본문으로 이동

이영숙 (식물세포학자)

위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.

국적 대한민국
수상 과학기술부 올해의 여성과학기술인상(2003)
한국 로레알-유네스코 여성과학자상진흥상(2008)
미국학술원 우수논문상 Cozzarelli prize 수상(2011)
미국식물학회 corresponding membership award 수상(2013)
한국과학상 수상(2018)
삼성행복대상 여성창조상 수상(2019)
분야 식물세포학
소속 포항공과대학교 생명과학과

이영숙(1955년~)은 대한민국 식물세포학자로 포항공과대학교 생명과학과에 재직 중이다.


1978년 서울대학교에서 식물학 학사를 졸업했고, 서울대 대학원에서 1980년에 식물학석사 학위를, 1988년에 미국, The University of Connecticut에서 분자 및 세포 생물학 박사 학위를 취득한 후, 1988년 9월~1990년 2월까지 하버드 대학교(Harvard University)에서, 1990년 3월~12월까지는 The University of Connecticut에서 박사 후 과정을 밟았다


1990년 포항공과대학교에 교수로 임용되어 2020년까지 재직 중이며, 2004~2005년 대통령 국가기술 자문위원회 위원으로 활동하였다. 2010~2012년까지 한국식물학회 [1] 부회장, 2011~2012년에는 국가 과학 기술 위원회 위원으로도 활동하였다. 2015~2016년에는 한국과학재단 이사직을 맡았다.

2018년부터 영국의 권위 학술지 New Phytologist에서 editor로 활동하고 있다.


2003년 과학기술부 올해의 여성과학기술인상[1], 2008년에는 한국 로레알-유네스코 여성과학자상진흥상[2]을 수상하였다. 2011년에 비소 수송체에 관한 논문으로 미국학술원에서 우수 논문상 Cozzarelli prize를 수상[3]하였고, 2013년에 미국식물학회에서 corresponding membership award[4]를 수상하였다.

2018년에는 ABC 수송체에 관한 세계 정상 수준의 연구 성과를 인정받아 한국과학상을 수상[5]하였고, 2019년도에는 학문적 업적으로 사회 공익에 기여한 공로로 삼성행복대상 여성창조상[6]을 수상하였다.

발표논문(최근 10년)[편집]

2020년까지 식물세포학 분야에서 130여 편의 논문을 발표하였으며, 이 논문들은 총 12,000회 이상 인용되었고, h index가 63에 달하였다. 최근 10년간 발표한 논문에 관한 자료이다.

1. S. Jang, F. Kong, J. Lee, B. Choi, P. Wang, P. Gao, T. Yamano, H. Fukuzawa, B. Kang and Y. Lee* (2020) CrABCA2 Facilitates Triacylglycerol Accumulation in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii under Nitrogen Starvation Molecules and cells vol. 43(1), DOI: 10.14348/molcells.2019.0262

2. C. Cho, S. Jang, B. Choi, D. Hong, D. Choi, S. Choi, H. Kim, S. Han, S. Kim, M. Kim, M. Palmgren, K. Sohn, H. Yoon and Y. Lee*(2020) Phylogenetic analysis of ABCG subfamily proteins in plants: functional clustering and coevolution with ABCGs of pathogens Physiologia Plantarum, vol(), DOI: 10.1111/ppl.13052

3. A. Kim, J. Chen, D. Khare, J. Jin, Y. Yamaoka, M.Maesshima, Y.Zhao, E.Martinoia, J.Hwang and Y. Lee* (2020) Non-intrinsic ATP-binding cassette proteins ABCI19, ABCI20 and ABCI21 modulate cytokinin response at the endoplasmic reticulum in Arabidopsis thaliana Plant Cell Reports, vol. (), pp.1-15, DOI: 10.1007/s00299-019-02503-0

4. LV von. Voithenberg, J. Park, R. Stübe, C. Lux, Y. Lee* and K. Philippar (2019) A Novel Prokaryote-Type ECF/ABC Transporter Module in Chloroplast Metal Homeostasis Frontiers in Plant Science, vol. 10, 1264, DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2019.01264

5. Thanh Ha Thi Do, Hyunju Choi, Michael Palmgren, Enrico Martinoia, Jae-Ung Hwang, Youngsook Lee, Arabidopsis ABCG28 is required for the apical accumulation of reactive oxygen species in growing pollen tubes. (2019) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA, https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1902010116

6. Yasuyo Yamaoka, Seungjun Shin, Bae Young Choi, Hanul Kim, Sunghoon Jang, Masataka Kajikawa, Takashi Yamano, Fantao Kong, Bertrand Légeret, Hideya Fukuzawa, Yonghua Li-Beisson, Youngsook Lee, The bZIP1 Transcription Factor Regulates Lipid Remodeling and Contributes to ER Stress Management in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. (2019) Plant Cell, DOI: 10.1105/tpc.18.00723

7. Fantao Kong, Yasuyo Yamaoka, Takeshi Ohama, Youngsook Lee, Yonghua Li-Beisson., Molecular Genetic Tools and Emerging Synthetic Biology Strategies to Increase Cellular Oil Content in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. (2019) Plant and Cell Physiology, pcz022, https://doi.org/10.1093/pcp/pcz022

8. Hwang JU, Yim S, Do THT, Kang J, Youngsook Lee, Arabidopsis thaliana Raf22 protein kinase maintains growth capacity during post-germinative growth arrest under stress. (2018) Plant Cell Environment, 41(7), 1565-1578

9. Deng, Fenglin; Yamaji, Noaki; Ma, Jian Feng; Lee, Sang-Kyu; Jeon, Jong-Seong; Martinoia, Enrico; Youngsook Lee *; Song, Won-Yong*, Engineering rice with lower grain arsenic. (2018) Plant Biotechnology Journal, 16(10), 1691-1699 (*co-corresponding authors)

10. Yamaoka, Yasuyo; Choi, Bae Young; Kim, Hanul; Shin, Seungjun; Kim, Yeongho; Jang, Sunghoon; Song, Won-Yong; Cho, Chung Hyun; Yoon, Hwan Su; Kohno, Kenji; Youngsook Lee, Identification and functional study of the ER stress sensor IRE1 in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. (2018) Plant Journal, 94(1), 91-104

11. THT Do, E Martinoia, Youngsook Lee, Functions of ABC transporters in plant growth and development. (2018) Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 41, 32-38

12. Jie Zhang, Enrico Martinoia, Youngsook Lee*, Vacuolar transporters for cadmium and arsenic in plants and their applications in phytoremediation and crop development. (2018) Plant and Cell Physiology, 59(7), 1317-1325

13. Y. Li-Beisson, J. Neunzig, Youngsook Lee, K. Philippar, Plant membrane-protein mediated intracellular traffic of fatty acids and acyl lipids. (2017) Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 40, 138-146

14. J Park, Youngsook Lee, E Martinoia, M Geisler, Plant hormone transporters: what we know and what we would like to know. (2017) BMC Biology, 15(93), DOI: 10.1186/s12915-017-0443-x

15. D Khare, H Choi, SU Huh, B Bassin, J Kim, E Martinoia, KH Sohn, K Paek, Youngsook Lee *, Arabidopsis ABCG34 contributes to defense against necrotrophic pathogens by mediating the secretion of camalexin. (2017) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA, 114(28), 5712-5720

16. J. Kang, Youngsook Lee, H. Sakakibara, E. Martinoia, Cytokinin Transporters: GO and STOP in Signaling. (2017) Trends Plant Sci. 22(6), 455-461

17. J. Zhang, J. U. Hwang, W. Y Song, E. Martinoia, Youngsook Lee *, Identification of amino acid residues important for the Arsenic resistance function of Arabidopsis ABCC1. (2017) FEBS Letters, 591(4), 656-666

18. E. J. Lee, M. Oh, J. U. Hwang, Y. Li-Beisson, I. Nishida, Youngsook Lee *, Seed-specific overexpression of the pyruvate transporter BASS2 increases oil content in Arabidopsis seeds. (2017) Frontiers in Plant Science, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.00194

19. D.Khare, N. Mitsuda, S. Lee, W.Y. Song, D. Hwang, M. Takagi, E. Martinoia, Youngsook Lee *, J.U. Hwang, Root avoidance of toxic metals requires the GeBP-LIKE 4 transcription factor in Arabidopsis thaliana. (2017) New Phytologist, 213(3), 1257-1273

20. Sojeong Yim, Deepa Khare, Joohyun Kang, Jae-Ung Hwang, Wanqi Liang, Enrico Martinoia, Dabing Zhang, Byungho Kang, Youngsook Lee*, Postmeiotic development of pollen surface layers requires two Arabidopsis ABCG-type transporters. (2016) Plant Cell Rep. 35(9), 1863-1873

21. Y.Yamaoka, D.Achard, S.Jang, B.Legéret, S.Kamisuki, D.Ko, M.Schulz-Raffelt, Y.Kim, W.Y.Song, I.Nishida, Y.Li-Beisson, Youngsook Lee, Identification of a Chlamydomonas plastidial 2-lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase and its use to engineer microalgae with increased oil content. (2016) Plant Biotechnology Journal, 14(11), 2158-2167

22. C.Li, J.Li, K.Chong, K.Harter, Youngsook Lee, J.Leung, E.Martinoia, M.Matsuoka, R.Offringa, L.Qu, J.Schroeder and Y.Zhao, Toward a Molecular Understanding of Plant Hormone Actions. (2016) Molecular Plant, 9, 1-3

23. J.U.Hwang, W.Y.Song, D.W.Hong, D.H.Ko, Y.Yamaoka, S.Jang, S.Yim, E.J.Lee, D.Khare, K.Kim, M.Palmgren, H.S.Yoon, E.Martinoia, Youngsook Lee, Plant ABC Transporters Enable Many Unique Aspects of a Terrestrial Plant's Lifestyle. (2016) Molecular Plant, 9(3):338-355

24. Y.J.Oh, H.Kim, S.H.Seo, B.G.Hwang, Y.S.Chang, J.Lee, D.W.Lee, E.J.Sohn, S.J.Lee, Youngsook Lee*, I.Hwang, Cytochrome b5 Reductase 1 Triggers Serial Reactions that Lead to Iron Uptake in Plants. (2016) Molecular Plant, 9(4):501-1

25. Song WY, Lee HS, Jin SR, Ko D, Martinoia E, Youngsook Lee, An G, Ahn SN. Rice PCR1 influences grain weight and Zn accumulation in grains. (2015) Plant Cell Environment, 38(11):2327-39. doi: 10.1111/pce.12553. Epub 2015 Apr 29

26. D. Lee, D.-E. Jeong, H. G. Son, Y Yamaoka, H. Kim, K. Seo, A. A. Khan, T.-Y. Roh, D. W. Moon, Youngsook Lee, and S.-J. V. Lee. SREBP and MDT-15 protect C. elegans from glucose-induced accelerated aging by preventing accumulation of saturated fat. (2015) Genes & Development 29:2490–2503

27. D.W. Hong, B.W. Jeon, S.Y. Kim, J.U. Hwang ,Youngsook Lee*. The ROP2-RIC7 pathway negatively regulates light-induced stomatal opening by inhibiting Exo70B1 in Arabidopsis. (2015) New Phytologist, DOI: 10.1111/nph.13625

28. L. Borghi, J. Kang, D. H. Ko, Youngsook Lee, E. Martinoia. The role of ABCG-type ABC transporters in phytohormone transport. (2015) Biochemical Society Transactions, 43(5):924-30, DOI: 10.1042/BST20150106

29. J. Kang, S. Yim, H. Choi, A. Kim, K. P. Lee, L. Lopez-Molina, Enrico Martinoia, Youngsook Lee* . Abscisic acid transporters cooperate to control seed germination. (2015) Nature Communications, doi:10.1038/ncomms9113

30. S. Jang, Y. Yamaoka, D.-h. Ko, T. Kurita, K. Kim, W.-Y. Song, J.-U. Hwang, B.-H. Kang, I. Nishida, Youngsook Lee*. Characterization of a Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mutant defective in a maltose transporter. (2015) Journal of Plant Biology, 58: 344-51

31. H. Kim, S. H. Jang, S. W. Kim, Y. Yamaoka, D. W. Hong, W. Y. Song, I. Nishida, Y. Li-Beisson, Youngsook Lee *, The small molecule fenpropimorph rapidly converts chloroplast membrane lipids to triacylglycerols in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. (2015) Frontiers in Microbiology, Published online. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.00054

32. Kihye Shin, Sumin Lee, Won-Yong Song, Rin-A Lee, Inhye Lee, Kyungsun Ha, Ja-Choon Koo, Soonki Park, Hong-Gil Nam, Youngsook Lee, Moon-Soo Soh* Genetic identification of ACC-RESISTANT2 reveals involvement of LHT1 in the uptake of 1-aminocyclopropane carboxylic acid in Arabidopsis thaliana. (2014) Plant and Cell Physiology, doi: 10.1093/pcp/pcu201. Epub 2014 Dec 16

33. W.-Y. Song, T. Yamaki, N. Yamaji, D.H. Ko, K.-H. Jung, M. Fujii, G.H. An, E. Martinoia, Youngsook Lee *, and J. F. Ma*, A rice ABC transporter, OsABCC1, reduces arsenic accumulation in the grain. (214) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA, 111:15699-704 (*co-corresponding authors)

34. W.-Y. Song, J. Y. Park, C. Eisenach, M. Maeshima, Youngsook Lee, E. Martinoia, ABC transporters and heavy metals. (2014) In: Plant ABC Transporters, vol. 22: 1-17

35. Y. J. Choi, Youngsook Lee *, J. U. Hwang*, Aradidopsis ROP9 and ROP10 GTPases differentially regulate auxin and ABA responses. (2014) Jounal of Plant Biology. vol. 57:245-254 (*co-corresponding authors)

36. D.H. Ko, J.Y. Kang, T. Kiba, J. Y. Park, M. Kojima, J. Do, K. Y. Kim, M. Kwon, A. Endler, W.Y. Song, E. Martinoia, H. Sakakibara and Youngsook Lee*, Arabidopsis ABCG14 is essential for the root-to-shoot translocation of cytokinin. (2014) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA, 111: 7150-5

37. H. Choi, Y.-Y. Kim, K. Ohyama, S.- B. Lee, T. Muranaka, M.- C. Suh, S. Fujioka and Youngsook Lee *, Two Arabidopsis ATP-binding cassette transporters that deposit steryl glycoside on the pollen coat are important for pollen fitness. (2014) The Plant Cell, 26: 310-324

38. B. Burla, S. Pfrunder, R. Nagy, RM. Francisco, Youngsook Lee, E. Martinoia. Vacuolar Transport of Abscisic Acid Glucosyl Ester Is Mediated by ATP-Binding Cassette and Proton-Antiport Mechanisms in Arabidopsis. (2013) Plant Physiology, vol. 163:1446-58. doi: 10.1104/pp.113.222547

39. S. Kim, H. Kim, D. Ko, Y. Yamaoka, M. Otsuru, M. Kawai-Yamada, T. Ishikawa, H-M Oh, I. Nishida, Y. Li-Beisson, Youngsook Lee, Rapid Induction of Lipid Droplets in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Chlorella vulgaris by Brefeldin A. (2013) Plos One, 8:e81978

40. W.-Y. Song, D.G. Mendoza-Cózatl, Youngsook Lee, J.I. Schroeder, S.N. Ahn, H.S. Lee, T. Wicker, E. Martinoia, Phytochelatin-metal(loid) transport into vacuoles shows different substrate preferences in barley and Arabidopsis. (2013) Plant Cell Environment, doi: 10.1111/pce.12227

41. G. Bak, E.-J. Lee, Lee. Y, M . Kato, S. Segami, H. Sze, M . Maeshima, J.-U. Hwang, Youngsook Lee, Rapid Structural Changes and Acidification of Guard Cell Vacuoles during Stomatal Closure Require Phosphatidylinositol 3,5-Bisphosphate. (2013) Plant Cell, 25:2202-16. (SELECTED BY Faculty of 1000)

42. S. Kim, Y. Yamaoka, H. Ono, H. Kim, D. Shim, M. Maeshima, E. Martinoia, E. B. Cahoon, I. Nishida, and Youngsook Lee, ABCA9 transporter supplies fatty acids for lipid synthesis to the endoplasmic reticulum. (2013) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA, 110:773-8. (SELECTED BY Faculty of 1000)

43. D. Shim*, S. Kim*, Y.-I. Choi, W.-Y Song, J Park, E.- S Youk, S.-C. Jeong, E. Martinoia, E.-W. Noh and Youngsook Lee, Transgenic poplar trees expressing yeast cadmium factor 1 exhibit the characteristics necessary for the phytoremediation of mine tailing soil. (2013) Chemosphere, 90: 1478–1486

44. Y. Choi, Y. Lee, S.- Y. Kim, Youngsook Lee and J.-U. Hwang, Arabidopsis ROP-interactive CRIB motif-containing protein 1 (RIC1) positively regulates auxin signaling and negatively regulates ABA signaling during root development. (2012) Plant, Cell and Environment, 36(5):945-55

45. S. Alejandro, Youngsook Lee, T. Tohge, D. Sudre, S. Osorio, J. Park, L. Bovet, Y. Lee, N. Geldner, AR Fernie, E. Martinoia, AtABCG29 is a monolignol transporter involved in lignin biosynthesis. (2012) Curr Biol, 10;22(13):1207-12

46. T. Schneider, D.P. Persson, S. Husted, M. Schellenberg, P. Gehrig, Youngsook Lee, E. Martinoia, JK. Schjoerring, S. Meyer, A proteomics approach to investigate the process of Zn hyperaccumulation in Noccaea caerulescens (J & C. Presl) F.K.Meyer. (2012) The Plant Journal, 73(1):131-142

47. J. Park, W.-Y. Song, D.-H. Ko, Y.-J. Eom, H. Thomas, Hansen, M. Schiller, T.- G. Lee, E. Martinoia and Youngsook Lee, The phytochelatin transporters AtABCC1 and AtABCC2 mediate tolerance to cadmium and mercury. (2012) The Plant Journal, 69: 278-88

48. W.-Y. Song, K.-S. Choi, DA. Alexis, E. Martinoia, Youngsook Lee, Brassica juncea plant cadmium resistance 1 protein (BjPCR1) facilitates the radial transport of calcium in the root. (2011) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA, 108: 19808-19813

49. J. Kang, J. Park, H. Choi, B. Burla, T. Kretzschmar, Youngsook Lee and E. Martinoia, Plant ABC transporters, (2011) The Arabidopsis book 9: e0153

50. J.W. Hwang, B.W. Jeon, D.W. Hong, Youngsook Lee *, Active ROP2 GTPase inhibits ABA- and CO2-induced stomatal closure. (2011) Plant Cell & Environment, 34: 2172-2182

51. M. S. U. Bhuiyan, S.R. Min, W.J. Jeong, Sayeda Sultana, K.S. Choi, Youngsook Lee *, Jang R. Liu, Overexpression of AtATM3 in Brassica juncea confers enhanced heavy metal tolerance and accumulation. (2011) Plant Cell Tissue Organ Culture, 107: 69-77

52. Y. Yamaoka, Y. Yu, J. Mizoi, Y. Fujiki, K. Saito, M. Nishijima, Youngsook Lee * and I. Nishida, PHOSPHATIDYLSERINE SYNTHASE1 is required for microspore development in Arabidopsis thaliana. (2011) The Plant Journal, 67: 648-61

53. T. Kretzschmar, B. Burla, Youngsook Lee. E. Martinoia and R. Nagy, Functions of ABC transporters in plants. (2011) Essay in Biochemistry, 50: 145-60

54. W.-Y. Song, S. Hortensteiner, R. Tomioka, Youngsook Lee * and E. Martinoia, Common Functions or Only Phylogenetically Related? The Large Family of PLAC8 Motif-Containing/PCR Genes. (2011) Molecules and Cells, 31: 1-7

55. H. Choi, J.-Y. Jin, S. Choi, J.-U. Hwang, Y.-Y. Kim, M.- C. Suh and Youngsook Lee, An ABCG/WBC-type ABC transporter is essential for transport of sporopollenin precursors for exine formation in developing pollen. (2011) The Plant Journal, 65:181-93

56. W.-Y. Song, J. Park, D. G. Mendoza-Cózatl, M. Suter-Grotemeyer, D. Shim, S. Hörtensteiner, M. Geisler, B. Weder, P. A. Rea, D. Rentsch, J. I. Schroeder*, Youngsook Lee *, E. Martinoia*, Arsenic tolerance in Arabidopsis is mediated by two ABCC-type phytochelatin transporters. (2010) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA, 107: 21187-92 *co-corresponding authors

57. W.-Y. Song, K.- S. Choi, D.- Y. Kim, M. Geisler, J. Park, V. Vincenzetti, M. Schellenberg, S.- H. Kim, Y.- P. Lim, E.- W. Noh, Youngsook Lee*, Martinoia E.*, Arabidopsis PCR2 is a Zinc exporter involved in both Zinc extrusion and long-distance Zinc transport. (2010) The Plant Cell, 22: 2237-2252 *co-corresponding authors

58. D.-Y. Kim, J. Jin, E. Martinoia and Youngsook Lee, Overexpression of AtABCG36 improves drought, osmotic, and salt stress resistance in Arabidopsis. (2010) Physiologia Plantarum 139: 170-180

59. J. Kang, J.-U. Hwang, M. Lee, E. Martinoia and Youngsook Lee, A PDR-type ABC transporter mediates cellular uptake of the phytohormone abscisic acid. (2010) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA, 107: 2355-2360 (SELECTED BY Faculty of 1000)


  • 〈생물학 명강2〉[7] (공저, 해나무 출판사) 2015년 4월 ISBN 9788956057101


  1. “‘여성과학기술상’ 이영숙·김미선·이혜숙씨 선정”. 2020년 5월 26일에 확인함. 
  2. “한국로레알-유네스코 여성생명과학상에 이영숙 교수”. 2020년 5월 26일에 확인함. 
  3. “포스텍 이영숙교수팀 美국립과학원 최우수논문상”. 2020년 5월 26일에 확인함. 
  4. 수정: 2013.06.12 11:37, 입력: 2013 06 12 11:01 (2013년 6월 12일). “이영숙 포스텍 교수, 미국식물학회 커레스펀딩멤버십상”. 2020년 5월 26일에 확인함. 
  5. 이주영 (2018년 12월 13일). “한국과학상에 이탁희·이영숙, 한국공학상에 심태보·최원용”. 2020년 5월 26일에 확인함. 
  6. “삼성생명공익재단, 삼성행복대상 수상자 선정...여성창조상 이영숙 교수”. 2019년 8월 19일. 2020년 5월 26일에 확인함. 
  7. “» 한국분자·세포생물학회”. 2020년 5월 26일에 확인함.