본문으로 이동

아크라 (요새)

위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.

아크라(Acra, 고대 그리스어: Ἄκρα, 히브리어: חקרא, חקרי Ḥaqra(h))는 "성채"라는 의미를 가지며 예루살렘에 요새가 있었던 것으로 생각되는 장소였다. 셀레우코스 제국의 통치자인 안티오코스 4세 에피파네스가 기원전 168년에 도시를 약탈한 후 건설한 복합 단지이다. 아크라라는 이름은 나중에 플라비우스 요세푸스(1세기 CE)에게 아크라와 "낮은 도시"로 알려졌던 당시 파괴된 요새와 관련된 도시 구역에 사용되기도 했다. 이 요새는 마카베오 반란을 둘러싼 사건에서 중요한 역할을 했으며, 이로 인해 하슈모나이 왕국이 형성되었다. "상부 도시"(upper city)는 유다 마카베오에 의해 점령되었고, 셀레우코스 수비대는 하부 "아크라"로 피신했으며, 예루살렘 내부의 이 마지막 적 요새를 파괴하는 임무는 타씨라는 성의 시몬 마카베오에게 맡겨졌다. 아크라에 대한 우리의 지식은 거의 전적으로 후대의 요세푸스의 저술과, 묘사된 사건이 있은 지 얼마 되지 않아 쓰여진 마카베오서 제1권과 제2권에 기초하고 있다.


  • 1 Maccabees – Full text from St. Takla Haymanot Coptic Orthodox Church website. Alexandria, Egypt (full text also available in Arabic)
  • 2 Maccabees – Full text from St. Takla Haymanot Coptic Orthodox Church website. Alexandria, Egypt (full text also available in Arabic)
  • Bar-Kochva, Bezalel (2002). Judas Maccabeus: The Jewish Struggle Against the Seleucids. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-01683-5
  • Ben-Dov, Meir (1981). "The Seleucid Akra – South of the Temple Mount" (in Hebrew). Cathedra. Jerusalem, Israel: Yad Yizthak Ben-Zvi, 18: 22–35. ISSN 0334-4657
  • Ben-Dov, Meir (1985). In the Shadow of the Temple: The Discovery of Ancient Jerusalem. New York, New York: Harper & Row, Publishers. ISBN 0-06-015362-8
  • Decoster, Koen (1989). “Flavius Josephus and the Seleucid Acra in Jerusalem”. 《Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins》 (영어) (Weisbaden, Germany: Deutscher Verein zur Erforschung Palästinas (German Society for the Exploration of Palestine) / O. Harrassowitz) 105: 70–84. ISSN 0012-1169. JSTOR 27931357. 
  • De-Groot, Alon (2004). "Jerusalem in the Early Hellenistic Period" (in Hebrew). New Studies on Jerusalem. Ramat Gan, Israel: Bar Ilan University Press, 10.
  • Dequeker, Luc (1985). "The City of David and the Seleucid Acra in Jerusalem" in Yigael Yadin; Chaïm Perelman; Edward Lipinski (eds.). The Land of Israel: Cross-roads of Civilizations. Louvain, Belgium: Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta. ISBN 90-6831-031-3
  • Feldman, Louis H. (1992). “Josephus's Portrait of Hezekiah”. 《Journal of Biblical Literature》 111 (4): 597–610. doi:10.2307/3267434. JSTOR 3267434.  (구독 필요)
  • Finkielsztejn, Gerald (1999). "The Evidence of the Rhodian Amphora Stamps". New Studies on Jerusalem. Ramat Gan, Israel: Bar Ilan University Press, 5.
  • Goodman, Martin (2010). "Under the Influence – Hellenism in ancient Jewish life". Biblical Archaeology Review. Washington, D.C.: The Biblical Archaeology Society, 35 (1). ISSN 0098-9444
  • Josephus (1980) [First published 1959]. Williamson, G. A., 편집. 《The Jewish War》. Penguin Classics (영어). 번역 Williamson, G.A. Revis판. Penguin Books. OCLC 633813720. (reprint). 
  • Josephus (1981). 《Josephus Complete Works》 (영어). 번역 William Whiston. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Kregel Publications. ISBN 0-8254-2951-X. 
  • Josephus, Flavius. William Whiston, A.M., translator (1895). The Works of Flavius Josephus. Auburn and Buffalo, New York: John E. Beardsley. Retrieved 15 July 2010.
  • Laperrousaz, Ernest-Marie (1979). "Encore l' 'Acra des Séleucides' et nouvelles remarques sur les pierres à bossages préhérodiennes de Palestine" (in French). Syria. Paris, Beirut: Institut Francais du Proche-Orient, 56: 99–144. doi 10.3406/syria.1979.6687
  • Levine, Lee I. (2002). Jerusalem: Portrait of the City in the Second Temple Period (538 B.C.E.-70 C.E.). Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Jewish Publication Society. ISBN 0-8276-0750-4
  • Loria, Ben-Zion (1981). "The Location of the Akra – North of the Temple Mount" (in Hebrew). Cathedra. Jerusalem, Israel: Yad Yizthak Ben-Zvi, 21: 31–40. ISSN 0334-4657
  • Mazar, Benjamin (1975). The Mountain of the Lord. Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc. ISBN 0-385-04843-2
  • Mazar, Eilat (2002). The Complete Guide to the Temple Mount Excavations. Jerusalem, Israel: Shoham Academic Research and Publication. ISBN 965-90299-1-8
  • Pleket H.W. and Stroud R.S. (eds.). (1980). Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum, XXX. Amsterdam, Netherlands: J.C. Gieben/Brill. ISBN 978-90-04-16495-6
  • Ritmeyer, Leen (Mar/Apr 1992). "Locating the Original Temple Mount". Biblical Archaeology Review. Washington, D.C.: The Biblical Archaeology Society, 18 (2). ISSN 0098-9444
  • Rocca, Samuel (2008). The Forts of Judaea 168 BC – AD 73. Oxford, UK: Osprey Publishing. ISBN 978-1-84603-171-7.
  • Schäfer, Peter (2003). The History of the Jews in the Greco-Roman World, Second Edition. London: Routledge. ISBN 0-415-30587-X
  • Schiffman, Lawrence H. (1991). From Text to Tradition: A History of Second Temple and Rabbinic Judaism. Jersey City, New Jersey: KTAV Publishing House, Inc. ISBN 0-88125-371-5.
  • Schwartz, Daniel (2004) (in Hebrew). 2 Maccabees. Jerusalem, Israel: Yad Yitzhak Ben Zvi. ISBN 965-217-233-2
  • Schwartz, Joshua (1986). "Be'er Haqar, Bor Heqer and the Seleucid Akra" (in Hebrew). Cathedra. Jerusalem, Israel: Yad Yizthak Ben-Zvi, 37: 3–16. ISSN 0334-4657
  • Shotwell, W. A. (1964). "The Problem of the Syrian Akra". Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research. Boston, Massachusetts: ASOR, 176: 10–19. ISSN 0003-097X
  • Sievers, Joseph (1994). "Jerusalem, The Akra, and Josephus" in Parente & Sievers. Josephus and the History of the Greco-Roman Period. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Brill. ISBN 978-90-04-10114-2
  • Sola, D. A.; M. J. Raphall; translators. (1843). Eighteen Treatises from the Mishna. London: Sherwood, Gilbert, and Piper, Paternoster Row.
  • Stern, Ephraim; Ayelet Lewinson-Gilboa; Joseph Aviram (eds.). (1993). "The Acra" in The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land. vol. 2. Israel: The Israel Exploration Society and Carta. ISBN 978-0-13-276296-0
  • Tsafrir, Yoram (1980). "The Location of the Seleucid Akra in Jerusalem" (in Hebrew). Cathedra. (Jerusalem: Yad Yizthak Ben-Zvi) 14: 17–40. ISSN 0334-4657
  • Wightman, Gregory J. (1990). "Temple Fortresses in Jerusalem Part I: The Ptolemaic and Seleucid Akras". Bulletin of the Anglo-Israeli Archaeological Society. London, United Kingdom: Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society, 9: 29–40. ISSN 0266-2442
  • Williamson (1980) [first published 1959]: see Josephus (1980).

외부 링크
