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위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전. (토론)님의 2019년 10월 30일 (수) 07:53 판
Sapindus saponaria
Sapindus saponaria
생물 분류ℹ️
계: 식물계
(미분류): 속씨식물군
(미분류): 진정쌍떡잎식물군
(미분류): 장미군
목: 무환자나무목
과: 무환자나무과
아과: 무환자나무아과
Burnett, 1835
무환자나무속(Sapindus Tourn. ex L.)
[출처 필요]

무환자나무아과(無患子--亞科, 학명: Sapindoideae 사핀도이데아이[*])는 무환자나무과아과이다.[1][2] 약 130여 개 속으로 이루어져 있다.[3] 모감주나무, 무환자나무, 과라나, 람부탄, 리치, 풍선덩굴 등을 포함하고 있다.

하위 분류

  • 람부탄속(Nephelium L.)
  • 리치속(Litchi Sonn.)
  • 마몬속(Melicoccus P.Browne)
  • 모감주나무속(Koelreuteria Laxm.)
  • 무환자나무속(Sapindus Tourn. ex L.)
  • 아키속(Blighia K.D.Koenig)
  • 풍선덩굴속(Cardiospermum L.)
  • Alatococcus Acev.-Rodr.
  • Alectryon Gaertn.
  • Allophylastrum Acev.-Rodr.
  • Allophylus L.
  • Amesiodendron Hu
  • Aporrhiza Radlk.
  • Arytera Blume
  • Atalaya Blume
  • Athyana (Griseb.) Radlk.
  • Beguea Capuron
  • Bizonula Pellegr.
  • Blighiopsis Van der Veken
  • Blomia Miranda
  • Boniodendron Gagnep.
  • Bridgesia Bertol. ex Cambess.
  • Camptolepis Radlk.
  • Castanospora F.Muell.
  • Chonopetalum Radlk.
  • Chouxia Capuron
  • Chytranthus Hook.f.
  • Cnesmocarpon Adema
  • Conchopetalum Radlk.
  • Cubilia Blume
  • Cupania L.
  • Cupaniopsis Radlk.
  • Deinbollia Schumach. & Thonn.
  • Delavaya Franch.
  • Diatenopteryx Radlk.
  • Dictyoneura Blume
  • Dilodendron Radlk.
  • Dimocarpus Lour.
  • Diploglottis Hook.f.
  • Elattostachys Radlk.
  • Eriocoelum Hook.f.
  • Erythrophysa E.Mey. ex Harv. & Sond.
  • Gereaua Buerki & Callm.
  • Glenniea Hook.f.
  • Gloeocarpus Radlk.
  • Gongrodiscus Radlk.
  • Gongrospermum Radlk.
  • Guindilia Gillies ex Hook. & Arn.
  • Guioa Cav.
  • Haplocoelopsis F.G.Davies
  • Haplocoelum Radlk.
  • Hemigyrosa Blume
  • Hornea Baker
  • Jagera Blume
  • Laccodiscus Radlk.
  • Lecaniodiscus Planch. ex Benth.
  • Lepiderema Radlk.
  • Lepidopetalum Blume
  • Lepisanthes Blume
  • Lophostigma Radlk.
  • Lychnodiscus Radlk.
  • Macphersonia Blume
  • Matayba Aubl.
  • Mischarytera (Radlk.) H.Turner
  • Mischocarpus Blume
  • Molinaea Comm. ex Juss.
  • Namataea D.W.Thomas & D.J.Harris
  • Omalocarpus Choux
  • Otonephelium Radlk.
  • Pancovia Willd.
  • Pappea Eckl. & Zeyh.
  • Paranephelium Miq.
  • Paullinia L.
  • Pavieasia Pierre
  • Pentascyphus Radlk.
  • Phyllotrichum Thorel ex Lecomte
  • Placodiscus Radlk.
  • Plagioscyphus Radlk.
  • Pometia J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
  • Porocystis Radlk.
  • Pseudima Radlk.
  • Pseudopancovia Pellegr.
  • Radlkofera Gilg
  • Rhysotoechia Radlk.
  • Sarcopteryx Radlk.
  • Sarcotoechia Radlk.
  • Schleichera Willd.
  • Scyphonychium Radlk.
  • Serjania Mill.
  • Sisyrolepis Radlk.
  • Smelophyllum Radlk.
  • Stadmania Lam. ex Poir.
  • Stocksia Benth.
  • Storthocalyx Radlk.
  • Synima Radlk.
  • Talisia Aubl.
  • Thinouia Planch. & Triana
  • Thouinia Poit.
  • Thouinidium Radlk.
  • Tina Schult.
  • Tinopsis Radlk.
  • Toechima Radlk.
  • Toulicia Aubl.
  • Trigonachras Radlk.
  • Tripterodendron Radlk.
  • Tristira Radlk.
  • Tristiropsis Radlk.
  • Tsingya Capuron
  • Ungnadia Endl.
  • Urvillea Kunth
  • Vouarana Aubl.
  • Xerospermum Blume
  • Zollingeria Kurz


  1. Burnett, Gilbert Thomas. Outlines of Botany 889. 1835.
  2. Sven Buerki, F. Forest, P. Acevedo-Rodríguez, Martin W. Callmander, J. A. Nylander, M. Harrington, I. Sanmartín, Philippe Küpfer & Nadir Alvarez: Plastid and nuclear DNA markers reveal intricate relationships at subfamilial and tribal levels in the soapberry family (Sapindaceae), In: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, Volume 51, Issue 2, 2009, S. 238–258: Volltext-PDF, 476 kb.
  3. Nianhe Xia & Paul A. Gadek: Sapindaceae, S. 6 – textgleich online wie gedrucktes Werk, in: Wu Zheng-yi, Peter H. Raven & Deyuan Hong (Hrsg.): Flora of China. Volume 12 – Hippocastanaceae through Theaceae, Science Press und Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Beijing und St. Louis 2007, ISBN 978-1-930723-64-1