YAGNI[1](You aren't gonna need it[2][3])는 프로그래머가 필요하다고 간주할 때까지 기능을 추가하지 않는 것이 좋다는 익스트림 프로그래밍(XP)의 원칙이다.[4] 익스트림 프로그래밍의 공동 설립자 론 제프리스는 다음과 같이 썼다: "실제로 필요할 때 무조건 구현하되, 그저 필요할 것이라고 예상할 때에는 절대 구현하지 말라."[5] "You aren't going to need it"[6][7]와 "You ain't gonna need it"의 준말로도 인용된다.[8]
[편집]YAGNI는 DTSTTCPW(동작이 가능한 가장 단순한 것을 하라, do the simplest thing that could possibly work)는 XP 원칙에 기반한 원칙이다.[3][1]
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[편집]- ↑ 가 나 Object-oriented & classical software engineering, Stephen R. Schach, 2007, 618 pages, p., webpage: Book-Google-hWwh, quote: "Two acronyms now associated with extreme programming are YAGNI (you aren't gonna need it) and DTSTTCPW (do the simplest thing that could possibly work)."
- ↑ Extreme Programming Installed, Ronald E. Jeffries, Ann Anderson, Chet Hendrickson, 2001, 265 pages, p. 190, webpage: Books-Google-dIsC, quote: "YAGNI: 'You Aren't Gonna Need It.' This slogan, one of XP's most famous..., reminds us always to work on the story we have, not something we think we're going to need."
- ↑ 가 나 Extreme Programming examined, Giancarlo Succi, Michele Marchesi, 2001, 569 pages, webpage: Books-Google-VSCh, quote: "XP says 'do the simplest thing that could possibly work ' because 'you aren't gonna need it'."
- ↑ Lowell Lindstrom; Carmen Zannier; Erdogmus, Hakan, 편집. (2004). 《Extreme Programming and Agile Methods – XP/Agile Universe 2004: 4th Conference on Extreme Programming and Agile Methods》. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin: Springer. 121쪽. ISBN 3-540-22839-X.
- ↑ Ron Jeffries (1998년 4월 4일). “You're NOT gonna need it!”. 2007년 11월 7일에 확인함.
- ↑ Martin Fowler; Kent Beck (8 July 1999). Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code. Addison-Wesley Professional, 431 pages, p. 68, webpage: BGoogle-1M. ISBN 978-0201485677. Quote: "you aren't going to need it".
- ↑ Mary Poppendieck; Tom Poppendieck (2003). Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit, p.59, webpage: BGoogle-hQ. Quote: "Kent Beck, Extreme Programming Explained, Chapter 17, uses the acronym YAGNI (You Aren't Going to Need It) for this practice and explains its rationale."
- ↑ Russ Olsen (2007). Design Patterns in Ruby, p.13, webpage: [1]. ISBN 9780321490452. Quote: "This design principle comes out of the Extreme Programmingworld and is elegantly summed up by the phrase You Ain't Gonna Need It (YAGNIfor short)."