들일 수 없는 결론이다.
- 고대 교회에서 행해졌던 많은 의식들은 필수가 아니라 선택사항이었다.
- 교회에서 사람들은 하나님에 의해 명령된 예배와 사람이 만든 것과 혼동한다. 그러므로 결국 하나님의 말씀의 권위를 파괴하게 된다.
[편집]- Martin Chemnitii einhändige Lebens-Beschreibung. Nebst denen ihm zu Braunschweig gesetzen Epitaphiis [Martin Chemnitz's Submitted Life-Description {Autobiography}. Together with the Epitaphs Erected to Him in Braunschweig]. 1719. Translated into English as An Autobiography of Martin Chemnitz. A.L. Graebner, trans. Theological Quarterly, vol. 3, no. 4 (1899).
[편집]- Brevis et Simplex Forma Examinis de Praecipuis Doctrinae Caelestis Capitibus [Brief and Simple Form of Examination concerning the Principal Chapters of Celestial Doctrine]. 1571.[4]
- Kirchen-Ordnung, wie es mit Lehr und Ceremonien des Fürstenthums-Braunschweig [Church Order, As to Doctrine and Ceremonies, of the Duchy of Braunschweig]. 1569.
- Ministry, Word, and Sacraments: An Enchiridion. Luther Poellot, trans. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1981. (Originally published in 1593 [German] and 1603 [Latin] as Enchiridion D. Martini Chemnitii.)
- Ein Schone vnnd richtige Form zu beichten [A Good and Proper Form for Confess{ing} {One's Sins}]. 1603.
[편집]- Acta formulae concordiae in Bergensi coenobio prope Magdeburgum [Records of the Formula of Concord in Bergen Abbey near Magdeburg]. 1707 with Nicholas Selnecker. (The deliberations of the writers of the Formula of Concord to finalize that document).
- Apologia, oder Verantwortung deẞ Christlichen ConcordienBuchs, which appeared in Latin translation as Apologia libri Christianae concordiae [literally: Apology of the Christian Book of Concord]. with Timothy Kirchner and Nicolaus Selneccer, 1583. (known as The Apology of the Formula of Concord)
- Christliches Bedenken auf Doct. Majors Repetitio und endliche Erklärung belangend den Streit [Christian Reflections on Dr. Major's {work}, "Repetitio," and Finally {an} Explanation As Far As the Controversy Is Concerned]. 1568.
- Confessio ministeri Saxoni Konfession und Erklärung [Confession of the Ministers of Saxony: Confession and Explanation]. 1571. (Text in German).
- Corpus doctrinae Prutenicum [The Prussian Body of Doctrine]. 1568. (An Anthology of Lutheran Statements of Faith for the German domain of Prussia)
- Corpus doctrinae Julium [The {Duke} Julius Body of Doctrine]. 1576. (An Anthology of Lutheran Statements of Faith for Duke Julius's Duchy of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel).
- Formulae Recte Sentiendi de Praecipuis Horum Temporum Controversiis [Forms of Thinking Correctly concerning the Chief Controversies of These Times]. 1576 (Found in the Corpus Doctrinae Wilhelminum and the Corpus Doctrinae Iulium).
- Judicium de Controversiis qvibusdam circa qvosdam A.C. articulos. 1594. Also known as: De Controversiis quibusdam, quae superiori tempore circa quosdam Augustanae Confessionis articulos motae agitatae sunt, Iudicium d. Martini Chemnitii, Polycarp Leyser, ed. Wittenberg, 1594 [Judgment on Certain Controversies concerning Certain Articles of the Augsburg Confession Which Have Recently Arisen and Caused Controversy].[5]
- Solida ac vera Confessionis Augustanae historie ... [History of the Solid and True Augsburg Confession] with Timothy Kirchner and Nicholas Selnecker, 1585.
- Wiederholte Christi gemeine Confession der Sächischen Kirchen [Reiterated Christian General Confession of the Saxon Church].
[편집]- Andächtige Gebete wider die Teuffel in den armen besessen Leuten [Devout Prayers against the Devil in the Poor Possessed People]. 1596.
- Eine andere Predigt von auffrichtung Christlicher Schulen [Another Sermon on the Erecting of Christian Schools]. 1573.
- Consilium ... de lectione patrum [Counsel ... On the Reading of the {church} Fathers]. 1616.
- Echt evangelische aulegung de Sonn- und Festtags-evangelien des kirchenjahrs [Genuinely Evangelical Interpretation of the Sunday and Feastday Gospels of the Church Year]. 1872–1878.
- Erster Band
- Zweiter Band
- Dritter Band
- Vierter Band
- Fünfter Band
- Sechster Band
- Siebenter Band
- Harmoniae Evangelicae [Harmony of the Gospels]. 1593.
- Historia der Passion Christi [History of the Passion of Christ]. 1590.
- Leich-Pred., Herrn Victor Beseken, gewessen Bürgemeisters in Bremen [Funeral Sermon for Lord Victor Beseken, Former Mayor of Bremen] 1612.
- Leich-Predigt, in funere Christoph von Blanckenburg, anno 1573 gethan [Funeral Sermon, at the Burial of Christoph von Blanckenburg, given in the Year 1573]. 1578.
- Oratio de Lectione Patrum, habita [Oration Concerning the Reading of the Fathers, Delivered ...]. 1554.
- Oratio habita in Introductione Universitatis Juliae [{An} Oration Delivered at the Introduction of the University of {Duke} Julius]. 1576
- Oratio panegyrica, das ist, Trost- und Ehren-Predigt bey des weyland ... M. Chemnitii ... Leichbestätigung [Panegyrical Oration, that is, Comforting and Honoring Sermon of M. Chemnitz at the formerly ... Burial]. 1627.
- Postilla: oder Auslegung der Euangelien welche auff die Sontage, auch die fürnembste Fest und Apostel Tage in der Gemeine Gottes abgelesen und erkläret werden [Postils: Or Interpretation of the Gospels, which on the Sundays, also the Foremost Feast and Apostle Days, in the Congregation of God Are Read and Explained]. 1593.
- Postille, oder Erklärung der ordentlichen Sonn- und Fest-Tags Evangelien [Postil, or Explanation of the Proper Sun- and Feastdays' Gospels]. 1594.
- Predigt am Sonntag Septuagesima [Sermon for Septuagesima Sunday]. 1866.
- Eine Predigt bey der Einführung der Julius-Universität zu Helmstedt [A Sermon at the Introduction of the {Duke} Julius-University at Helmstedt]. [German text of Oratio habita in Introductione Universitatis Juliae] 1576.
- Eine Predigt über das Evangelion Matthew 22 [A Sermon on Matthew 22]. 1573.
- Ein Predigt ... über John 3:1-15 (über Luke 18:9-14) [A Sermon ... on John 3:1-15 (on Luke 18:9-14)]. 1856–1886.
[편집]- Epistola de coena Domini in tertiam Apologiam Bezae [Letter Concerning the Lord's Supper in the Third Apology of Beza].
- Epistolae Martini Chemnitii ad Matthiam Ritterum [Letters of Martin Chemnitz to Matthias Ritter].
Preface to a work by Heinrich Bünting
[편집]- Prefatio Doctoris M. Chemnitij [to] Heinrich Bünting's Itineranium et Chronicon ecclesiasticum totius Sacrae Scriptureae [Preface of Doctor M{artin} Chemnitz to Heinrich Bünting's Itinerary and Ecclesiastical Chronicle of All the Holy Scriptures]. 1581.
Reports and task force studies (Gutachten)
[편집]- Bedencken: An justum sit, fures punire suspendie [Reflection: Whether It Be Just, to Punish Thieves By Hanging].
- Bedencken der Theologen zu Braunschwiegk/von dem newen Wittenbergischen Catchismo gestallet/der gantzen Christenheit zur Warnung ausgengen [Reflection of the Theologians of Braunschweig on the New Placed Wittenberg Catechism to All Christendom Sent Out As a Warning]. 1571. (This document helped Elector August of Saxony uncover a plot to undermine the Lutheran faith of his duchy on the part of Crypto-Calvinist ministers and teachers.)
- Bedencken: Ob die Worte der Einsetzung notwendig müssen recitiret werden? [Reflection: Whether the Words of Institution {of the Lord's Supper} Must Necessarily Be Recited].
- Bedencken von Beruff und Enterlaubung der Predigter [Reflection on the Call and Authorization of Preachers].
- Bericht vom newen Baptischen Gregoriano Calendario, an den Landgraffen zu Hessen [Report on the New Papal Gregorian calendar, to the Landgrave of Hesse]. 1584. (Chemnitz had been trained as an astrologer, and he was consulted on the advisability of adopting the new 1582 Gregorian calendar in place of the old Julian calendar.)
- Bericht von Gelegenheit und Unterschiedt der Herzogstümer Schleswig und Holtzstein [Report on {the} Location and Division of the Duchies of Schleswig and Holtstein]. 1629.
- Consilium de vitandis Calvinianis [Counsel On Avoiding Calvinists]. 1623.
- De coelibatu judicium [Judgment Concerning Celibacy ]. 1623.
- Judicium de Calendario Gregoriano [Judgment concerning the Gregorian calendar ].
- Judicium von der Nohtwehre [Judgment concerning Self-Defense]. 1623.
- Monita Chemnitiana oder heilsame Erinnerungen ehmals von D. Martino Chemnitio bey solenner Einführung der Julius-Universität [Chemnitian {Chemnitz} Admonitions or Salutary Reminders Formerly by Dr. Martin Chemnitz at the Solemn Introduction of the {Duke} Julius University]. 1716.
Scholastic disputation
[편집]- Disputatio Theologica de Beneficiis Filii Dei, Domini, & Redemptoris nostri JESU CHRISTI, pro summis in Theologia honoribus consequendis habita [Theological Disputation Concerning the Blessings of the Son of God, Our Lord and Redeemer Jesus Christ, Held for the Highest Suitable Honors in Theology]. 1568 (A theological disputation qualifying someone for a doctorate in theology).
Theological treatises
[편집]- Anatome Propositionum Alberti Hardenbergii de Coena Domini [Anatomy/Dissection of the Propositions of Albert Hardenberg on the Lord's Supper]. 1561.
- Bekäntnitz von der ubiquität [Confession on Ubiquity]. 1623. (A document that presents Chemnitz's position on the doctrine of the omnipresence of Christ's human nature)
- De incarnatione filii Dei item de officio et maiestate Christi tractus [Treatise on the Incarnation of the Son of God, Also on the Office and Majesty of Christ]. 1865.
- De origine Jeswitarum, et quo concilio secta illa recens instituta sit [On the Origin of the Jesuits, and Counsel Concerning Which That Sect Is Recently Instituted]. 1611.
- Examination of the Council of Trent. Fred Kramer, trans. 4 vols. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1971-86 (Originally published in 1565-73 as Examen Concilii Tridentini.)
- Loci Theologici. J. A. O. Preus, trans. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1989; Justification: The Chief Article of Christian Doctrine as Expoiunded in Loci Theologici. J.A.O Preus, trans. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1985 (Originally published in 1591 as Loci Theologici.)
- Chapter on Almsgiving from Loci Theologici, translated into English in .pdf format
- The Lord's Prayer. Georg Williams, trans. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1999 (Originally published in English translation as A Svbstantial and godly exposition of the praier commonly called the Lords prayer. Cambridge, 1598; the original Latin text, never published, has been lost).
- The Lord's Supper. J. A. O. Preus, trans. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1979. (Originally published in 1561 as Repititio sanae doctrinae de vera praesentia corporis et sangvinis Domini in Coena.)
- Martini Kemnitinii Von der Jesuwiten ankunfft unnd ursprung [Martin Chemnitz on the Arrival and Origin of the Jesuits]. 1586.
- Ob ein Prediger am Ältare sich selbst communiciren möge [Whether a Preacher at the Altar Might Commune Himself]. 1623.
- Richtige und inn H. Schrifft wolgegründte Erklarung / entlicher hochwichtiger und nötiger Artickel unser Christlichen Religion / in sonderliche Tractat und Predigten gefasset [An Explanation, Correct and Well-Grounded in Holy Scripture, of Quite a Few Highly Important and Necessary Articles of Our Christian Religion Contained in Special Treatises and Sermons]. 1592.
- Theologiæ Jesuitarum Brevis ac Nervosa Descriptio et Delineatio: Ex Præcipuis Capitibus Censuræ ipsorum, quæ Anno MDLX. Coloniæ edita est [A Brief and Bold Description and Delineation of the Theology of the Jesuits: From the Principal Chapters of Their Own Opinions, the Year of Which {is} 1560]. 1560.
- Theses quaedam de unione duarum naturarum in Christo hypostatica: item de officiis et maiestate Christi Mediatoris [Some Theses Concerning the Hypostatic Union of the Two Natures in Christ: That Is, Concerning the Offices and Majesty of Christ the Mediator]. 1558.
- Tract. de Imagine DEI in homine [Treatise on the Image of God in Man]. 1570.
- The Two Natures of Christ. J. A. O. Preus, trans. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1971. (Originally published in 1561 as De Duabus Naturis in Christo: De hypostatica earum unione: De communicatione idiomaticum.)
- Veritas religionis Lutheranae defensa [Defense of the Truth of the Lutheran Religion]. (Text in German).
- Von der ewigen gnadenwahl [On the Eternal Election of Grace]. 1892.
Biographies and research on Chemnitz
[편집]- Antiqvitates Ecclestiaticae inclytae urbis Braunsvigae, oder: Der Beruhmten Stadt Braunschweig Kirchenhistorie. by Philippo Julio Rehtmeyer. Braunschweig: Gedruckt Verlagt von Christoph Friedrich Zilligers, 1710.
- The Doctrine of Man in Classical Lutheran Theology edited by Herman A. Preus and Edmund Smits. Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1962.
- Formulators of the Formula of Concord. by Theodore R. Jungkuntz. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1977.
- Grundlinien der Theolgie des Martin Chemnitz by G. Noth, 1930.
- Loci Theologici; De Coena Domini; De Duabus Naturis in Christo; Theologiae Jesuitarum. Chelsea, Michigan: Sheridan Books, 2000. [Facsimile reprint of a 1653 anthology of these four treatises of Chemnitz in Latin by the Lutheran Heritage Foundation].
- Martin Chemnitz nach seinem Leben und Wirken by H. Hachfeld, 1867.
- "Martin Chemnitz' Views on Trent: The Genesis and the Genius of the Examen Concilii Tridentini" by Arthur C. Piepkorn, Concordia Theological Monthly XXXVII [37](January 1966):5–37.
- Die Polemik des Martin Chemnitz gegen das Konzil von Trent by R. Mumm, Leipzig, 1905.
- The Second Martin: The Life and Theology of Martin Chemnitz. by J. A. O. Preus. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1994.
- "The Works of Martin Chemnitz," by D. Georg Williams. Concordia Theological Quarterly. Vol. 42, 1978.
- Der Zweite Martin der Lutherischen Kirche, Festschrift zum 400. Todestag von Martin Chemnitz {The Second Martin of the Lutheran Church, Jubilee Writing for the 400th [anniversary of the day of the death] of Martin Chemnitz} edited by W.A. Jünke, Braunschweig, 1986.
- Studium Excitare: Biography of Martin Chemnitz by Joshua M. Zarling.
[편집]- ↑ Chisholm, Hugh, 편집. (1911). 〈Chemnitz, Martin〉. 《브리태니커 백과사전》 6 11판. 케임브리지 대학교 출판부. 76쪽.
- ↑ The Commission on Worship of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, Lutheran Service Book, (St. Louis:CPH, 2006), xii-xiii.
- ↑ Fesko, J. V., 1970-. 《The theology of the Westminster standards : historical context and theological insights》. Wheaton, Illinois. 344쪽. ISBN 978-1-4335-3311-2.
- ↑ The title page continues the title: "Primum germanice per reverendum virum, D. Martinum Kemnitium, S. Theologiae Doctorem, in usum Pastorum minus exercitatorum conscripta: Nunc vero voluntate Authoris & loco Confessionis Ministerii Ecclesiae Brunsuicensis latine conversa per Ionnem Zangerum Oenipontanum."
- ↑ English translation in Robert Kolb et al., Sources and Contexts of The Book of Concord, (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2001), 197-219.
외부 링크
[편집]- 위키미디어 공용에 마르틴 켐니츠 관련 미디어 분류가 있습니다.