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위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.

As written on User:MGA73 then all files on ko.wikipedia should have a valid license. If possible all free files should be copied to Commons.

This page contain tips and info about the progress. Atm. there are 14,003 files:

It is not possible to count the number of free files because unlike en.wiki ko.wiki does not have categories for all free files. But it should be the difference between the total files and the non-free files.

Own work:

I suggested a category for other own work and a category for files with possible FOP issues. Notice FOP is VERY strict so even a wall can be copyrighted! So do not move any recent buildings.

Seems they are busy so go slow.



Top category for GFDL is 분류:GFDL 파일 (it has 1,446 files)

Ko.wiki does use license migration but they have their own code.

Old stuff


Categories to move: