본문으로 이동

윌리암 바클레이

위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.

윌리암 바클레이(William Barclay (1907년 12월 5일 - 1978년 1월 24일)는 스코틀랜드의 저자, 라디오, 텔레비전 출연자이며 목사이자 글래스고 대학교 신학부의 성경비평학 교수였다. 수많은 성경의 주석서를 썼다.


  • The New Daily Study Bible (17 volumes covering the entire New Testament)
  • Insights (Series currently extending to 8 titles)
  • The Apostles' Creed
  • The Parables of Jesus
  • The Ten Commandments
  • Flesh And Spirit: An Examination of Galatians 5:19–23
  • The Plain Man Looks at the Lord's Prayer
  • Discovering Jesus
  • At the Last Trumpet: Jesus Christ and the End of Time
  • The Mind of Jesus
  • The Mind of St. Paul
  • The Gospels and Acts: Matthew, Mark and Luke
  • The Gospels and Acts: John and Acts
  • A Spiritual Autobiography
  • The Plain Man Looks at the Beatitudes
  • A Beginner's Guide to the New Testament
  • God's Young Church
  • The Old Law and the New Law
  • And He Had Compassion: The Miracles of Jesus (Judson Press)
  • Good Tidings of Great Joy
  • Great Themes of the New Testament
  • Growing in Christian Faith
  • Letters to the Seven Churches
  • The Lord is My Shepherd
  • The Lord's Prayer
  • The Lord's Supper
  • The New Testament
  • New Testament Words
  • The Promise of the Spirit
  • The Ten Commandments
  • We Have Seen the Lord!
  • Many Witnesses, One Lord
  • Fishers of Men
  • Communicating the Gospel